Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Souls vs Blood 1

Souls vs Blood 1

So I had this dream. And it was about beings that fed on souls. Or rather life. Meaning they feed on the amount of time u have on earth. And well, they were the rivals of vampires. Don't ask me why. As usual you have your usual, human girl, and 2 guys, rivals in both love, and race. Lol. Yeah. my dreams are So, SO typical.... to some extent. HAHAHA Okay whatever. I shall start this short story. But umm, I'll modify it so as to sensor it since the original is rather sick and might be of some M18 rank or something. Also, I'll dump in some of the ideas I had from other time spans outside the dream. Had this dream in England btw. Saddening to think what my mind was thinking of in such a place. hmm.

"Dad, I'll go shower now!" Alice (I can't be bothered to think of a better more unique name...) tugged her towel off it's hanger and slipped on the bathroom slippers. She turns on the tap. The water is cold.
"Mum, the heater doesn't seem to be switched on!" The water remains cold.

Alice lives with her parents. Or at least, she used to. She lived, with her parents before they became the prey of the soul suckers. Fortunately or unfortunately, Alice did not believe in soul suckers so everything happened rather quickly. That day, she spoke aloud as if her parents were not yet cremated, not yet underground. Alice leans against the bathroom wall, allowing her tears to mix with the cold water pouring out from the shower. For an hour she sat on the bathroom floor, soaking wet, without the shower on since she knew she had no means to pay for the bills. During that hour she thought hard whether she wanted to live, or to die. She did not know this but, she did not have much of a choice. A soul sucker was outside the bathroom window. Watching, and waiting. Her death was imminent. Or so it should have been. For some reason though, the soul sucker stayed outside and never fed on her.

Let me explain. Soul suckers are basically beings that absorb the time people have left to live. They can control how much they absorb and at what pace from any human as long as that person is between 1 to 9meters away from them. However when within 1 meter from a human, they cannot not absorb time from the human. Time is like food to them. They can go on for up to 40 days without it but can also look for a meal three or more times a day. Usually, they only absorb a few hours at one go. However, the soul suckers and the vampires are going to go to war with each other soon and so both races are gathering resources from humans. The worlds of all three beings are affected and shaken.

Let me now explain why the soul sucker did not feed on Alice. Dear mister soul sucker outside Alice's bathroom window is a soul sucker with sympathy. He was weakened by her soft sobs. He decided to keep a safe distance of 2 meters and decide if he should really suck her soul. His friends had taken her parents and tried to persuade him that without her parents she would be sad and have little will to live to he would be doing her a favour by letting her die peacefully. However, this would be his first full feed. Meaning the first time he stole the whole remaining time left of a human being. Especially one so young that has the potential to have a long long time left to live. Her life could become a useful source of ammunition and food. But... Harold was undecided. That was his name (I just decided), the young soul sucker decided to leave her alone at least temporarily. In order to make sure she did not become the prey of any other soul sucker or some vampire though, he indirectly protected her by dropping his sign on her body. Magically of course. Without coming closer than necessary so as to ensure he doesn't feed on her just yet. Not yet.

Alice dried herself and dressed. She started doing things that she normally did that did not involve her parents in any way. She read a book, packed her room, played a game. The bell rang. Slightly shocked and not really in a mood to receive any guest or delivery man, she dejectedly opened the door.

"Hey Alice, want some company?" A boy somewhat carefully said.
"James! Well, I guess I could do with some company." Alice lets James in. She didn't mind James. He was like a brother only she liked him a little more than that. What she didn't know, is that James is a vampire. (I'm speeding this up cos it's supposed to be a short story. lol.) James managed to make Alice smile and sort some things out. At that time , James noticed the mark made by Harold. Though such signs are invisible to humans, vampires could see them clear as daylight. He was furious. Alice was his prey. He wasn't going to let some soul sucker take her life away. Well, as common knowledge tells us, blood regenerates while time doesn't. Vampires can just choose one prey for a lifetime while soul suckers must jump from prey to prey. James was planning on making Alice his prey for her whole lifetime because well, he liked her. He was even planning to let her know what he was one day in hopes that she would accept him and allow him to feed on her. Well, he hid his anger as he tried to humour Alice while plotting how he would find the soul sucker that made his mark on his prey and how he would deal with him. Oh and btw, James couldn't be bothered about the war. All he bothered about was protecting Alice. He was also an orphan you see. No one else to protect. And yea as u can probably guess, vampires can't make marks. Oh and soul sucker marks fade off eventually. so it's a temp measure.

... This story doesn't seem to be ending any time soon =.=. okay fine. I'll post a few parts. byebye for now.

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