Sunday, August 16, 2009

4th bullet - unwelcomed revenge (1)

ahh im so wanting to find out what happens in the story tat i wanna write but must do hw =.= blehblehbleh.

chapter 4 - unwelcomed revenge (1)

natsume starts off home, pondering about how reiko could possibly know about DX. His father was an agent of DX but died during a big-scale mission leaving him and his mother alone. his mother never could recover from the sorrow of losing her husband and died due to a simple fever when natsume was only 9 years old. since then he has been taken care of by luke as luke's disciple and seudo son. He knew that the identity of DX was unknown to most of the people in the organization other than the top 12 agents. natsume's father was the top at the time he died and natsume also aims for that in want to be stronger than his father. the organization itself is called DX which stands for something. a sad face. now, natsume wishes to find out all about DX other than it's mission in helping the government's underside handlings. He doesnt know much at the moment though. HAHA

'ahhhh i shouldnt have told him i knew DX' thinks reiko as she carries out club activities once again. she observes her 'students' and correct their mistakes or show them how it is done correctly from time to time while she thinks of DX and nastume's involvement as well as her own. soon enough, a call from DX came. telling the club members that she would be leaving, she took off to head quarters only unlike natsume, she had her chauffeur drive her there^^
"hi dadi. whats up?"
"haha hello my darling daughter. having fun in school?"
"HAHA as expected aye? back to business though--"
"you mean about my classmate?"
"my my sharp as usual. or should i say, as expected from reiko?"
"so what about him?" smiles reiko.
"well... if you spotted him means you know his skill right?"
"commence project T2C."
"yes. we're going to start now."
"you knew it was going to start soon. and that soon is now. you will commence the project whether you like it or not. go home and prepare my love."
reiko fakes a spit and stomps out of the room closing the door with a bang. but as commanded, goes home to think, not prepare, about it.

as reiko lay on her bed thinking... 'if he's candidate C means there are two others that i dont know about. sigh. dadi's only 50. im pretty sure he can lead till he's 80 for goodness sake! im the facilitator for candidate C huh... project T. the Test for the next DX. this isnt a laughing matter. his every move is watched by millions and now this not very serious natsume is a candidate? even i would do better than him! ZZ.' and she falls asleep.

Although natsume wanted to ask reiko about DX, she skipped school…and this time, natsume's phone rings AFTER school. which was a good thing.
"good afternoon."
"yo, N94 reporting, elious"
"elious confirmed. mission has been sent by sms"
--- [from DX
rosary's bar
haji street 22
2250 takahashi keita, mibunara hannah, miyano kaoru
back up from S80, K78, L62
meet at haji street 20 mc donalds
1800 details from L62]

‘now this is SERIOUSLY weird’ thinks natsume. Natsume knew this mission would be on a larger scale than usual as he was actually told who was coming. L62 referred to luke, K78 referred to kenji but he didn’t know who S80 was. Natsume calculated mentally that he had close to 2 hours to get there. Not wanting to stand out while wearing his uniform, he ran to the hostel to change before setting out, revolver and all, to haji street 20.

“you’ve got to be kidding me!” from an unknown voice greeted natsume when he walked into mc donalds.
Sitting down with a smile as a greeting, “what’s the joke?”
luke didn’t laugh back like he usually would but told natsume, “this time, there aint no joke. We may be the only group working on this mission but that isn’t because the mission is easy. Its because that way we’re not as easily spotted.” Then kenji butted in saying in barely a whisper, “we’re burnin down a building wtf!”
shocked at the sudden vulgarity, natsume questions, “burning down a building? Telling the whole city what we’re doing? Are ya-you sure?” natsume inwardly curses sena for influencing him to say ‘yah’ instead of ‘you’.
“positive. Our mission is to burn down the building FROM the inside.” Replies luke.
The unknown guy bursts in again, “and get ourselves killed?! Inside, outside what’s the difference? The building is going down burn burn burn anyway!”
Luke then says something that catches natsume’s attention, “you know DX, he does stuff for a reason. Whether personal or for his men, there is a reason for his actions. Whether the result is bad or good, we trust our boss.”
“and lose our lives.” Repeats the unknown guy.
“is it alright to talk about this in daylight? who are you anyway?” natsume asks S80.
“name’s shino.” Replies the unknown guy.
Inside his head, natsume thinks…’like the insect guy from naruto only not so quiet...’ x=
“its okay. forget shino. Take separate routes and do as you wish until about 9. then start heading towards our goal and even if we meet each other, walk as if you don’t see anyone you know. Ill repeat the plan for natsume. Our target will be situated in a sound proof room in the bar right on top just beside the loft. An estimated number of two guards will be at the door. We are to evacuate the owner and the guests in the bar using a fake fire alarm. Those thugs in the sound proof room would be deaf but the guards have to be taken care of. Like us, they’ve got back up on the roofs of other buildings and praying that our information serves us well, there are three. I’ll take the two at the door in the bar, the three of you do the surveillance of the surroundings and take down the other three. As for the signal—“
“the damned whistle” sighs kenji.
“right.” Luke continues, “the moment u guys finish, come to the bar asap and find me. Hopefully I wouldn’t have been caught by then haha. We will enter the room gun pointed and all. I’ll do some talking and threatening before we pour the oil and light the fire. Then we barricade the door and run. Got it?”
“you mean… we gotta take lives?” questions natsume who is quite afraid of that thought.
“every time you capture someone alive, that person is interrogated for information and killed unless his or her life is of use to DX. It’s the same thing just that this time we do it ourselves.” Replies luke.
Natsume looks down at his knees unsure of himself while shino curses on and on.
“lets go shall we?” a rhetorical question by kenji and the group disperses.

‘skipped school again…’ thought reiko as she dressed to get ready for the facilitators job. To watch, and grade. She knew that this would be natsume’s first job where he had to take the lives of people for the first time so she was not expecting much from him. She knew of many who took their first killing job and cowered or became proud. Neither was a good show. Not wanting to tell natsume about her connection with DX, she decides to ignore his questions the next day at school…not like he was supposed to know that she was his facilitator =.=

Playing flycatcher and some other weird arcade games to kill time, natsume spent almost his whole wallet of money but got about 20 soft toys and 5 sweets. He didn’t know what to do with them so he asked the lady at the counter to keep it for him and that he would come for it today later or tomorrow. He started to scan the area outside and kept a lookout for possible places where snipers or guys with binoculars will be placed. It had to be somewhere facing the bar, either roof tops or windows and quite high levelled. After narrowing down the places, he found all 3 of the so called backup people and decided on hunting the one in the middle. Suddenly he realised that if that backup guy told his mates tat he had been taken by some kind of sign he would be in a bad position… suddenly in a dilemma, his phone rang. An unknown number told him through sms

[from unknown
Don’t worry.

While he wondered who read his mind, he realised that the so called backup people were running to the same direction. Now he understood. All he had to do was attack and the backup people would gather while kenji and shino would notice and run to his aid. Inwardly laughing at his stupidity, he went to join Shino and capture his prey. Relying on leg and arm power rather than guns, natsume managed to knock his opponent out after a bit of a sweat. Afterall, the silly backup guy was not concentrating on the fight but his injured companion x=. then he heard ‘the damned whistle’ and started running with Shino towards rosary's bar. Kenji soon joined them. The whistle was answered with a fire alarm that could be heard even from afar.

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