Friday, August 21, 2009

6th bullet - the shooting club

6th bullet – the shooting club

Soon enough, both natsume and reiko fell asleep clinging on to each other. Natsume awoke first and after sometime, he realised that he was holding on to reiko and that he didn’t want to explain to reiko why he was holding on to her. X= so he quickly carried her to the bed while he thought a very rude thought indeed, “where did this woman get all this weight from?!” =.=

Well, just as he partially dumped her on the bed, kumo entered the room, “good morning natsume sama. A spare uniform has been prepared for you as well as an extra toothbrush. Would you like to wake reiko and go to school together?”
Suddenly, natsume remembered his soft toys so he replied, “hey would you mind sending me somewhere before we wake reiko and stuff?”
“where would you like to go?”
“haji street 21 if you don’t mind.”
“may I ask for what reason do you wish to head there?”
“yea sure. I wanna collect the stuff I left there as well as… hey could you lend me 200 yen as well?”
“a pleasure.”
“thanks. Ill go wash up then uhh. Ill be relying on you for the exit”
Really not used to having a butler, natsume sorta blushes the moment he receives the clothes and toothbrush from kumo and says a quick thank you before rushing into the toilet bashful. He cleaned up in about 5 minutes and by the time he was escorted out of the mansion, the car and two hundred yen was already ready. As usual natsume is quite shocked at the speed and efficiency of kumo but keeps his mouth shut as he gets driven in a Mercedes to haji street 21.
Getting of directly infront of the arcade, he realises that he did not think that arcades don’t open this early in the morning. Luckily for him, the lady shopkeeper had already started business. Counting his blessings, he went in to claim back his prizes and used the 200 yen to play ufo catcher and got a grenade plush toy, as well as a smoke bomb plush toy.
“hey boy, if you keep coming here I think I might just close down one day!” the lady jokingly comments as natsume walks out with an even larger bag of toys.
“compliment accepted!” shouted natsume as he ran out of the arcade and into the car.
“umm,,, thanks for the 200 yen. Do you mind umm…”
“would you like me to send you to the hostel first?”
“that was some fine mind reading. Yes please!”
Natsume forgets to keep his mouth shut this time and leaves it half open all the way to the hostel.
Just as natsume was running towards the hostel, kumo suddenly calls to him and throws him a bundle, “your belongings natsume sama.”
“THANKS!” replied natsume as he dashed up the hostel staircase to dump all the toys and dirty clothes before dashing back to kumo.
“I shall fetch my lady here immediately.”
“thanks kumo ^^”
“you are welcomed.” Kumo said with a smile so sweet that natsume kinda got another shock.
“mmmm…kumo??” mumbled reiko as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. “what time is it?”
“it is 8.30am my lady”
“WHAT!? ALREADY?! THEN WHERES NATSUME?!”reiko suddenly flares up as if wood just got thrown into the fire, asking kumo questions while kumo answers excluding the fact that natsume went to haji street 21. reiko quickly dresses and hurriedly entered the car which kumo drove at top speed allowing reiko to arrive in school in simply 3 minutes time. Entering the class, she stomps her way to her seat ignoring the teacher and preparing to glare at natsume but glaring at sena instead.
“woah woah easy there lady. No need tah get so upset all over yahself!”
Her face changes immediately to a calm expression as she questions, “why are you sitting here”
“natsume was told to hand in his club form I think…”
“hey why are you so interested about where he is?”
Her eyes flare up again and sena immediately manoeuvres back to his seat. But almost immediately, he turns back to reiko and asks her, “hey its time for natsume to meet the club once he submits his papers duncha think?”
“yea” was reiko’s absent minded reply…in truth, she still wanted to avoid natsume so she wouldn’t have to explain how she was at haji street 22…
After class, reiko stood infront of natsume who was packing his bag and said, “you.”
“you signed up for our club right?”
“yea. I didn’t think a teacher would hunt me down for it though…”
“keh. You could have said no.”
“but you agreed didn’t you?”
“that’s true…so on which days does your club practise?”
“every Wednesday and Thursday.”
“ohhh. Twice a week huh….”
“dont worry about”
“no nothing. Just come today okay? Get to know the rest of the club.”
Reiko sighed as she almost brought the topic onto DX. She headed for the club building leaving the two boys to… I mean leaving sena to rant to natsume.
Sena eventually leads natsume to the club building and when they entered, natsume was shocked ONCE AGAIN… this time, it is due to the weird welcome of the club members…actually, all they did was to point guns at him and shoot out confetti. Gunpowder and all… with the chorused “WELCOME TO OUR CLUB” as usual. Natsume bows but reiko pops in and ask a rhetorical question, “you guys had enough already haven’t you?”
The members chorused a “YES” as they returned to their training posts. Natsume looked at them practise and thought “they aint gonna survive very long…”
Suddenly, a gun came flying into his hands followed by packs of plastic bullets and the command to “WEAR THE EARMUFFS AND START PRACTISING!”
Of course, new members usually get tested so the club members not only wondered why he didn’t need to be tested but also wondered how good or bad his skills were… they all tried to sneak peaks at natsume but ended up getting scolded by reiko. Then suddenly, reiko sighed and spoke through the mic, “COME ON INTO THE OBSERVATION ROOM. ILL LET YOU SEE NATSUME DO HIS STUFF. NATSUME, GET INTO THE STIMULATION ROOM.”
Of course, they were shocked when they saw reiko set the stimulation to level 6. and when natsume asked reiko to raise it to 7, they were even MORE SURPRISED.
The moment the start button was pressed, the members were mesmerised by natsume as he missed none of the targets and hit almost all of them critically.
Oh the members did do so. Only AFTER they congratulated natsume and praised him sky high ^^


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