Friday, August 14, 2009

3rd bullet - disappearing bullet

kyahahahaha as usual once i start i go a bit madddd about it all. i reread my original and realised that reiko is TOOOOOO sleek for natsume. sleek as in she KNOWS EVERYTHING!!!! its like a PERFECT character... so i think i gotta... make her NOT so sleek... but i guess my ideas dont stray tooo far... cos its still the same happenings but slightly diff. but u guys wont know and dont hav tah bother would yah? LOL. im lame =.=

NOW IS THE MAIN PLOT LIAO. in original, main plot only appear in 5th chapter. now third chapter hav ler. cos 5th then main story VERY DRAGGY!!!! so here comes ^^

chapter 3 - dissapearing bullet

natsume flashes reiko a sweaty but shiny smile that was really really pretty cause he was high on endorphine ^^ reiko kind of blushes but walks off while telling natsume, "if you need a bath you can have one. clothes can be borrowed from the bathroom too. it happens often so i prepared alot of spares. sena! come out of the control room after switching off the stimulation AND UR GONNA GET IT FROM ME FOR PRESSING THE WRONG BUTTONS!"
sena flinches at reiko's sudden raise in volume while natsume persuades her "hey its okay! everythings fine isnt it?" but he was thrown aback by reiko who shouted "if it wasnt you and someone that was weak he or she would get seriously HURT. im thankful it was you and even if it wasnt, i could have helped out but if i wasnt here and sena pressed that damned button we'd have casualties so dont take things so lightly!" both natsume and sena is shocked at reiko's outburst because they rarely see her say so much. she walks out of the building leaving the two boys behind.

"that womans scary..." comments sena
"uve got that right." agrees natsume. "wheres the bathroom?"
"its upstairs. ill take yah there!"
both sena and natsume get into the showers even though sena didnt need to. this time, both of them had to stand outside class for being late and leaving the classroom so natsume no longer had laughter to hide. instead, he had open laughter by sena to listen too =.=

reiko walks out of the class once it ends and bows her head "sorry"
the two boys blush at her cuteness and say simultaniously, "its okay!"
she leads them back inside and they continue with their lessons. then natsume realises his phone is ringing... he flips it open and looks at the name of the caller [DX] and rejects the call. reiko turns to the seat on her right to see if natsume has sat down only to realise that he was no longer in the classroom! when the teacher came in and asked what happened, reiko answered that he was sick so he went home. this amazed the students and teacher as reiko rarely answers for anyone. sena inwardly thinks that he has lost to natsume in terms of how caring reiko is to them LOL.

outside the school gate, natsume slings the revolver that he had hidden inside his bento case over himself and buckled it on. but because his uniform was borrowed, it did not have the same functions as his own! Then again he thought to himself, that it didnt matter much. He whipped his phone out and called [DX] back to get the details of the new mission.
"yo. N94 reporting. elious"
"elious confirmed. mission has been sent by sms"
[from DX
manderson hotel room 250
manderson road 19
1130 kannagi kana
capture alive
back up available as sniper in worst case senario]
'weird name and weird mission' thinks natsume before breaking into a sprint to manderson road 19. he scans the area and realises people are staring at him as he was in school uniform. He realises he has made a major mistake but couldnt help it at the moment. he entered the hotel trying not to be seen, crouched behind a plant beside the counter and said in a muffled voice "may i inquire, wheres room 250?"
"as the name states its the suite at level 25 sir" replies the male receptionist wondering who he was talking to...
without a word of thanks, natsume runs up the stairs all the way till the 25th level. he got his bearings and then,through a open suite door where a cleaner was cleaning, he enters a room and sneaks out of the balcony where he jumps to the balcony of room 250. upon arriving, he was met by a ended bed scene which he was grateful it had ended before his arrival. it was only 1120 so he waited behind the drawn curtains and glass for a while and loaded a few tranquilisers in his revolver. He also tried to catch what they were saying through the glass but failed. and true to DX's words, the guy left at 1129. natsume quickly took action by using a laser which was hidden in the form of an waterproof anklet to open a tiny hole in the glass window. through this hole, he shot the leg of kannagi kana. once she dropped to the floor, natsume cut more of the glass and entered the room. he swiftly carried kannagi kana and carried her outside to the balcony. he spotted the sniper and showed him a number 4 to him before sneaking into the laundry chute where he slid down still holding on to kannagi kana. there, he shot her with another tranquilliser and waited. soon enough, the sniper opened the door of the chute and took kannagi kana with him.
"nice natsume."
"you too luke."
"get back to school quickly yea?"
"sure thing. thanks luke."
"no prob man."
and they dissapear from the scene. back in the hotel, a cleaner in disguise removes all traces of natsume's appearance in the hotel.

back in school, natsume walked back in class only to be pulled straight out again by reiko and told "i lied that you were sick so you cant come back in. follow me"
he obediently follows knowing he could do nothing else.
in the shooting club building, reiko pushes natsume on a chair in a room. then she starts her interrogation.
"where did you go?"
"maybe as you said i was sick."
"i know that isnt it. tell me the truth"
"i cant."
"ok then. ill take my chances, did DX call you?"
"how in the world..."
and reiko leaves pulling natsume with her.
"go home today."
before natsume could even nod, reiko dissapears.


now is that cool or whut?! yea lah its not cool i noe i noe. LOL well, thats it folks!

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