Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st bullet - bullet proof no more

1st bullet - bullet proof no more

synopsis- once again the transfer student story! unlike ouran, no harem, no gender bending. A story with bullets enough to penetrate ur heart and mind [when u write it at least]. enough of my nonsencical boredom, get ur fill of secret missions.

a new story, a new format dx get used to it wont yah? >_<

-...- are for thoughts
"..." are for speech
[...] for unspecific things tat dun fit in either category x=...

-the start of a year, another beginning, its boring. I can predict the rest of my life; hw, school, top grades, nothing new ever happens. History just repeats itself. I wonder how those people can smile and laugh everyday. Sure I'm pretty. But looking into the mirror at that same bored looking face? I'm tired.- this is whut saiyonji reiko first thought as she stepped out of her black limo, all eyes fixed on her. She was filthy rich and had everthing she wanted except... fun. a word familiar that people use daily yet foreign to this rich girl. She is anti-social as most people around her befriend her for money, fame or ego. she thinks -life is so boring. Good wealth and beauty ruined my life yet everyone wants it. year two starts with classes and homework. It'll be another long year.-

In class, the teacher enters the class room and announces "class, this year we have a transfer student! he moved here because of certain family reasons so treat him well even though he's new okay?"
The class all shout a resounding "yes!!" except reiko who couldnt be bothered by another student.
the teacher calls "natsume! you may come in now."
a boy with thick black hair dropping at shoulders came in and stammered "uhh... hullo natsume, nice meeting u all [smiles]"
the class starts to rumble with comments flying from one corner of the class to another. the girls went gah but the guys were quite upset at their new rival. Thankfully, the teacher bangs the table to regain attention from the class and barks,"QUIETEN DOWN!"
At this moment, reiko thinks to herself -another boring person. keh. nothing interesting at all. He's probably gonna be one of those quiet anti-social peeps looking at the way he stammers-
the only vacant seat in the class was beside reiko and so natsume was allocated to that seat. natsume smiles as he walks to his seat and says,"nice tah meet yah! I'm natsume, looking forward to being friends with yah!"
now, reiko gets irritated as she thinks her peace would be ruined with someone sitting beside her and so she rolls her eyes -im never gonna be ur friend so just go away-. without even looking at him, she replies an empty "ah" in her irritation, she starts to find the squealing girls irritating to and so she turns around and shouts,"OI CAN YOU GIRLS JUST..." she continues softly, "shush up?" [in total shock]
breaking the silence, natsume asks, "is something wrong?"
reiko stupidly replies,"no-nothing" as she turns her head to face downwards at her lap -maybe...its not so boring anymore...- [smiles]
[I suddenly notice I didn't fill in a blank here. she thinks it isn't boring cos natsume was cute. ^_^ a bit out of her character here... but well, when the first main is involved, characters often change. so whatever =D]
much to everyone's surprise, natsume exclaims "nice smile yah got there!"
the class gasps as they had nv seen reiko smile before... or rather she was known as a really cold person that rarely smiled to those that only knew her by name and face... but her smile immediately dissapears as she glared straight at natsume.
"you did not see that"
"whutever you say missy" [shrugs] was natsume's calm reply.
reiko got up from her seat and left the classroom banging the door open and closing it so hard it opened again and stayed ajar. Natsume blinks in shock and gets a comment from the guy sitting in front of him who was currently leaning back on two legs of the chair, "scary duncha think?" natsume could only nod and stare at the door left ajar. The teacher sighs as she closes the door and commands to commence with lessons.

thats all for bullet proof no more! if yah noe why thats the title, tag the answer dx

im gonna write a song after the exams...
title- i wanna see you

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