Friday, August 14, 2009

2nd bullet - show your bullet power

GAHHH i typed it then it dissapeared then it appeared in a diff post!! IM SHOCKED! so once again, IM CONTINUING THE STORY, STRAYING FROM MY ORIGINAL STORY AND DRAGGING PEOPLE TO READ THIS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH kekeke....

2nd bullet - show ur bullet power

While the teacher was busy teaching away, the guy sitting infront of natsume suddenly turned around to face natsume and half whispered, "hi natsume! my names sena. happy tah meet yah!"
natsume who was concentrating on the teacher got a little shocked at the untimely introduction but quickly recovered and smiled back, "yo sena. would you be my first friend?" and of course, the instant reply was "HELL YEAH!" only that it was a little too loud so sena was ordered out of the classroom, leaving natsume hiding his laughter from the teacher...

outside the classroom and somewhere along the corridors, reiko was complaining in her head as usual. she inwardly cursed and swore about the smile of course blaming both herself and natsume. When she reached the cafeteria, she bought a drink, gulped it all down at one go and sighed before whipping out her phone to call her chauffeur. As per usual, her call was answered before the first ring could be heard.
"what can i do for you my lady?"
"im skipping school. come for me right now"
and reiko exhales another sigh.
her car arrives before she finishes her second drink but she thoughtlessly just threw the can away before dropping into the cars open door and commanding, send me home.
most people do not know this but reiko actually lives in a bungalow that is only a 5 minute drive from the school. And even though reiko skipped school, her grades are top-notch so the teachers let her do as she wished. as she would do on the other days that she skipped school, she spent the day playing game consoles or online games until she was tired enough to sleep and stay asleep till tomorrow came.

"hey do yah have a club yet?" was the first thing sena asked natsume the moment natsume walked into class.
"its only my second day..." was natsume's sarcastic reply. sena didnt catch the sarcasm though and asked, "what does days gotta do with yah havin a club or not?! so do yah?"
"no." said natsume as he rolled his eyes without looking at sena. he wasnt angry at sena but sena could be quite irritating especially when natsume was trying to listen in class...
"okay fine. then yah wanna join the shooting club?"
"shooting club? there is one?"
"YEA! reiko set it up. she's rich so she could use her own money to build the whole facility in school. Its got guns, rifles, bullet-proof jackets, everything!"
natsume is very much surprised at this new piece of information so he simply replied,
"i'll think about it"
"WHAAHOOOO!" screamed sena just as the teacher walked into the class who ordered him out again....leaving natsume hiding his laughter AGAIN...
after the teacher, reiko walks in as if she is not late at all and the teacher couldnt be bothered either. Then natsume makes the mistake of trying to speak to her again but this time, she replies nicely...
"i heard u set up a shooting club?"
"if i wanted to, would you let me join?"
"yep. i take in anyone"
"cool. ill join if you dont mind. ive got experience too^^"
"thats unexpected...ill see where your standard is today after school. is that okay?"
"sure. infact, we've got a free period after homeroom... we could even do it then!"
natsume seems to be getting surprised very often and he realises that he is surprised once again. he now thinks that reiko may be nicer than someone who bangs doors and skips class.

"follow me" says reiko the moment the teacher announces that it is free period.
"actually, are we allowed out of class during free periods?"
then sena comes between us and say, "take me with yah guys!"
"follow me" repeats reiko and natsume gives up the thought of being a good rule abiding boy.
they arrive at the shooting club room which is actually a whole separate building a few levels high! natsume gasps in awe while sena grabs the moment to boast that he was a member of the shooting club and had permission to enter most of the parts in...natsume busies himself in exploring the place instead of listening to sena talk on without realising the absense of his listener...
then reiko throws natsume a revolver and asks, "is this one okay?"
natsume looks at the revolver and looks wide eye at reiko, "how did you know i usually use these types?"
reiko shrugs and replies "i can tell"
then sena buts in shouting "HEY WERE YAH EVEN LISTENING NATSUME?!"
'no?' thought both natsume and reiko in their minds.
"lets start" says reiko. "sena, get to the controls. you know how the testing goes. get on with it."
sena droops his head and staggers to the control room but quickly becomes his happy self again "READY NATSUME?" as if to reply natsume's nod, the stimulation begins.
reiko instantly realises something and shouts suddenly, "BAKA SENA! THIS ISNT THE TEST! ITS LEVEL 6!!"
sena stares blankly at reiko as she uses her free hand to hit her forehead and think. before she could come up with an solution, natsume starts shooting the targets straight on missing barely any. reiko could only stare at natsume do his thing and when the stimulation ended and natsume was drenched in sweat, reiko clapped like mad. she threw him a bottle of water as well as a towel and said words barely louder than a whisper, "welcome to the shooting club." and in a whisper was, "you're real good at this"


so how was it? he shows her his bullet power!! YAYYYY HAHA ^^ well, its really way diff from my original but i hope its better dx and i doubt anyone will read until i pull someone over... sigh. ILL THINK OF SOMETHING HAHAHAHAH

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