Saturday, October 5, 2013

Souls vs Blood 16

Souls vs Blood 16

"News Headline: "This is reporter Samantha reporting live from Hurricane Mall. A fight had broken out this afternoon in Hurricane Mall. Two separate groups clashed, causing significant damage and chaos. The most extraordinary thing is occurring at this very moment. Supernatural..."

After quite a long span of silence, Alice decided to switch the television on and it was the news. The word supernatural pricked Rebecca's ears. She came out to watch. It wasn't good. casualties were reported and the worst part was that all three of them could recognise people that were captured on the screen.

Alice shot up from the sofa, "James!"
Harold who had gotten up from his corner at the word supernatural now saw a few soul suckers he recognised as well. Rebecca swiftly changed to appropriate attire, then moved and tapped Harold on the shoulder, "I'll go clear that mess up. Keep her here." But before Harold could do a thing, Alice was out of the house right after Rebecca. You see, she had just seen James being hit by a soul beam. Harold couldn't grab hold of her, so all he did was run a safe 2 meters behind her, whilst swearing at his incapability. Rebecca had disappeared with her car.

Whatever was broadcast was too late to save but Rebecca could at least stop the fight and perhaps, make the scene a little more realistic to the human race than what it is. With a little warping she was there in less than a minute. Keeping her presence as hidden as possible, she quickly approached the eye of the storm. Both the group of vampires and the group of soul suckers were completely angered out of they're minds and altogether ignored the media. Most of the humans had been evacuated, but they were gathering at what they thought was a safe distance away, taking photos and videos as if something interesting was happening. There were corpses strewn about the place. About ten. Rebecca quickly injected blood and inflicted wounds on them, using some soul she had collected from the curious crowd while sneaking in to blur the effect of time of the bodies so it would seem they were hurt before they died rather than after. After taking care of that, she... put on make up. Yeap, you read correctly. Not only that, she used a little more soul to transform her body so she was taller, older, and her clothes stretched with the growth so she looked out of this world. I guess that's why she changed before coming here. Unwrapping a lollipop she pulled out from some inner pocket, she puts it in her mouth, stands up, and struts right in the middle of the flying bolts and projected air pressure punches. Both groups being made up of guys were a little startled. Or maybe very startled. The camera zoomed in to her. Just before her face could be captured clearly she puts on a pair of huge sunglasses, blocking her eyes and making sure she wouldn't be recognised. Well, she couldn't allow the soul suckers or vampires to be captured by the police, or they'd probably let the whole human world know of the existence of the two hidden races. Also, she couldn't let them continue their rampage or they'd be found out anyway. So she decided to take the attention away from the boys just a little while and make sure the two groups disappeared from the human world. It would be especially bad if people recognised James since he literally lived here. For James case she did a little something special. As Rebecca walked between the two groups, she took out a lipstick from her inner breast pocket and sensually applied it on her lips. She then walked straight towards James, blocking his face from all the cameras and phones, then bent down and kissed his forehead. The lipstick wasn't just any lipstick. It was one with a spell cast on it. The lipstick immediately spread all over James' face, creating the illusion of another face over his so he wouldn't be recognisable. Especially since most of the camera's were already facing him, when Rebecca stepped back from him, she showed the world it wasn't James but someone else. Then, before the guys got over their shock, she lined them up, stood between the two races, linked her arms over their shoulders, and with a little more than just will power, got them to walk away from the crowd. Just then, police sirens could be heard. Goodness, the police were later than the media? Well, truth be told, there are mice in the police, both vamps and soul suckers. So they were holding the report back. But there wasn't someone to stop the news station reporter that was just driving past after filming and interview. There also wasn't anyone to stop the reporter from calling for a live broadcast. Ambulances came, but there were no injured. Only casualties. Rebecca smoke bombed the place and warped the whole group away just as the first policeman step out of his car.

Rebecca warped them all to a field far away from civilisation. As she warped she changed back to her normal form and James' face turned back to normal. She bound each boy to the ground with a little help from Mashup, it sprinkled rope forming essence on their limbs and hammered the ropes to the ground in a jiffy with just huffing and puffing a magic little hammer and baby nails that inflated when put to use. Rebecca started her lecture.
"YOU IDIOTS! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! ..." This went on for more than an hour. Fortunately or unfortunately, the groups making a racket were all about James' age so Rebecca was a senior. Both sides were bewildered and just listened while whimpering, though all a little disappointed that Rebecca wasn't as sexy as she was before. James simply bowed his head, staring straight through the blades of grass. Somehow, the media was controlled and the incident was reported as a gang fight while any supernatural looking clips were eventually deleted where ever possible. This was of course, the work of undercover vampires and soul suckers who were for once working together. Rebecca warped the two groups to their respective portals and they no doubt received punishment fit for their crime. Both races had laws that restricted violence between them in the human world. Though it usually happened unpunished due to some unspoken agreement, this time, they did so out in the open. They wouldn't be praised, that's for sure. Homo sapiens are the only source of livelihood for these races. They couldn't kill them, and neither could they openly ask for blood and soul. Status quo was the safest and both races acknowledged that. The moment she appeared with the bunch, reinforcements were already out and ready to collect them. Once they had learnt who she was, both sides thanked her grudgingly. Obviously, Rebecca thoroughly enjoyed the treatment. The case would later be wrapped up as unsolved, and though some detective did spot a little difference in James' face, the camera footages gathered would be too blur to confirm anything, and the supernatural occurrences would be beyond deduction, so the higher ups were quick to close everything. The families who suffered losses would never knew who to hate or who to take revenge on, which could be a blessing in disguise, not letting the amount of hate in the world grow.

Apparently, Hurricane mall had a gaming event that day, and both groups were there for human entertainment rather than for hunting, but they happened to notice each other and after some dumb provocations both sides lost all form of reason and fought, drawing whatever they needed from the humans they could get their hands on. Witnesses? None. Those that were close enough to have witnessed anything were killed. CCTVs? Rebecca got rid of the tapes asap by ordering Mashup to the control room while she strutted in front of the crowd. Actually, she told Mashup to "have fun" in the control room so Mashup had wreaked everything. Even the hard disks and the screens. The CCTV's themselves were already destroyed by the tumult that was happening. The mess was solved.

While Rebecca was busy rattling at the boys and yelling at them for killing humans, as well as blaming them for giving her work to do, Alice finally did reach Hurricane Mall. By that time the police were already giving up hope of finding any evidence pointing towards the perpetrators. Obviously, the area had been barricaded off and from the various gossiping going about, Alice learnt that everyone involved had disappeared. At first she was relieved, that James had not yet been captured at least. Then she remembered the casualties. And also the possible injury James was suffering from. Then she started worrying again, pacing aimlessly. Harold simply followed her from behind. After quite some time, Alice finally walks into a shop to sit down and think a little. Harold runs his fingers through his hair and sighs before following her in and sitting opposite her. Finally she had stopped moving about. He didn't have money on him, or he would have bought her a drink. She had ran out without anything, phone or wallet. So they sat there in silence, Harold sneaking worried glances towards Alice and Alice with her hands clasped tightly together and her legs occasionally shaking in distress.

In the world of soul suckers and above the clouds, "Jar, send some pigeons down to find out about the incident won't you?" Granny Squavox had a frown on her face and her eyebrows were brought together. Completely not in the mood for jokes, she wanted to interrogate the group and punish them personally but she knew she shouldn't. "Oh weak and good-for-nothing Harold. The boy I treated like my own grand son so useless at a time like this! Isn't it obvious the girl's mind has completely gone to the vampire now!?! Oh how can I help the poor boy!" Granny Squavox was up from her comfy seat, pacing in front of the 180 degrees screen that barely showed any movement except in the background and the occasional shaking of Alice's legs from her view under the coffee table. Harold's pocket was there you see. But the mic wasn't picking up their voices, so it was obvious they were silent. Granny Squavox hoped Harold would speak up but he didn't see to be planning to. Her camera was so still she wondered if he was even breathing. Well, of course she knew he was, it was just... a figure of speech, the way she thought... you know?

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