Wednesday, September 16, 2009

12th bullet – WHUT WAS THAT FOR?!

sry but chapter 12 is totally not acceptable so i have decided to change it. ehh. i doubt it matters cos no body reads anyway lol.

12th bullet – WHUT WAS THAT FOR?!

Of course reiko gets hurled out along with natsume and shouts “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”
Natsume bursts out laughing for some reason and reiko looks at him as if he had gone mad.
“SHOVE IT” shouts the man, ending natsume’s laughter streak although in truth it was still there its just that he was trying to hide it… They were shoved into a lift of a super short building and surprisingly, they were not blindfolded as they reached a much lower level.
“nice view.” Natsume comments as he glances out of the glass lift.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” Reiko winces as she looks out.
“you’re afraid of metal chains?” natsume enquires.
“LIKE REAL!” reiko shout whispers back.
“SHUT UP” yells the guy with the machine gun.
“why don’t you just take him out baka natsume?” reiko whispers.
“aren’t you interested in whats gonna happen next?” was his reply.
Reiko rolls her eyes as the doors open and gets pushed out of the half opened lift door. Wishing she was in the proper attire, she stands up from her fall. Natsume didn’t fall down and didn’t lend her a helping hand either. Pissed off, she let herself get pushed along into a room with no door but one window which they are thrown through.
“ouuuuuch….” Natsume and reiko both wincing at their buises.
“I will never understand how your mind works natsume.”
“I don’t need you too.”
“WELCOME” boomed a male voice from the corner of the room.
“nobody’s there o.o”
“LOOK ON THE FLOOR YOU DOPE!” reiko half shouts, pointing at a speaker.
“very clever girlie. Wont you tell me your name?” booms the voice again.
“why should i?” reiko rebels.
“yea why should she?” natsume stupidly repeats.
“STAY OUT OF THIS NATSUME” the voice of a woman shouts and bursts the ears of them both.
“ouuuuuuch….” Natsume and reiko say once again.
“sorry for the interruption!” the male voice returns, “we have got some… business with you natsume kun.”
“don’t answer him natsume” reiko quickly interrupts before natsume could even open his mouth. “You’ve got business with him but you kidnapped me as well! WHY?”
“I know who you are young missy. And if you know your place you had better keep quiet while you still can.” Booms the voice.
Reiko does not know what to say so natsume decides to ignore her advice.
“What business do you want with me?”
“More of HAVE than WANT as this ‘business’ is something that cannot be avoided…”
“GET TO THE POINT” natsume gets a bit irritated because this guy made reiko lost for words which is something he hasn’t really done yet.
“oh my. Finally getting a little bit on the impatient side aye? Don’t worry. You will have ample time in this place.”
“WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?” natsume starts booming himself.
“OH! Ive forgotten to introduce myself!” he chuckles before continuing, “my name is, [XD]”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” the woman’s voice returns in a scream so loud the speaker emitted smoke.
“some voice she has that lady” natsume comments while rubbing his ears.
“I agree. Anyway, that guy must be mad. XD is the opposite of DX. Someone opposing us then? How come I don’t know about it?” reiko questions.
“You must be just that powerful to know everything about DX aren’t you?”
“You could say so.”
“YOU DON’T KNOW ME?!” XD returns.
“no I don’t.” reiko replies nonchalantly.
“why?” natsume asks.
“my dad?” natsume stares blankly at the speaker and then turns to reiko who desperately thinks of someway to keep natsume ignorant of her identity.
“so you do know me!”
“No I don’t. all I know is that there is this weird guy sending letters to us that don’t really make much sense and have many heart shapes on pink paper.”
“that’s me!”
“who on earth would believe those stuff? We thought it was crap!” reiko curses herself for letting out more information than she ever wanted to.
“DX uses red paper with crosses everywhere so all I did was use the opposite!” exclaimed the man.
“crosses? You mean ONE cross? Not to mention the opposite a cross would be a circle or a tick!” reiko retorts
“HEY QUIT IT! DID THIS GUY KIDNAP YOU OR DID HE KIDNAP ME?!” natsume suddenly shouts in the midst of it all.
“I kidnapped you IN ORDER TO KIDNAP HER!” the man boomed back.
“THAT’S WHY I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF IT STUPID NATSUME!” shouted the woman’s voice.
“wait a minute… I know who you are! Suzuki sensei!!” natsume suddenly realizes.
“SUZUKI SENSEI?!” reiko repeats.
“STAY OUT OF THIS! We wanted DX to recognize our organization so we did many things but YOU NEVER DID REALISE ANYTHING. So I decided to KIDNAP DX’S ONLY DAUGHTER!! ARENT I CLEVER!”
“you…. You’re DX’s daughter?” natsume suddenly pops in a question again.
Reiko tries to think of something to keep her identity in but she fails. Natsume suddenly turns away from her and stares at the floor. Reiko starts to freak out and tears because she has failed her father. She wants to scream but decided against it and SCREAMED. She broke the microphone that sent their voices to the guy that calls himself XD and Suzuki sensei as well as almost burst natsume’s ear drums.
“now that is what I call POWER!” natsume whispers as he rubs his ears for the he forgot how many times.
“YEA I AM. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!” reiko shouts back to him.
“no! no problem at all!” natsume replied obviously quite shocked. Then after finally snapping his view away from reiko, as he turned to look away, he thought he saw a tear fall from her face but decided it was not possible. On impulse or instinct of wanting to protect a girl, he went to hug her but the reply he got from this sweet action was, “get your sweaty self off me.”
“sure thing missy” natsume replied sarcastically as he reluctantly removed his arms from reiko.


i cant believe i was so cute when i was young =.= cant get myself outt amy own head. what a useless person i am!!

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