Tuesday, November 13, 2012

20th bullet - before the end of camp

Like finally I reach the end lol.
This has been one long long long camp...

I myself lost track of which day of camp it was. it was 5th day when natsume was angry, so I'm guessing all the time just went fuufuufuu~ okay we are at the end of camp. hohoho.

20th bullet - before the end of camp

"Reiko! what are you doing here?!" asks sakura who had come in search of reiko.
"Sakura! nice timing! Come keep me company =D"
"What happened at the hospital? Sakamoto came back with Henri senior but you didn't come back!"
"Well, err... natsume saw someone he knew and went missing for a while so I was waiting for him."
"Waiting? you? HAHA-"Sakura stops laughing the moment reiko flashed her a glare.
"Okay okay. So where is natsume now?"
"Sleeping in the room. He fell asleep since the ride back from the hospital."
"Did something happen?" Reiko is met by sakura's sincerely worried expression.
"You know, reiko, sometimes I feel that you are in danger or something but you never tell me what really happens when you disappear..." sakura continues.
-oh no...- thinks reiko -I hate lying to sakura but I don't wanna drag her into anything I shouldn't drag her into...- [sakura has asked reiko time and time again about her disappearances and other stuff but reiko always avoided the topic and sakura keeps bringing it back...]
Reiko doesn't say anything.
*sigh* "okay reiko. I'll leave it as that for today."
"Thanks sakura" reiko reaches over to give sakura a grateful hug while sakura releases her worried expression.
Just then, Henri senior walks over.
"hey reiko! Didn't know you were back!" Henri seems to be relieved. Sakura and reiko break the hug and turn towards Henri. "If you were back you could have said something! Oh and hi sakura =D"
Sakura rolls her eyes in her mind. She doesn't like Henri. Not one bit. In the past when Henri was still a student, there was a point in time where sakura did have a crush on henri senior just like all the other girls. But since she was always with reiko, henri always noticed reiko first. [you could say she is jealous. See the top? henri said OH n hi sakura. like an after thought. poor poor sakura... ] This made her decide to cease her liking for henri. Then there was an incident that made her dislike him and from then on, she decided it was her job to protect reiko from henri. [self proclaimed barrier lol. I haven't thought of the incident yet... LOL I'M SORRY. Be nice and tag if you have any idea what the incident is...] And it didn't help that reiko seemed to tell henri more than she ever told her even though they had been friends since primary school. [well, henri knows DX, you don't. sorry sakura D=]
"Henri, I have been wanting to ask you this but do you happen to know a piano teacher with the name suzuki?" reiko asks.
Henri's expression changes for a split second.
-henri's girlfriend?- hopes sakura.
"you might want to ask your dad." replies henri.
-I guess not...- sakura's disappointment shows on her face.
-oh... so it has to do with henri's department. okay- reiko notes to herself.
"I will, thanks for taking care of the club. Natsume's in the room. Stay here with sakura, I'll go debrief the rest."
-HUH?! REIKO, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM!!- thinks sakura rather loudly in her mind.
"I'll follow you reiko!" sakura quickly gets up to follow reiko.
Reiko looks at henri with a slight glare... Henri nods back. Sakura doesn't realise and happily follows reiko...
[well, reiko needed someone to keep watch...]
While she debriefs the other peeps...

natsume's side of things...

Henri makes sure reiko has walked off before going into the room. Natsume is fast asleep. Or so henri thinks. Natsume had been awake since sakura came along, too tired to move but concious enough to listen to the conversation outside. Henri kicks him. He pretends to rouse...
"Hey natsume."
"Morning senior" Natsume looks at henri before turning away from him, lying slanted on his side.
"Morning? Nevermind." Henri plonks himself on the futon, leaning his back on natsume's back.
"Do you trust reiko?" Henri asks natsume.
Natsume stays silent.
"I guess not. That's good."
"I've seen you before."
"You have?" henri lifts an eyebrow.
"I didn't remember until now. But yea I've seen you around."
"Then you know what I do don't you."
"Yea. And even I trust everyone in the world, I won't trust you."
"Hah! Fine by me. Reiko does. That's more than enough."
Natsume's eyes open wider for a few silent seconds.
-not for long. why would you need her trust anyway?- natsume thinks...
"So you guys met suzuki?"
-reiko told him?!- natsume is in disbelief [lol.]
"I know her. She's with us."
"But then again I'm not sure whether she hasn't betrayed DX. She talks about it openly all the time haha"
"She's a con-artist. Probably went on some double spy mission where she herself doesn't know which side she wants to side with."
*silence* -my piano teacher is part of DX? Seems like a lot of people around me are from there. [well duh, they were looking at ur growth as a potential candidate for the next DX] So she was on mission. I guess I don't have to worry too much about her then. No need to save her either.- natsume finally stops feeling bad for escaping without suzuki sensei.
"Don't worry reiko too much. See you around."
-two faced son of a bla [xy, I do this for you. anyway i think its kinda vague but here henri is like bad first and then good again so natsume thinks he is two faced. like, one moment this one moment that... lol. get it? x=] I won't. just make sure you don't appear too often ("and make me worry about her" I would like to add. but natsume doesn't think that far.)-
Henri exits the room. Natsume closes his eyes in an effort to fall asleep but he fails. He wanted to go find reiko and make sure Henri doesn't go near her but henri was sitting outside the room so he didn't have to do that. -ughh, why is he sitting outside?! It's better than not knowing whether he went to reiko or not though. I remember that irksome face. He looks at reiko with so much warmth but that makes me puke. He's changed a lot. Last time I saw him interrogating the group my father brought in, the way he smiled as he hit them and didn't stop even after they loosened their tongues was bad enough. My father later closed my eyes but I could hear the guards holding him back while he laughed hysterically and kicked the chairs in the room. I later heard that one female and one male were hit beyond recognition while another male died in the interrogation room. I don't think they ever let him do interrogation from then on. Now I see why reiko is so close to him. He is in DX as well. But doesn't she know about how ruthless he is? The way she looks at him... And she thinks she knows everything about DX. keh.-

Reiko gathers all the members and does a mini debrief as well as announce the plans for tonight. There was going to be the traditional campfire and reflection session before lights out (though not many will sleep).
The members leave talkatively and noisily. Reiko lingers for a while. She calls kumo.
"Kumo, how is it?"
"My lady, it seems they were given instructions to give us specific information. Perhaps they only know that much. We did not need to do much for them to speak up. For now they are being held captive."
"So is it XD again?"
"Yes my lady. I expect they will try to attack once more. They say XD does not want to lose this chance while you are away from the city but near their headquarters."
"I'll prepare for it then."
"I shall bring ammunition with me my lady."
"Thanks kumo." Reiko manages to say with a smile. She gives out a long exhale. -There's work to do.-
Reiko walks back to the bedrooms.
"Henri senior, there might be an attack tonight."
"Sounds like fun." Henri says that but he holds a heavy expression.
"In the event anything happens I'll gas the place. Do you have a mask?"
"So happens I do. Want any help?"
"It's all right. Just be prepared to help should anything really happen." Reiko enters the room. Natsume continues to feign sleep.
Reiko walks over to the girls side and takes out a mini suitcase from her bag. Inside are a bunch of tools and weapons that [I really sincerely don't know and will fake up on the way.] While she slides things here and there around herself, natsume thinks ---> -Attack? Does she plan on telling me? From who? XD? We've got to keep the club out of harm. But, how? Guerilla? Three of us against an unknown number. Doesn't sound too good.- Reiko walks over to natsume. Thinking he is still asleep, she speaks in a whisper.
"Natsume, I won't let them take you."
-They want me? Wasn't it her XD wanted? What's going on?- Reiko exits the room.

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