Friday, September 17, 2010

16th bullet - confusion~~

16th bullet – confusion~~

As the club members climbed up the staircase, they started to joke that reiko even trains them when they were going to watch the sunrise since climbing stairs was part of stamina building. This caused reiko to feel immense pleasure on top of her happiness that senior Henri was around. True. Senior Henri was reiko’s first crush. No wonder natsume would feel so… irritated by him. Not to mention, he was worried about Suzuki sensei and felt guilty for running off without rescuing her. On top of that he was also thinking if reiko was really DX’s only daughter and why XD would kidnap him in order to kidnap reiko. Yea. Unlike reiko, natsume was seriously thinking about stuff for once. Reiko on the other hand was still sore that natsume didn’t help her up when she tripped over her yukata. Little did she know that natsume didn’t help her because the guard was too strong to detach himself from. About the only serious thing reiko was thinking about was probably… only serious to her that moment. How to hide her injuries and dirt from senior? =.= reiko…

Soon enough though, the whole club did reach the summit although most of them were panting, including reiko and natsume who had just gone through quite a trial. Saya made things worse for natsume as she pulled onto him for support on the trip up. Not that natsume didn’t mind but once again, he was too bothered and too much of a gentleman to refuse her. This time however, reiko was not interested in the happenings between natsume and saya. Sakura could see something had happened between natsume and reiko and that reiko didn’t what to tell the club. So she decided to get information out of natsume XD “So, natsume, where on earth did you and reiko go? You guys didn’t go shopping like kumo said you guys did right?”
Natsume being natsume was a little shocked at what sakura said and stuttered, “uhh… yea. We went uhh…”
Reiko suddenly pops outta no where and tells sakura, “I’ll explain it later sakura. Don’t ask natsume.”
“tsk! You never tell me the truth anyway!” sakura rebutted. Reiko couldn’t help but feel guilty since it was true. Senior interrupted though and said, “hey guys, the sun is rising. Lets watch shall we?” Saya happily takes this opportunity to grab natsume’s arm and pull him nearer to where they could see the sunset better. Reiko and senior temporarily disappear and much to natsume’s surprise, sakura told him, “don’t you worry. I’ll spy on them. IF they get toooooo close, ill interrupt ^^” “ehh?” natsume replies as sakura disappears soon after. Saya, happy to have natsume all to herself, starts describing the scene infront of them as if it was the most beautiful thing on earth. But in natsume’s mind, he has blocked out Saya’s voice and thinks, -the 7th day of camp… three more days to go. Should I ask reiko about her identity? I hope senior doesn’t stay long…-well, his thoughts ran about those lines, I wont bore you any further. Sena comes into the picture, being smart at the right time for the second time. “Yo, natsume. Did reiko torture yah so much that you lost the colour from your face?” Saya starts to pout due to his interruption but natsume is thankful for it. He was starting to get quite tired of saya’s constant ramblings. “Yea. She did all right. I feel exhausted!” “She’s being a devil’s advocate for taking a sick person out until so late in the night. Come to think of it, where on earth were you guys shopping at that hour? NIGHT MARKET?” “I’m sick of haggling prices,” replies natsume indirectly. Truth was, he felt a sense of accomplishment whenever he manages to haggle prices well XD. Natsume, reminded that he had been sick not too long ago, suddenly felt more fatigued than before and plonked himself on the floor, legs spread out and hands stretched behind as support. Sena and saya both follow him and sit on the floor though in different positions. Before Sena totally sits down though, natsume pulls him downwards suddenly with a slightly bewildered expression on his face. “OUCH! Natsume, what are yah tryin tah do man?” sena complained as he rubbed the ebbing pain on his bottom away. Natsume ignores him for a moment and stares straight ahead beyond sena, at a secluded corner of the mountain, where reiko and senior were sitting, with sakura hiding behind a bush. Natsume felt sad that reiko was smiling so happily even though he felt crappy. He turns to face his lap then he mutters an apology to sena and then comtinued, “heck the sunrise. Tell me when you guys are heading back. I’ll close my eyes for a while,” before lying on the floor with his arm as a pillow. Saya is half sad that she cannot converse with natsume and half happy that she can gaze at his sleeping face. She starts to realize the dust and dirt on him when sena started to talk to her and remove her focus from natsume. She soon forgets about the dust as they began a heated conversation about the latest manga they had both read. Which was of course, good for natsume.
On reiko’s side, Sakura was looking out for opportunities to separate senior from reiko. At the moment however, she could not think of, or spot any. Senior henri and reiko up till this moment, have been talking about DX as well as some side stories as comic relief. From the conversation, reiko learns about henri's candidate, T2A Kyousuke Tawa, as a fellow facilitator. However, both do not share much since their candidates are competitors after all. Soon enough, Senior did realize the dirt on reiko as well as the injuries on her arms and legs. Reiko also realizes that she cannot possibly keep much from senior but decided to tell him the minimal. “That’s how I got myself into this state.” “So its pretty much thanks to that boy huh. Somehow I feel like punching him now. It’s weird how he thought it was interesting to be kidnapped.” This of course made reiko giggle and sakura fuming as reiko rarely giggled at all. She finally could not stand it anymore and stood up from the bushes, “Reiko! Don’t mind if I join in your conversation!” The topic about DX ended and the three of them discussed about other side matters while sakura openly showed her discontent with senior with her crude remarks from time to time. The sunrise finally ended and reiko decided to resume her leadership authority and make sure everyone got back safely. While she was walking she noticed natsume on the floor and worriedly ran towards him. “Oi sena! What happened to this guy?!” Saya quickly interrupts her and rudely comments, “thanks to taicho pulling a sick person around in the middle of the night natsume is so tired he didn’t watch the sunrise but slept instead! Sorry taicho but I feel that you shouldn’t have done that.” Inwardly, reiko thinks “and just thanks to who was I pulled around in the middle of the night?!” Not that she could say so. She ignores Saya’s comment and slaps natsume on both cheeks. Both saya and sena look at reiko shocked at her rough actions and tries to move her away from natsume. Thanks to the slapping, natsume woke up. When he saw sena pushing reiko and saya pulling reiko, he grabs the both of them by their shoulders and sternly commanded, “LET GO.” They eventually do so reluctantly and let natsume support reiko until she was stable. Noticing the panda eyes on reiko’s face, he says, “rest today. Leave the club to do their training and go to bed.” “You too sleepy head.” Then they follow the club back to the inn. Senior was talking to the juniors and getting to know them. Sakura, sena and saya walked closely behind natsume and reiko while reiko and natsume stood a metre away from each other, both looking at the steps and not at each other.


Ahhhh. That was longg….. and quite boring if you don’t mind me adding. But well, one must always have breaks and not action all the time. By the way, it has been a seven week break before a job… i bet you can guess there will be one coming up soon! HOHOHO. I feel horrible. Talking to myself =.= SOMEBODY READ THIS…

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