Sunday, August 30, 2009

9th bullet – club trip

jy reading this mann. its LONG.

9th bullet – club trip

On the last day of school, many other clubs also have camps and trips or activities so the school was really noisy and alive. Natsume was one of the few people who weren’t so happy sadly. In the bus while club members were karaoke-ing and playing cards, natsume was sitting there staring outside the window. He was sitting beside a buncha guys who got pretty close to him after he improved their skills. Both saya and reiko were spying him. Soon, there was a toilet break. Everyone got off the bus and so saya took this opportunity to sit on the seat beside natsume. Many of the other club members swapped seats too so she was relieved that she wasn’t chased out. Reiko did nothing about it and put on a poker face that hid her irritation. She still eavesdropped on their conversation though.
“do you mind if I sit here?” was of course what saya asked natsume before sitting down.
“yea sure” was natsume’s reply that made reiko quite irritated indeed.
They started talking about random stuff moving from topic to topic but nothing more than surface scratches, until, saya suddenly asked natsume about his family.
If reiko had ears, they would pop up immediately as she also wanted to know about natsume’s family memories since she knew much more from the documents she had. Natsume swiftly and skilfully evaded answering properly though saya did not realise. Reiko inwardly mocks saya with an invisible smile and then she suddenly thought of a very naughty tease. She knew much about natsume and so she could make saya jealous of this knowledge. But if she asked natsume about something that he didn’t know she knew, he would most likely question her and not trust her anymore. Still, her playfulness decided to carry on with the idea. Getting round to their seat,
“So how’s your sister natsume?”
As expected, natsume’s eyes grew wide. So did saya’s although she tried to hide it.
“how did you know I have a sister?”
“hey. Don’t avoid the question.”
“I haven’t seen her for some time. You answer me as well!”
“I’ve got my connections. Well that’s just too bad. I’d like to see her someday.” And reiko walks back to her seat as if nothing happened. She inwardly laughs like crazy due to the shock and anger she saw saya trying to hide. But also as expected, natsume is bewildered. He already decided not to probe reiko about how much she knew about DX but she even knew about his sister! This was too much and so he decides to ask reiko on both matters.
They finally reach mount saya after a few hours of sleeping, playing, laughing and smiles. Reiko gets off and organizes them of course. Everyone noisily carries their bags down the bus while reiko gives them a chain to wear as she shouts,
The chains were silver and easy to match with clothes. Infact, it was quite fashionable. As usual, the club members are amazed at the amount of money reiko spends on their trip as usual. After getting back their passports from reiko, the innkeeper leads the students to their rooms. Of course, the girls and boys were separated. Unlike a normal trip though, reiko paid so they had two rooms for the boys and two rooms for the girls that were connected. Everyone had ample space and could choose where they wanted to sleep. Without teachers, the guys and girls were free to enter each other’s rooms and play together. Of course reiko had banded loving actions haha. Reiko decided to let them rest after the long journey so she let them have the first afternoon and night free! All the club members started grouping up and deciding where to go as well as when to come back for a soak in the hot springs. Saya pulled natsume into her group of friends and natsume didn’t put up resistance, but reiko joined in the group as well. It was expected though, as in that group, reiko’s very long time friend, sakura, was there.
When natsume came into the whole group of girls, sakura got a bit upset.
“hey boy, u’re totally not welcome here.”
“sakura, let us be the harem. Wont hurt much.” Was reiko’s reply. Quite insulted, natsume added in, “oh? So are you the sheep then?”
Glaring at natsume for personal reasons, reiko replies, “you are.”
Sakura knows where the conversation was gonna end up, a fight, so she quickly butted in and brought the group of 6 girls one boy out and decided where to go. They all agreed to go to a near by flea market and so they embarked. Upon arrival, after a short walk talk session, the girls all caught sight of the cute accessories and toys or plushies in the shops. Surprisingly, natsume was really good at bargaining and he helped many of the girls get what they wanted for really low prices. Finally having proven his worth, the group of girls pulled him around everywhere to haggle prices! In the end, he bought nothing and he helped all the girls except reiko to lower the price of their purchases.
Soon, the group come across a shooting game and persuaded reiko and natsume to play for prizes. Then sakura suddenly thought of, “why don’t you two compete to see who gets higher points?” natsume was against it but he didn’t say anything being the gentleman he was. Reiko on the other hand didn’t even want to pick up the gun! In the end, natsume was on his own shooting targets and missing them all. Bewildered by his lack of skill, reiko snatched the gun and shot down 5 targets a row. Everyone stared at natsume, wondering why he couldn’t shoot any of the targets. But he did nothing except laugh and complement reiko. In truth, he was on the verge of tears but he hid this well. Even reiko didn’t know. Quite tired out by this weird trip to the flea market, the group returned with all they had bought to the inn on mount saya. Reiko stayed close to natsume in order to find out what was happening but he was still laughing and conversing with the guys like nothing was wrong. When everyone was back and had eaten dinner though, natsume was the only one that didn’t follow the others to the hot springs. Reiko couldn’t stay with him or it would be suspicious so she went with sakura. Natsume sat on the window of the balcony and stared out before heading down and took a walk. Though reiko couldn’t see him, she knew he was outside walking due to his footsteps. She made some lame excuse to leave the hot spring and secretly spied on natsume, following him when possible. In the end, he ended up in the table tennis room. She came in as if she didn’t know he was here and asked him to play. Play they did and the game got pretty fired up with them hitting fast paced balls at each other full throttle. They were already sweating profusely when other club members came up to play but changed their decision into see them play. Finally, natsume lost. And they both panted while leaning on the table tennis table. Most of the club members especially girls, went to reiko to congratulate her. While more of the boys and some girls went to comfort natsume’s lost. Both of them excused themselves to go to the hotsprings this time with no choice in order to wash of the sticky feelings off their skin. Both got in and thought their own thoughts…
Reiko waded in the water and sat down on some rock before settling down to think about natsume. ‘Why on earth did that guy fail to hit those targets at the flea market. It just isn’t possible for him to miss all the time! Table tennis was fine for him but shooting wasn’t… tomorrow I shall see how good he is in archery. All in the name of aiming.”
Natsume on the other hand, plunged into the water and got up only after not breathing for a minute or so. Then he thought, “ahh. I shouldn’t have shot those targets and missed. Ever since that stupid revenge I cant shoot a thing. At least this camp is archery. Hopefully I can shoot by the time this camp ends. Not to mention, I need to find a time where reiko is alone…”
As this happens, natsume faints in the water. Well, he was in a hotspring and he was emotional you see, so the heat probably got to him. anyway, he was sitting on a rock just like reiko and when he fainted his hand crashed into a wooden bucket which went crashing into the wooden structure separating the girls from the guys. That’s when reiko came rushing over- fully dressed mind you – to rescue the young man in distress. Cursing him silently, reiko pulled him outta the hot spring and wrapped him up as she pulled so as to not have to remember something she did not wish to remember. (if you don’t get my point, I mean his naked body.) She supported his full 60+kg back to the rooms and lay him down near his bag before getting a futon out and then carrying him onto the futon. She could have just walked off after this but she gets some milk and water plus a towel and some water (actually she got kumo to go get them for her) and in some way took care of natsume. Well some guys that returned from the hot springs got jealous while some girls thought tat they wanted to get sick as well but all in all, reiko stubbornly sat there unmoving. She moved herself and natsume to kumo’s room so the other club members wouldn’t catch his fever and natsume finally got the moment he wanted. [you know, being alone with her for interrogatory reasons...] But too bad for him, he was asleep.


THAT WAS LONG. AND BORING. BUT JY READING IF U EVEN READ AT ALL. i mean if u read u would have read this only after you read so it doesnt make a diff....

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