Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ok... this might sound weird but i had a REALLY CRAZY DREAM LAST NIGHT AND it was basically me bout me watching anime. then somewhere somehow i became PART of the anime...well, the main character was so hot... but its a girl. and... she looks like a guy alot of the time o.o so i think the gender blending is getting to me but ANYWAY... my snippets i shall record here ^^ they are not in chronological order cause i cant rmb for the LIFE of me! OH AND SOME OF IT IS MY OWN THOUGHTS BUT I CANT TELL THE DIFF BETWEEN THE TWO...

started of with one girl one boy very young young... girl had purple hair was lying beside a table (bit like my house low dining table) on her tummy reading something. her legs went up down up down kinda thing. the guy was... kinda weird. he came rushin in with his soccer ball and shouted at the girl WE WON! or something like tat and her smile made him blush and stuff...

the boy remains the same. brown short hair. the girl now is a boy with brown short AND SPIKEY hair. they are wearing some school soccer team thing i think. they were playing and SHE scored a goal. then in slow mo focus on the face with the sweat and everything the HE tot tat... -i neu it frm the start tat she was the one for me- SO CLICHE!!!

then HER mother was helping ME with hw. CHINESE somemore =.=

mother ask me come see something and show me a plastic bag full of COKE PENS. LITERALLY THE PENS WERE UBER LONG AND FILLED WITH COKE. she said tat i could enjoy them if i finished all the drinks o.o i water monster ah? den i was like clicking them and saying wow... if i brought this too school everyone would stare o.o

then old old one alsho hav.... the HE was at some party in a TUX. A WHITE TUX. crazy! but the garden was HUGE. VERY BIG. grass everywhere! then he was lookin for SHE but the cant see HER then got one circle with choc fondue and milk and OH MI GAH SHO MANY NICE BROWN AND WHITE THINGS! but when he steal some the guy there hit him. they noe each other some how... and he just laugh and run off. then the guy look at the stolen part and sigh cos he now need replace it. so terrible.

in HER rm at night vry vry dark. then he stood up and his wig fell and show he got black not purple hair lol. vry vry vry nice lookin. i wan die sia. OH MI GAH. she looked like a guy here i duno why. OH MI GAH OH MI GAH SHO NICE !!!!! then duno whut happen i think the HE go and remove the wig then she plopped down against the wall and shiver. then slowly show frm left to the right show her eyes in shock and she is trembling. then rite, the he ask her whut whut whuts wrong. den hor... he went down towards her and then up and kissy her then my mind went blank.

this one i KNOW its my own imagination not the dream. in school as new students acting all chummy as two guys and getting confused on who is she and who is he. =.= sho baka.

ok... seems like ive forgotten more than half of the original sadly to say. =.= it was sho darn long. took me the WHOLE night to dream it out and its almost HALF GONE! but still.... mi thanks lordy for showing it to me anyway ^^ dx

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