Tuesday, December 14, 2010



the eiffel tower is... well... never changing... every 7 years they repaint the whole thing and use like 60 tonnes of paint or something like that. is that alot? maybe i forgot the actual number. Ok... tickets were sold out and we didnt have that same old guide that brought us up the eiffel tower in a flash... skipping the queue... etc. oh oh oh bother. anyway, the blacks there sold 5 keychain eiffel towers for 1 euro. 1euro used to be like 3 SG but now its 1.85 SG or something. whoohoo. and... last time... i rmb it was 1 euro for 3 eiffel towers... its like WTTN?! i bought 10 for 1 euro today outside LAFAYETTE something... uhh... the guy who sold it was... chinese. from china. and he counted wrong...he gave me 11... made me beam from ear to ear but...guilt as well =.= darrrrrrrrrrrrrgh. ok so im like loading sungkyunkwan scandal now... in the morning i watched nurarihyon no mago 24 but the loading was reallly realllllly fast... now its... really reaaaaallly slow... ahhh. bali =.= <---heck the spelling. ehem. now... im staying in novotel... ahhhhhh ohohoh. btwbtw... all the shopping i did... was like shopping i can do in singapore =.= seriously... uniqlo and zara. SIGH. i bought the boots i wanted from zara but SG dun hav my size so i fly here and buy LOL. like reallll. bought 2 shirts. one tat requires shaving and one that doesnt haha. ohohoh and i bought some jeans thing that doesnt hav a zip but is... like... what... strechable? haha. kinda cool. but i abit... fat lah. so not so cool =.= LOL. the jeans is uniqlo. the rest is zara. hehe. and we went to lafayette to buy branded stuff but... everything there is like few hundred euro. even if its in SG dollar i also think manymany times about buying sia. cannot afford lah. prada gucci luis vuitton... oh but the boutiques... goodness gracious... AHH the LV building was AMAZING. it is SHO HUUUUGE. i mean... its a normal sized building but FILLED FROM HEAD TO TOE WITH LV STUFF. AH. I BET THAT WHOLE STORE IS GONNA COST ALOOOOOOT. AHHH. and in the lourve <--- heck the spelling im sorry. the apple shop... WAS A REALLY WHOLE APPLE SHOP!!!! and for the first time i saw... FOLDABLE IPOD NANOs... FOLDABLE?!?!?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! I NV SAW IT IN SG!! but then again i dun really go out much. so... ah. and the headphones... are so nice... but so expensive =.= in the end the only stuff i got from there is like a pair of gloves that let my fingers stick out and a hat. like those newspaper boy hats. kinda thing. hehe. yay. whoohoo. oh yea. souvenir. yea. the eiffel towers. nothing more... nothing less.. whoops.

ahh me shall share bout the tour group peeps. 5 families. one is the... debu ehem. family. one is the hokkien family. two are father mother older bro younger sis and youngest brother(fmobysyb). and then me my dadi and my mami. hohoho. thanks to a horrible dinner in lafayette today on the 6th floor in a CHINESE UGHHH. restaurant, i learnt tat the older of the two fmobysyb consists of a older bro tat finished a lvls. (his hair reminds me of lead singer of shinee. sry i still cant rmb your name. sadly, the height and complexion is lacking in comparison. (i tried to be as nice as possible...) the mid sister is my age in TJC IP programme. Joey. the youngest... is a... kinda... nerd look boy pri 4 choir kid. yay. choir!! XD the younger of the fmobysyb... well... the older bro... is... kinda... cute. i guess haha. yea... i was totally hoping for guys my age to be on the same tour. he looks younger than me. but im not sure. i... cant help but think his jeans are too loose though LOL. ahh im just being naughty. well his hat is checkered. ahh. lol. this is why i say i fall for almost every single guy i meet. argh. oh but the debu ehem... family got some uni looking guy but i... wasnt... interested... im sorry. well he seems to have a clearer mind than his parents though. cos when the parents were complaining about not being able to come to lafayette again... he started on bout the metro and blabla. LOL yea. streetsmartness. ok. OHOHOH the younger fmobysyb the YOUNGEST BRO IS SHOSHOSHOSHO CUTE. ahhh. AHHH. not asher's kind of cute. the young small and cuddle kinda cute. EHEHE. YAY. in the plane i was sitting behind him diagonally so when he turned backwards, i waved and mouthed HI!! and this repeated so it happened TWICE AHHH sho happy. XD AHHHHH SHO CUTE. AHHHHHHH. he fell asleep at 1.30am SG time or 6.30pm paris time... on his mami's lap. ahh. and his older bro looks out for him kinda nicely... not great. but nicely. lol. our tourguide is SGperson. susan tan. she... carries a SG flag to bring us around. telling the world... WE ARE SG... lol =.= mami feels embarressed... i feel... cool. cos i bet they just think we're a part of china =.= so its gd to let them noe we hav our own flag. we are our own country. humphy. ahaha. i bet not many recognise it either. sigh. ohwells. anyway... i kinda saw the stuff i supposedly saw and visited before all over again and seriously... i dont rmb. oh i revisited the place that i saw eiffel tower lighted up at night. i rmb the illuminations were multicoloured once but i guess that was my imagination... its just silver lights. lol. and its only for 5 minutes every hour. gd. energy saving hehe. but sadly... this time i saw the lights through a window of the stupid chinese restaurant in lafayette... -----_------ ohwells. when i revisited the place it was in the day time u see. ohohoh!! below it was like a small iceskating rink and some artificial snow playing area. there were stalls set up for christmas too!! and there is this whole alley of christmas stalls and deco whoohoo! i bet the stuff there are expensive though... ohohoh!! a ferriswheel is set up for christmas season too! and OHOHOH!! macarons are found EVERYWHERE. LOL. okok. enough. my parents are snoring away =.= nite! ARGH SUNGKYUNKWAN... U TOO SLOW LEHHH. THEY SLP LER HOW TO WATCH?!

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