Tuesday, October 20, 2009

13th bullet – escape route?

13th bullet – escape route?

Natsume’s head was working like mad while reiko was still regretting her mistakes. They could enter the room by going through the window but no one was here to carry them over so only reiko could exit if he carried her through. It was too tall for him to jump onto. Then suddenly, the speaker cracked and Suzuki sensei came through.
“THERES A WAY OUT OF THAT ROOM. GE-“ and the speaker cracks too much for natsume to make out the rest. Not to mention, the crackling continued forever. In his mind, he replied while rolling his eyes, “that really helped. Sensei. REALLY.” Focusing his thoughts on his situation while he desperately tried to ignore the crackling, natsume looks around the room. 6-sided White walls, carpeted floor, the blasted (in both meanings literally and emotionally) speaker on the floor, a carpeted…ROOF?! Why on earth is there a roof with a CARPET?! This is madness =.= looking at the carpet, natsume realized this room itself was made to look upside down! Windows are normally nearer the ground than this and speakers where usually near ceilings! Underground, upside down… that guy must really wanted to be DX’s opposite! Only that he doesn’t write from right to left or talk backwards. If the room was opposite, the door should be opposite too. But if the door was up there, how on earth is natsume supposed to get both of them out of here? In a dilemma, he almost lets out something similar to a war cry but not before stopping himself when reiko used her bare fists to bash the crackling speaker up, introducing some well needed silence. Both of them thinking straight but on different topics, natsume took in his surroundings once again while reiko began to internally throw curses at herself. Ventilation holes are usually on the ceiling. In this context, it was right below natsume =.= upset with himself for being slow, he dragged himself off the ventilation cover, pulled the cover off, and dropped himself in without waiting for, or telling reiko. Reiko was in an irritable mood and grew even more irritable when natsume found an exit faster than her. She took the lead without a word, walking through the ventilation tunnel. Once again, natsume racks his brain for answers as he takes a look at his surroundings. The ventilation hole led them even more underground so they should be looking for a way UP. The place was really dark and unlike the usual small ventilator tunnels, this one was large enough to stand in. Reiko walked leftwards from the upside down room based on instinct, while natsume half wished there would be a dead end or a lift or something but they soon came upon a 3 road split. Having four options including turning back to go rightwards, natsume took out 3 coins and dropped them one by one into the tunnels to hear which one was the deepest as reiko nodded her head in agreement to his actions. The first one seemed to be the shortest so they took their chances and went in. True enough it was short but that was because there was a turn. Not because there was an exit. Not very disappointed since both of them kinda expected this, they were more disappointed by the fact that they had walked into another room. Only that this time, the room was SIDEWAYS. Both of them had just walked through its ventilator o.o feeling very queer about the whole construction of this underground building or rabbit hole, natsume decides to open the door that leads upwards even though in truth it was the ceiling o.o surprisingly, the ceiling was low enough for him to jump out of the room. First supporting a really heavy reiko over the door, he jumps up and crawls out without help from reiko who was pretty uncaring at the moment. Cursing and swearing mentally about how reiko could turn from someone who just helped her, he continues following her towards the direction he thinks reiko’s instincts told her to go. Actually, there was only one direction =.=

Suddenly, ringing sounded from reiko. Natsume turned to search reiko but reiko answered a phone. SHE HAD A PHONE?! Thought natsume.
“Hey kumo. Can you track where we are?” reiko enquired
“No, where ever you are has horrid reception. Best I could do was call through the walkie-talkie that surprisingly connects quite well.”
Reiko suddenly showed a pained expression which shocks natsume but recovers the next split second and calmly gives kumo a set of instructions on how to keep the club members entertained without her and natsume. In addition, she didn’t just give some lame reason why natsume and her weren’t around. She thought of a proper and feasible reason which was how natsume lost to her in a table tennis match and was obliged to follow her to a nearby shop to carry things for reiko. Though natsume didn’t like the idea, it was much better than his lame idea of feigning sickness at the same time =.= reiko continues to take the lead and even at twists or turns she seemed to know where she was going so natsume just followed quietly. After what seemed like hours but actually only a few minutes, reiko tells natsume, “break this wall.” Obeying orders like natsume usually did, he banged against the wall a few times and didn’t believe walls were so easy to break but it did. Reiko walked through the hole natsume made so natsume followed but a rock fell on his shoulder when he went through. Reiko didn’t seem to realize that natsume was glaring at her for being lucky to get through without any falling debris. All she did was stare at the room they had entered. It was filled with orange grenades…
“WHUT THE?” shouted natsume when he noticed the orange grenades.
“That guy really has no sense of what the word opposite means.” Comments reiko.
“Green and orange. That guy must have been thinking of oranges =.= what a dope.” Comments natsume.
Having voiced their views, they continued down the lane filled with massive amounts of orange grenades. Surprising natsume, reiko took 5 orange grenades along the way. Using all five fingers of one hand she unplugged them and threw them along the corridor which created a chain effect and all the grenades started exploding and releasing orange smoke, instead of causing damage. The smoke seemed to have a chemical reaction like effect of some sort changing the whole scenery. Reiko told natsume, “did you realize the lame code hidden in all the places you went through?” and without waiting for natsume to answer she continued, “guess not. The walls were inscribed with many directions as to where to go to what. And this, is one of the entrances to the control room.