Friday, November 9, 2012

Weird dream #1

I probably have weird dreams really often. last night I had one too. but I kinda forgot it alr cos I didn't try n rmb or tell anyone about it. Dreams elude from me really quickly... sigh. Anyway, this dream is from the night before the physics paper. Told dadi n mami and xy so it's still in my brain at the mo ^_^

And I always have to start with this tho they tell me I don't need to but, I was actually dreaming alr. then I woke up to pee, and when I fell asleep again I dreamt again. but I only remember the dream after I fell asleep the second time, not the first. So here goes.

It was maybe an hour or so after dinner? dadi asked me if I wanted to eat. so I just followed him to see what he was gonna feed himself with and he started taking plastic containers one by one out of the fridge. no I am not in korea. lol. Then once the whole surface beside the fridge was filled with them boxes, he opened the first one which had some green slices of goodness knows what inside. Then I started tearing little pieces, holding them out in my palm for dadi to spread kaya on it, and slapped it onto the rest of the green mess on my right hand =.=... Don't know what kinda food this is but thats what I rmb. Then after that had some brown noodle looking thing that wasn't noodles. and it tasted horrible... then shredded seaweed. After the whole pile was on a plate, we went to sit down outside the kitchen. apparently I have a sorta bar counter like table? and those high chairs where ur feet don't touch the ground and u can twirl on? And the part that hits the wall has the pc... o.o... anyway, as usual I eat what I have least confidence in taste in. So I ate the brown noodle looking non noodles. After that a paper flew dadi told me to get it so I tippytoed on the chair to reach for it n slid it under the keyboard and turned back to try the rest of the food... But it was gone. "where is the food?" "I throw away alr" thanks dad =.= then he opened a box of sushi but he didn't offer me one at all =.=

Then somehow it was the next morning, I woke up and walked to the kitchen, before entering it I saw dadi. He was taller than real dadi. wearing jeans. leaning/sitting on the kitchen cabinet top hands underturned palms at the edges. legs crossed at the ankles. Cool aye? then he turned to talk to my mami... and boy that hair. it was brown mostly, an overturned triangle of short normal boy layered hair lay there and the bottom was pulled into a tiny fan pony tail which was YELLOW in colour. yes I repeat, YELLOW. imagine my dad with YELLOW hair. wow. I should like, draw a character with this hair. LOL. dunno how to draw tho x= only the tail was yellow. the rest all brown. and my mami? she was cooking. holding a pan in one hand and the wooden stir stick in the other. Thing is, she was really thin. Decked out in skinny jeans, a tank top with an apron over the whole thing one sleeve of the apron loose over her arm. whoohoo. mami so hothothot~ Then somehow my baby sister entered the picture. No I don't have a baby sister. She talked to mami. Dadi tried to catch her attention but she completely ignored him. (imagine kakashi with his ahhhh okayyyy whoops... fail fail fail face. LOL the two eyes closed and angled downwards outwards... ahh whatever) She walked out of the kitchen. talk to mami tat time smile smile one then turn away only *expressionless* lol. that is so... me =.= kk anyway, on the way out, *mission accomplished!* she saw me n stopped. dadi gave up looking to see if she'd give him any attention. I knelt and hugged her and stuffed my head into her round tummy. btw, mami's hair was red n curly at the bottom and kinda over shoulder length, and she had a thin pony tail on the top right of her head lol. My sister had the exact same thing on short black hair, no curls. oh so cute. >_< <3 a="a" figured="figured" front="front" i="i" in="in" me.="D</p" of="of" t="t" there="there" tummy="tummy" up="up" wasn="wasn" when="when" woke="woke">
thats all folks. Xy asks me why all my dreams include characters with funny hair. cos of the kevin and his dreadlocks. HAHA. When I told kevin he replied with a "what the" lol. and that closed eye smile again. Transformers is one of the only things that'll open his eyes. lol. Astri calls them the jay chou eyes. LOLLLL

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