Wednesday, September 22, 2010

17th bullet - letter from XD

17th bullet – letter from XD

-So this is XD styled letters... It's easy to recognise all right. The pink paper, the hearts and eerie, disgusting, decorative letters and stickers =.=- natsume thought as he looked over reiko’s shoulder. “Why does he even know that we are here?! URGH. Where on earth is our information slipping from? XD knew we were at the summer festival so there has been a leak. Not that it is a secret from the school but why should he know?!?!?!!” reiko quietly lets out a steam of words. “ahahaha…” was all natsume could reply. “So what does it say?” “READ FOR YOURSELF” reiko says a little louder as she punches the letter and envelope into natsume’s hands and stomps off angrily. Just when they thought they would rest for one morning, the innkeeper comes in with a PINK letter. Hahaha.
“Good morning Sayonji Reiko, we have had the pleasure of listening to your beautifully angry voice hahaha.” –hahaha?- thinks natsume. “Although you have escaped this time, we will bring you back and indefinitely make you fall in love HAHAHA. –hahaha =.=- thinks natsume. “Only love will be able to allow us to control you! Only love will be able to----------“ Natsume reads the whole crap and barely stops his fingers from tearing the whole letter before discarding it in the recycling bin. –no wonder reiko was so angry =.= the letter really is crappy. XD is nuts. But im still glad I got kidnapped. I hope Suzuki sensei is safe-
Natsume enters the club’s rest room, sets up his laptop and starts searching for scraps of information about XD. Well, for a “secret” organization however, XD openly set up a website that was VERY SHOUJO (girly) and no matter how one looked at it, was a dating website. From profiles of people to chatrooms, the website was fully equipped to serve those who were desperate for love. –probably XD himself. Keh.- thinks natsume :D suddenly, the door had slid open with a bang which jerked natsume from shock. Followed by reiko sitting right beside natsume and peering straight at the laptop screen.
“oh? Desperate for a girl natsume?”
“not even close. (sigh) this is the official XD website.”
“that’s nice. Really expected of that guy. He must really be desperate. Who is that Suzuki sensei person anyway?”
“Well, she used to teach me how to play the piano. She is hard to forget. Her piano is a Suzuki piano and her motorcycle is also Suzuki. Everything around her house was from brands that were Suzuki or looked close to it. I am amazed how she found all those stuff.”
“The piano? You can play?” reiko moves her visual range from the laptop to natsume’s fingers. She fiddles about with them before commenting, “well they are pretty long I guess.”
Natsume feels awkward with the sudden touchiness. Actually, when reiko sat beside him, he managed to tell himself it was to look at the laptop so there was no reason to be embarrassed. But this time, he couldn’t think of a reason. Not wanting to feel awkward any longer, he gently removes his fingers from reiko’s grasp and types some codes into his laptop. Sure enough, he uncovers some information.
“Hey look at this!”
“ehh… so XD used to be part of DX huh…”
“aren’t you surprised at all?”
“Nope. He knew about DX and other things so I guessed as much already. Anything else?”
“Some stuff about his motives and purpose. But why would he be so open about these stuff? Not to mention, I don’t believe that they couldn’t have caught us while we were escaping. It is almost as if we were meant to escape. And the fact that Suzuki sensei was there also troubles me. Why would a piano teacher be with a underground agent feller?”
“He seems stupid enough to just be dumb though. Some times things are simpler than they seem.”
“I don’t think so.”
“I’m done with thinking. I’ll do it while I sleep. Gd nite natsume”
“good afternoon nap to you reiko,” and natsume continues fiddling with his keyboard while reiko sleeps beside him.
[yes being me I just GOTTA ADD that natsume was a good boy and didn’t think of doing anything to reiko ^^]
Well, just before lunch time, something happens. Sakura crashes into the club room shouting, “REIKO!! SOMEONE GOT INJURED WHILE TRAINING. WHO WAS WELL VERSED WITH FIRST AID AGAIN?!”
I’m not sure if reiko was simply too tired, or maybe because natsume was beside her she was sleeping exceptionally well, but she did not respond. Natsume still shocked by sakura’s sudden appearance was pulled out from the room, and he only managed to save and force shut his laptop before emerging fully out of the room.
“Since reiko is too tired YOU SOLVE IT! COME!”
And sakura drags natsume running all the way to the scene. The club members were all crowding around the poor injured guy but natsume suddenly plucked up his leadership skills and started ordering people about. “EVERYONE OUTTA THE WAY. GIVE THE INJURED AIR TO BREATH!” As the club members slowly form a larger circle, natsume elbowed his way to the centre and felt the injuries up. “Okay its just a dislocated shoulder it doesn’t seem serious but I cannot be sure. How on earth did this happen? Sakura! Call an ambulance asap!”
The club that was murmuring before already, was murmuring even more. Some were asking where reiko was while others were commenting on natsume’s knowledge of injuries.
Suddenly though, kumo appears and announces, “I have prepared the car, an ambulance is not necessary sakura-san, natsume-san, shall I help support him there?”
“thanks kumo ^^ you are efficient as always.” And natsume, kumo as well as another guy (a friend of the injured one or the guy that caused the injury I suppose. If he was brave enough that is…) accompanied the injured boy to the hospital.
[I shall spare you from the procedures of the hospital not only because I’m lazy but also because I have never dislocated my shoulder and cannot tell you what happens to someone when his or her shoulder is dislocated in a hospital.]
Sakura helps to place order back to the training and then she goes to the club room to check on reiko.
“I wonder how you would feel when problems in the club that had always been handled by you has now been handled by this newbie. I’m amazed today reiko, you have always been a light sleeper, why is it that today you didn’t even wake up when I was shouting?” she says all this aloud even though she knew reiko probably couldn’t hear her.
“ehh? Sakura?” reiko starts to get up while rubbing her teary eyes. She realizes that she was holding on to natsume’s water bottle, she quickly disposes of it, out of her hands and into his bag, as if she was afraid sakura would know of it.
“reiko, sakamoto got injured just now, you were sleeping so I got natsume to handle it, don’t get angry at natsume okay?”
“WHAT?! WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP?!” reiko’s temper was starting to flare. Sakura was prepared for this but being prepared doesn’t mean that she knew how to calm reiko down.
“well, you were sleeping so nicely I didn’t feel like it…” sakura lied.
“THEN WHERE IS HE NOW?” reiko quickly asks.
“natsume and kumo sent him to the hospital. Hey reiko you aren’t going to follow them are you?”
“Oh you bet I am!”
“REIKO!” sakura shouts hopelessly as reiko dashes into the girls room to change.
“Reiko don’t go. I know you are angry but lets just let kumo and natsume handle it. You can rely on them!” sakura continues to try to coax reiko into staying. “take control of the remaining members here instead of going and wait for them to come back okay?”
[let me explain. Reiko is the type that dislikes to rely on others and is angry that natsume did what she was supposed to do. Actually, if that was the only thing she probably wouldn’t be that eager to follow them. Her sleep helped her think through things (I know its amazing but yea.) and now she has a better idea about what XD is planning to do. Not that she can explain this to sakura so she decides to act angry and pursue natsume in senior’s car]
“sakura, senior drove here right?”
But reiko was already calling senior on her cellphone all equipped and ready to go.

Is this like seriously boring or something? im getting bored writing LOL. oh wells, i guess ill get to write about action soon KEKEKE. lets see how this goes...

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