Wednesday, September 15, 2010

15th bullet - confusion~

15th bullet – confusion~

It was a horrible ride with soaring pink objects and horrendously low turns and maneuvers since reiko was so good in managing a motorcycle. Natsume was facing the enemy and telling reiko information such as, “RIGHTRIGHTRIGHT!” or “LEFT LEFT NONO RIGHT!” or “INCOMING!!” and stuff like that. Well, lets not get into the details shall we? “OH HERE COMES A BIG ONE A BIG ONE!!!” “SHARKS” “AND HERE IT COMES!” just as reiko wizzes into a small alley with another really low and immediate turn. –BOOM- they see and hear the explosion occur just where they might have been and thanks to the smoke, the car drove off into the direction of the explosion instead of turning in to the small alley. Natsume and reiko let out their sighs of relief. Then reiko reached into her yukata’s sleeves but lets out a curse as she learns that her walkie talkie is gone. But much to their surprise, kumo appears in a car and which had clothes for them both. “I took the liberty of tracking the two of you using you’re necklaces my lady” said kumo to two very happy people. They hopped in and changed uhh… surprisingly, the car had a separation that could be pulled up so they had no problems. They reach the inn in about an hour or so, and using that time, filled kumo in with everything that happened. Although at first natsume was unsure if it was all right to tell everything to kumo, later, reiko ordered kumo to report it to DX. It was pretty late at night and the police didn’t come to the scene of the explosion fast enough so they were spared from investigations and explanations. The moment they opened the door of the inn though, they were bombarded with worried questions and stares. The lobby was filled with the shooting club members all still dressed in pajamas. From bits and pieces of information that each of the members where giving, reiko and natsume put the puzzle together and figured that they were missing when the group gathered. Since it was so early in the morning, reiko decided to calm the whole club down by giving out the order, “lets watch the sunrise together shall we?” Not only did the interrogation stop, the atmosphere in the lobby changed instantly from worry and relief to excitement. Natsume flashes reiko his not so sweaty smile and this time reiko forgets about stopping a blush and smiles back. This time, its natsume’s turn to keep in his blush X)) but he was dark from the start so I guess he didn’t have to try very hard XD At this very moment, when he was unconsciously trying to hide his blushing for no reason, he realized that reiko’s smile had glowed even further and had been diverted away from him and directed at someone else. The moment he turned and found out that the smile had been directed at a male, he felt a pang inside. The thoughts that floated around his head went near something like, “so her smile wasn’t only mine”. This started his days of confusion. The nights he spent thinking, “why should I think that her laugh and smile were mine?” all started from that moment.
“Reiko, I see you are handling the club well as usual” comments the stranger.
Suddenly, some of the members start crowding around him and asking, “Why is senior here so early in the morning?” or “What on earth is senior doing here?”
“senior?” thinks natsume. Many first year students started to ask the same question that natsume has. Then after a while more, natsume thinks, “what gives him the right to call her so casually?” then after awhile he realizes that most people do O.O
“Senior, are you here to see us? Or are you here to see reiko?” sakura hints with a wink.
“Sakura, of course he is here to see everyone! Senior wouldn’t come just to see me! O_O” reiko replies innocently.
Sadly, she is wrong. He wouldn’t come if she wasn’t here. And Natsume could feel it. So he got a little edgy and expressed it by saying, “well, well what have we got here? Reiko, you were going out with someone? I didn’t think you were in to the romance section.” Sakura tries to hide her laughter as she knew that Natsume did feel something for reiko. The other club members just made him feel worse though, they all spouted out comments about how close senior and reiko were even though they were two years apart. The funny thing was, reiko didn’t treat the comments as just nonsense. She actually looked embarrassed. This really pissed natsume off. But what could natsume do?
Senior replies him indirectly, “The new guy. Hi, the name’s Bond, James Bond. No I’m just kidding haha. I’m Henri. Pleasure to meet you ^^”
Natsume manages to handle his emotions and appears to coolly shake hands with Henri’s outstretched palm. As his hand moves and his mouth crawls into a smile, his mind is bursting with anger. Trying hard to control the strength of his handshake, natsume finally completes the formality. “Can I join you guys to watch the sunrise?” Senior directs the question to the club. “SURE!” came the resounding reply. “No…” came Natsume’s miserable whisper.
So the club set off to climb a few staircases in order to see the sunrise from high ground.


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