Tuesday, September 8, 2009

11th bullet – Cliché but FESTIVAL!

im running out of gas writting these stuff man!

Chapter 11 – Cliché but FESTIVAL!

Reiko ceremoniously knocks on the sliding door before sliding it open to a sleeping natsume. She stealthily walked over to natsume and wanted to pull the kicked blanket back over natsume but natsume woke up instead. Just as reiko tugged the blanket, natsume sat up and so resulting in a blanket ghost natsume. Reiko bursts out in laughter at the state of natsume’s hair when natsume pulled the blanket off his head. Being the first time hearing reiko laughing, natsume stared and glared at the sight of reiko roaring with laughter rolling on the floor. Finally realising she had done something weird, reiko immediately returns to her empty expressionless face and coughs before saying, “Please forget I just did that.”
Natsume felt naughty so he replied a naughty reply xD “only if you blush and ask me again.”
Reiko throws the blanket over natsume, “don’t push your luck!”
But when he took the blanket off with an idiotic face and messed up hair, reiko couldn’t help but laugh like crazy again. This made natsume want to learn how to get reiko to laugh. Unconsciously, he noted in his mind that messy hair and weird faces make reiko laugh.
During dinner, natsume was bombarded with worried glances as well as questions about whether he was feeling alright. Glancing towards reiko for help, reiko conveniently ignored him and continued cooking at the barbeque pit. Sena on the other hand was for once being clever by pushing the crowd away using the excuse of “don’t ask a sick person so many questions!”
Soon enough, the club members got back to their positions and started sitting down or handing out and distributing food and dinks. Natsume got drinks from many worried girls and he got served plates upon plates of food from worried guys. His table was piled with food meant for him so in the end, that table had no reason to move from their seats as all the food and drinks they wanted could be found x=. Anyway, after the barbeque, everyone went to the baths before sleeping. Of course, this BEFORE SLEEPING time was the time reiko and natsume were thinking about what each other told the other and what each other did. Reiko was regretting laughing. Natsume was regretting crying. But all in all they were happy they did what they did so they fell into a happy sleep.
For once, training went wonderfully. Saya was STILL STUCK in the training room cause she was not concentrating on archery but on natsume instead. Natsume was hitting bullseyes every shot and so was reiko. Finally after the morning practice was over, they had lunch made by the innkeeper. Then after resting they went for stamina training and all sorts of different activities as usual. Only this time, instead of stopping activities at 6pm, reiko stopped it at 4! The club members were kinda shocked as reiko wasn’t the nice type that gave freetime in the middle of practice. They were right, reiko wasn’t giving them freetime. Reiko was persuading people that didn’t need to be persuaded into going to the summer festival nearby! They were even more excited when reiko announced that she had already rented yukata’s for the club members to wear! When she ever got their measurements one would never know but in truth, all she did was hack into the school’s soft copy of students’ medical information which contains their measurements too…naughty naughty…
The club members obviously went to wash their perspiration off themselves before getting into their yukata’s which came in a full set with matching clogs and even pouches and hairpins. After the girls took a humongous time tying their strings, ropes, ribbons and clothes, and the guys simply threw on their yukata’s, the cliques and couples gathered again. With cliques throwing teases at couples and couples fighting for their freedom, reiko checked with all of them and made sure they all had their necklaces on. Natsume was stuck with the same group as saya obviously dragged him along again :P
“LETS GO!!!!” shrieks saya happily
“get your arms off natsume and we’ll go.” Was sakura’s straight reply with a frown at saya and a smile at reiko.
Reiko wondered why sakura said that and smiled at her so she deduced that sakura thought she was in love with natsume and there fore, she said, “oh don’t worry about what sakura said saya. Just keep holding on to natsume if you want.”
Natsume felt a pang inside but he didn’t really know why so he just forced a smile at saya and said, “yea. Do as you want saya!”
Really happy at receiving a smile from natsume, saya clings onto him for a very long time as they walk to the temple just a little more up the hill.
Sakura and reiko have their gossip discussions with sakura bit suspicious of reiko’s action while saya rants on and off as if trying to start a conversation and failing (which is true but she refused to admit =.=) natsume stayed polite at all times which made the other girls surrounding him very happy. HAHA. Not that he was popular but rather, he was easy to talk to and since he was a transfer student, he was famous lol.

[As you can see, the situation wasn’t dire but neither is it favorable. Reiko and natsume have a pang in their hearts X_X lets fix this shan’t we? ^^]

“Oh my goodness that bunny is SO CUTE!!” saya squeals as she passes by a shooting game. As usual, shooting club members should have no problem getting the bunny by themselves but saya being saya had her problems and couldn’t shoot anything including the bunny…with tears welling in her eyes, the other girls tried to get the bunny for her but they all fail. Sakura get real close but in the end she shot the toy beside the bunny X.X When reiko finally couldn’t stand it and wanted to get the bunny for saya, natsume simply picked the gun from sakura’s hands as if she wasn’t gripping the gun but rather holding out the gun to him and shot the bunny down. Reiko stood behind not wanting to watch the following but forced herself to. Saya obviously wasted quite a lot of money on so many tries so natsume treats her to food and drinks and games and everything. Rich reiko didn’t say a word and neither did natsume complain at all. Finally though, something interesting did happen. It started drizzling. Usually, summer festivals were held on none rainy days not because of the whether forecast, but because people relied on the fact that it didn’t rain much during summer. All in the name of global warming though, rain heavily during a festival it did. On the day the club members were all there to boot. Of course everyone took shelter in stalls or under trees (though it was scientifically wrong to do so) as well as in the temple itself. So basically my point is that everyone was squashed in spaces and crevices that were dry. The stalls all had to cover up so the rain wouldn’t damage their merchandises and stuff. Well, reiko and sakura were separated in the mess of people pushing around to shelter but suddenly reiko felt a tug on her hand and she was pulled all the way behind the temple where the head monk was and finally pulled into a small room.
“I asked the head priest to lend me the room.” Reiko heard a panting voice say.
“You could have been gentler.” Was her reply
“if I was you wouldn’t be half dry and here at the moment.” He turns to the head priest and says, “THANKS HEAD PRIEST!”
“it is a pleasure to help you natsume dono.” Replied the head priest before walking out of the room.
“why does the head priest call you by such a title?”
“No idea. He called me over and said he had an empty room so I searched for whoever I could find which was you and dragged you over…”
“And you trust that head priest?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Why did he call out to you of all people that are here at the temple?”
“How should I know?”
“Won’t you think whether you should trust him or not?”
“I wouldn’t bother really.”
“Then you really should!”
Natsume rolls his eyes
“What if the head priest suddenly enters with a gun pointing at you?” continues reiko, and that is exactly what happened.
“natsume dono, I have been ordered to abduct you.”
“now that’s interesting. Get it done and over with.”
“WHAT?!” screams reiko who gets pulled along with natsume by another priest who clasps his palm over reiko’s mouth, turning her screams into muffled noises.
Blindfolded and bounded by the arms and legs, they were thrown into the back of a truck. Thankfully, they still could speak haha.
“So you expected this?” calmly for once, reiko questions natsume.
“Why did you pull me along then?”
“For company…”
“And you got rid of saya cause she would be a bother?”
“Yes and no. I didn’t want to pull her In to the world of deceit so fast would I?” natsume gives reiko one of those sweaty smiles. Frantically holding back her blush, she replies, “Yet you already have…”
“That’s true. I blame my dad. Made me too much of a gentleman.”
“We’re so gonna miss the fireworks.”
“Both of us are wearing those transmitter necklaces so kumo knows where we are right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I didn’t teach kumo how that thing works…”
“Kumo isn’t very good with machines…”
“Well I wasn’t really expecting much from that anyway.”
“What I meant is that I thought you were the only one with the ability to detect where we club members are.”
“oh. True. So do you know whats happening?”
“nahh. I just tagged along because I was interested in who was interested in me” said natsume with another sweaty smile.
Once again stopping herself from blushing, “So… what are you gonna do?”
“Just follow these thugs and find out who is after me I guess. Since they took you along probably means they recognize you or they don’t want witnesses…”
“I hope it’s neither!”
And then the truck comes to an abrupt stop jerking the couple muddled together near the door of the truck.
“You’re heavy…”
“You don’t have to tell me that!” reiko finally cannot stop her blushing and her whole face turns red. Luckily, natsume couldn’t see her face ^^.
“GET OUT!” shouts a man holding a machine gun in one hand and yanking natsume out of the truck with the other.

not so cliche anymore huh? how on earth did they end up kidnapped? now im gonna have to think of a reason why someone would WANT NATSUME ALIVE!

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