Sunday, January 3, 2010

14th bullet – not much of an escape

14th bullet – not much of an escape

In truth, the real reason why reiko knew about the codes inscribed in the walls was because DX had them as well. Only that they were harder to crack and only found in certain Labyrinths. Quite upset with herself and wanting to appear even bossier and smart a Lecky than usual, she decided to boast lol. Natsume shut up since he didn’t like what he just heard hahahaha. The scene changed. The walls changed. Everything changed! True enough it was a control room but it was empty. Fiddling around with the controls as if she knew how to work the whole thing, reiko indeed knew how to work the whole station. Starting from switching on the lights to switching on the system and using it. She opened up maps and managed to get an escape route that didn’t seem very far away…Natsume busied himself with gathering amo and some GREEN grenades.
“we’re about 200 metres away from a lift that I hope is an exit but…” starts reiko.
“that’s near! But what?” replied natsume. Then reiko realized that natsume had gathered grenades, amo and even weapons and quickly changed her mind saying, “nothing. Lets go!”
Natsume didn’t really understand much but actually, because the path to the lift twisted through many other passages, reiko wanted to blow up the walls blocking them. Natsume had instinctively answered to her unsaid commands by gathering grenades to blow down the walls. He didn’t even think it was strange to find grenades and weapons in a control room although reiko thought that he did. After all, she did. Forcefully snatching a revolver and some grenades from natsume, she runs back to where they came from.
“Its backwards? There should be hidden codes that lead to exits. Not to control rooms. It’d make our lives much easier.” Natsume commented and almost made reiko trip over her kimono. WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?! She wondered as she continued running. Silently inhaling a curse, she dashes off even faster, elongating the gap between natsume and her.
“Whats the hurry?” thinks natsume just as a grenade goes off not far away. “REIKO?!” shouts natsume just as reiko appears from some smoke coughing, “I’m alright idiot! I’m the one who set it off! Come on and hurry up!” After blowing up a few walls and reiko walking out of more smoke each time to natsume’s relief, they reach a… broken down lift.
“Sharks,” thinks reiko and says natsume. “Let’s climb!” commands reiko and natsume replies with his face holding an aghast expression. Suddenly reiko smirks and whips out some weird looking equipment that natsume has never seen in his life but he catches it when she throws it and follows her example of… climbing. She blasted the lift’s door plus roof using a grenade, hung the gun over her torso and started climbing up the strings attached to the lift. “This is gonna take us hours!” natsume quietly says to himself. True enough it did take hours. They were so intent on climbing that they didn’t realize though. Both were on the verge of no. they were way past their limits of stamina and were trying to take their minds off the pull of their muscles. Climbing using sheer will power, panting like crazy, they continued hoping no one would realize they were there. True enough though no one did. Even I have lost track of time they took to climb up to the earth’s surface so eventually they reach the top. Reiko ties a string she pulls out from her kimono to the pin of a grenade before attaching (don’t ask me how) it to the door that leads out of the lift area. She then slides down a little but still ends up hitting natsume. “OUCH” spouts out from natsume’s mouth. The shock makes reiko pull the string a little too fast before she could give the SLIDE DOWN order and the grenade detonates. The sound of the explosion was magnified in that enclosed area but that’s not the concern. The problem is that those two were just a little more than 5 metres away from the explosion and so they would be caught up in it if not for the fact that natsume slid down after pulling reiko away from the wires they were climbing. Reiko mumbled a thanks but it was too early to be relieved because a very tired natsume was holding on to wires for his dear life and carrying reiko for her dear life. If reiko didn’t slide down even further and relieve natsume from her weight they might have fallen to their deaths. So close to death they came that both would race up to the sunlight if only there were two wires. When they reached the top, they allowed their weariness to take over their minds. Natsume suddenly started laughing which made reiko think he was laughing at her but actually, natsume was laughing at the state of their rented clothes. The friction from the wire had torn much of the cloth and reiko would have to pay for it. Well, it seems that the enemy finally did come to know their whereabouts so they didn’t have much time of relief. Reiko regained composure and ran to some cars on the side of the street, but not wanting to alarm the whole neighbourhood or pay for something so expensive, she plucked out a few wires from a motorbike that seemed pretty expensive to natsume and fiddled with them. From biting to tying, she got the bike working just as a car was coming after them, natsume jumped on behind reiko and they drove off. Just before they were to make a sharp turn, natsume commented, “it’s a good thing you’re yukata is in a mess.” “why on earth would you say that?!” replied a very pissed off reiko. “Then you can ride the bike. Imagine me without a license because your legs cant separate over the bike’s seat! That would be catastrophe!” “Just shut up and hold on to me!” replies reiko as she brings the bike less than half a meter above the ground and natsume cuts off his yell while digging his head into reiko’s back, his hands squishing the breath out of reiko. “LET GO NATSUME!” “oh sorry sorry! Uhh… is it over yet? D=” “NO! HOLD ON BUT NOT SO TIGHT!!” well the conversation went around that line ^^.


haha. that took me long sigh... now im gonna write 15... even though... tmr is school... start... day... GAH. sigh =.= im just glad camp is not the first day of school. dont have to pack so fast. but the bad thing is... nah. i wont say it. i'll just say that i hope the teachers forget they ever gave us something called holiday homework that shouldnt exist since its a HOLIDAY...