Sunday, March 31, 2013

Souls vs Blood 12

Souls vs Blood 12

"Klar, you had a car?!?!?!?!"
Alice was stunned and shocked standing outside her front door, gaping at the black and hot pink sports car in front of her porch.
"Had this parked somewhere a long time back. It works just fine though." *As long as I drive it* She thought to herself.
"WOW! This colour is... Striking!" Alice tried to find a word that wasn't negative sounding.
"Get in" Rebecca held the door open just like a gentle...lady.
"Klar, you look younger than me but just how old are you?"
"You wouldn't want to know. Hahh. Old enough to have a driving license that I promise you." *Though I never did take the test...* she thought to herself...
She shot off, warped off a few roads she knew Alice weren't familiar with and parked at the resting spot closest to the soul sucker portal. Rebecca bought Alice a Frappe in the cafe and got her to wait there. She went to the portal, and well, she couldn't go in but she could send her little pet in... The little pet was the same one that guarded Alice while Rebecca went to speak to Harold at this very portal a month back. It had fangs. It had ears like a dragon, wings like a bat, feet like a bird, hmm. She didn't really know what she created so she named him --

"Go in little mashup. Go in and sneak to the dungeon just as I told you to. You have the pass yeah?"
Mashup sticks the tip of his left wing in a pouch that looked like just skin a moment ago, pulls out a little device, and jangled it at Rebecca.
"Good thing (She didn't know if it was a girl or a guy...). Now off you go!"

Little Mashup have scuttled have glided to the dungeon entrance, zoomed past the moving pillars and flying objects, retrieved the little device from before, let it come into contact with a device at the dungeon entrance. The device did his thing and gave little Mashup invisible entry. No barriers were erected for Mashup. He used the device on a hub and retrieved Harold's position from the dungeon database. He then went into a corner to avoid detection and then used his wings to hold the device and look at the screen carefully, memorising the data. The moment he was sure he wouldn't forget, he nodded, chucked it back into his pouch and flew low, to the 6th floor. Harold and Johnathon were asleep by then.

*OUFF* Mashup landed on Harold. He jumped.
*Ouff Ouff OUff* Harold stirred. He jumped some more.
"Ou Ou OUch!" Harold whispered and got up rather quickly.
"What's up man?" Johnathon turned but kept his eyes closed.
Little Mashup smiled at his work. He managed to wake his target. He used his left wing to exaggeratedly cover a cough, removed a tiny scroll from his pouch, and handed it with two wings, ceremoniously to Harold. When the scroll had been passed to Harold, he folded his wings, and puffed up his chest with pride.

Harold unscrolled the tiny scroll.

Come quick! Follow Mashup the little thing that woke you! Alice is waiting! Don't worry you can go straight back in to whatever level using Mashup. I've got access into the dungeon controls. Klar.

Damnit. thought Harold.
"Hey johnathon" Harold crouched and whispered into Johnathons ear.
"What the, don't do that!" Johnathon rubbed his ear irritatedly. It was itchy.
"I'll be back. You can start training without me if you want."
"What?" Before Harold could step away, Johnathon caught his wrist.
"No mate. I'm going with you."
"I'll be back real quick." Harold bargained.
They stare at each other.
"How are you going to --"
"I've got a way to get back to the 6th floor don't worry. I'll be back real soon."
"Don't disappear or die on me Harold. I won't let you. Won't let you off."
His wrist was loosened and he gave little Mashup a push which set it running. Harold ran off after it. They reached the wall of the dungeon, the little device came out again, did it's stuff, and a portal opened. Mashup jumped in, Harold followed.

"Hi~~~" Rebecca smiled and waved sweetly. In her goth pink outfit, it didn't really match...
"Follow me~"
Rebecca was excited about this. She wanted to watch their 'reunion'.


The Frappe was melting. Alice was grabbing on to it with both hands. How would Klar know that Harold was coming here? Did they know each other before hand? Why didn't she mention it before? She did feel a bit disturbed but she did want to meet Harold again. He gave her fuzzy feelings. She didn't dislike it.

"See that cafe over there?~"
"Alice is inside.~"
Unlike James, Harold trusted Rebecca Klar so he went off without question.
Rebecca hid herself and stalked the couple.

The bells on the top of the glass door jangled. Alice jumped and turned like a frightened bunny.
Harold noticed her fear. It was more of nervousness but he read it as fear.
Harold approached her slowly. Alice wished he walked faster.
"May I?"
Alice opened her mouth to say "sure", decided against it, closed her mouth and nodded.
Harold sat down opposite her.
Alice sucked her Frappe.
Rebecca couldn't stand the awkwardness. But she was enjoying herself.
Harold looked at her collar bone. Yeah. His mark was there. He replaced it.
Rebecca was hovering outside rolling in mid air laughing kicking her legs up and down and hugging her stomach.
The table put just about a meter between them. He was leaning back with his legs inwards to make sure he didn't absorb her soul again.
The Frappe was half gone.
"Is that nice?"
"Huh?" Alice didn't know what he was talking about.
"That drink."
"Oh!" Alice looked at her Frappe and noticed it was half gone. "It's..." She didn't know how it tasted like... She wasn't concentrating on it... "It's good." She didn't know what she was doing then she pushed the drink out to Harold while Harold pushed his chair back in response then she said, "try it!"
Harold waited until she retrieved her hand before reaching for the drink and sucking on the straw. He didn't taste it either. "Yeah. It's good."
Alice was relieved. Harold pulled his chair back in just in case Alice felt offended by his movement of avoidance. Alice was starting to warm up to Harold.
"So, where've you been?"
"Stuck somewhere. Gotta go back soon actually."
Alice was a bit disappointed.
"Who... "
Harold looked at her quizzically.
"Who are you?"
Harold's expression changed to one of resignation.
"Do you know me?" Alice continues to ask. Those were the same questions she asked the last time she thinks they met.
Harold thought, "She really doesn't remember what happened that night..."
Rebecca was bored. She decided this wouldn't do. She wasn't expecting skin ship, she didn't want Alice to die. But she did wanted them to talk a little more. Sigh. She summons Mashup again, gives it a little note, and  poured some blending in potion on the fella. People saw through him that way. He'd blend with whatever was behind or below him. It only worked on small things, and apparently Mashup was tiny enough.
The little note was slipped into Harold's hand that was hanging near the floor. He sneaked read it.

Talk to her about the glitter. She knows. Great Great Grandmother.

Harold scrunched up the little note and threw it at the invisible Mushup. Mushup wasn't very happy.

The Frappe is finished.

"You done?"
"With the drink?"
Alice looks at her Frappe and notices it is gone.
"Come with me."
Harold got up with a spin, and went towards the door. Alice jumped off her chair sending it loudly backwards before running towards Harold. Harold stopped, turned, and gave her a stop signal. Alice stopped.

"Keep yourself at least a meter away from me you got it?"
Alice nodded.
Harold continued on to the door, and because they were kinda apart, he didn't open the door for her, and Alice was a bit sad about it. Rebecca couldn't hover to follow them without being seen, so she unwillingly touched down and followed on foot.

This was soul sucker territory. It was right outside the portal, so all soul suckers that travelled to earth often usually knew this place best. Maybe even better than humans. When Harold and his gang were younger, they often came to the forest area behind the resting spot to play. There, on two of the taller but similar height trees, they had built a platform. It was actually only a small board that were supported by the branches of two trees, but they amplified the strength of the branches in their teens, as well as the size of the board. As a result, Harold could lay down with his full height on the platform with his hair touching one end and his heel touching the other. Rebecca was happy. Hidden by trees, she could hover again. She loved to hover.

After leading Alice to the right tree, Harold got her to climb it.

"Climb up."
"Up the tree."
"But I've never climbed a tree in my life!"
"Don't worry. This tree is different."

Yeah well, Eunice was really bad with trees too. They could just hover up, but Eunice couldn't go so high with hovering. So she had to climb. They had to get the help of a senior to manipulate the tree so that it had branches that worked like sideway steps.

While Alice was hesitating, Harold decided to show her.
"Watch this."
He stepped on the lowest branch, which was the lowest branch that was ever on any of those trees. Then stepped on a slightly higher branch with his other leg, then he subsequently moved to the right, and almost halfway round the tree, he came back to the left. By then he was a quarter way up the tree. He didn't even need to use his hands.
Harold jumped off.

"Try it."

Alice rubbed her palms together and started with determination. When she reached where Harold had reached before, she turned to look at Harold to share her joy of reaching where he reached. Her eyes were shining and she was enjoying herself. Harold smiled back and started climbing.

Near the top, Alice reached the platform. She was amazed. Even Rebecca was a bit surprised. It was a rather nice spot. Just before he went on the platform, Harold signalled for a little help.

Mushup was sent, rather unwillingly, with an empty scroll and a minute pen.
Harold took it apologetically, and wrote, "pillow? cushion? Do you have any?"
Mushup returned to Rebecca in a jiffy. She rolled her eyes as a response to the note. "Who do you think I am?" She mouthed. But she produced two fluffy pillows and Mushup brought them to Harold. Threw it at him a bit at the end. He almost dropped one but managed to catch it. He threw them on the platform. He stuck his head up and gestured by nodding upwards for Alice to move to the end with a pillow. She obliged.
He sat on the other end and hugged the pillow.

"It's almost time" Harold said after a little moment of silence.
Rebecca took her eyes off the couple and looked up to the sky in anticipation.
Alice looked at Harold with a puzzled expression at first, then the sky began to come a light. Her eyes were locked to the sky.
The clouds had moved to expose a bright, almost half moon. Then, colourful lights started to dance about in the sky.
"What... What is this?" Alice was smiling in pure amazement.
"It's a little show I and my friends made quite a few years ago. It's actually lights in a tiny box that are projected and mirrored. Just like a kaleidoscope."
*That's probably the longest thing I've heard Harold say* thought Alice.
Well, Harold left out the part that it worked using the light reflected off the sun on the moon... and that the lights were not LED or florescent or anything like that but colourful light bugs. Like fireflies, just rainbow coloured... And that the box wasn't exactly a box but more like the light bug enclosure in the soul sucker realm... hmm... Oh well. It was a little complex but when they were kids they were arguing about something and trying out their own thing on the platform and it ended up mixing up to become this projection of the light bugs in the night sky. It could be seen as long as a soul sucker was on the platform. That was Harold. And as long as it wasn't a full moon. It wasn't. They watched they show for about 5 minutes. When I say they, I mean Alice and Rebecca. Harold's eyes were elsewhere... Somewhere one point two meters away from him... On a smile, an open mouth, wide barely blinking eyes, and hair flowing in the light breeze. The projection ended as the clouds came back to cover the moon.

Alice turned to comment about it to Harold and found him staring at her. The words she wanted to say were lost. She regained her composure in a few prolonged seconds.

"That was really really pretty."
"Yeah" [I think he means Alice]
"I've never seen anything like it. Is it natural?"
"Not really."
"It's amazing."
"Glad you like it."
Alice ran out of words.
Then she changed the topic.
"Will... Will I see you again?"
Harold was stumped. Why should she meet him?
Rebecca was bored. She was itching to involve herself and make something happen.
Then she had an idea... it was almost turning morning... She took out a bottle of dry glitter...

Just before 12, Rebecca blew the top of the dry glitter bottle, sending glitter over the platform. Alice was really excited. She looked about jumpily but she knew it wasn't the same glitter because it didn't disappear.
Then Harold decided to use Rebecca's advise after all.

"Your glitter is prettier."
Alice pauses. "Sorry?"
"When you glitter. It's prettier than this."
"I... glitter?"
"You do."
"You've seen it?!?!" Alice was intrigued. Someone else knew about the glitter!
"Yes I have. Just once."
"Do you know what it is?" Alice gets her hopes up about finding out what the glitter really is in place of her grand ma"
"Barely. Not much." Harold tells a kinda white lie to avoid answering.
Alice loses her hope. "Oh well, at least I got to know that I have it too."
"Let's go." Harold starts on his descent. Rebecca collected her pillows once Alice let it go and skipped after Harold.
As she dusted the pillow Harold used a bit annoyingly, They reach the bottom of the tree.

"See you Alice.
"See you Harold."
Harold disappears.
*I finally managed to say my farewells successfully before he leaves...* thought Alice.
Before heading to the portal though, Harold approached Rebecca who handed him another chop to place his mark on. Mark placed. Rebecca also coaxes Mashup to follow Harold back into the dungeon. Mashup grudgingly does so, growling.
Rebecca waited for Alice at the ends of the forest area.

"Let's go then!" Rebecca smiled and hummed as she led the way back to the car. *Harold wasn't so bad as a romanticist?* She thought.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Souls vs Blood 11

Souls vs Blood 11

The Dungeon.

In the place where soul suckers abideth, there is, a volcano.
Beside it, is land that was made of hardened lava from a volcanic eruption a few centuries ago. Although the volcano is now dormant, that is not of importance to us. What we focus on, is the hardened lava. The wizards from those centuries ago used a little magic to control where the lava flowed and hardened. They created a huge underground dungeon. It was the perfect training area for their soldiers as well as a place of refuge during magical, or - the not so often - natural disasters. In prepararion for the war, all 6 levels of the dungeon had been opened and furnished for different trainings. Starting from ground to deeper underground:
The first level was the most popular and the most crowded - the combating vampires related classes.
The second level held magic related classes both theoretical and practical.
The third level held weapons handling classes from daggers to pistols.
The forth level was a battle arena with many many cubicals and platforms for simulations or duels to take place.
The fifth level held psychological lessons by... slightly psychopathic instructors.Will power and using words to confuse the enemy or make your enemy lose confidence are the main classes taught among others.
The sixth level was Granny Squavox's classes which were healing and soul related.

"YOU WILL LEARN EVERYTHING FROM SOUL COMPACTION AND LIQUIDATION TO MININAL UTILISATION OF SOULS." Booms the speaker jumping about advertising the 6th floor. Well, the sixth floor needed the most advertising since it was on the 6th floor. There is a rule to this dungeon. You had to start from the top. At each level, u had to complete at least one course. You can only move on once you have completed all courses you have started and the dungeon will barricade you from exit or move down. Upon entrance, the dungeon will recognise you, and track your progress. When you exit, a little bat will announce what you have done, praise or ridicule you, and ask if you want physical recognition of your dungeon travel. A little programming magic done by a specialist team prepared the dungeon this way in preparation for the war. As a result, the first level was very crowded while the last level was close to empty. There were exceptions. Peopke that had known specialties could travel to specific levels. A registered healer like Sarah can choose to go to the 6th floor, but she cannot access the other floors in the middle. Most of them do not choose to do so since they are already proficient in they're trade though. Sarah had quickly taken a simple course on the first floor and was focusing on the second floor. So far, she had completed 3 courses on the 2nd floor while Harold was only just entering the dungeon and receiving the rules and instructions from a talking... pillar.

"You cannot... You will.... " Harold was falling asleep. Johnathon was a trainer so he had exclusive access to all floors. He decided to stay with Harold and made sure his friend would be strong enough at least to survive if not to fight.

"Harold, LISTEN TO THE PILLAR WILL YOU?" It was only the beginning but Johnathon was already losing patience with Harold. He was impossible.

Day - 1 level 1 class weaknesses of vampires

"Vampires are mortals. They too have weaknesses we can make use of! Forget all the story books and garlic or silver bullets! Such items are of no use! Here you will learn what vampires are truly afraid of!"

Johnathon had decided to take a theory class first since Harold was so reluctant to exercise. But it was horrible. Not a weakness was usable for vampires in general and there were so many conditions no one would remember them. A useless course with an mcq test they passed as fast as daylight. They were out in 3 hours flat.

Day - 1 level 1 class combat against fangs

To make Johnathon happy, Harold joined a combat class. The fangs of vampires may not be able to draw blood from soul suckers but they could still be a lethal weapon if used correctly. Vampire fangs could weaken soul sucker magic. Used with venom or enchantments and (oh boy) fangs could do some serious damage! This class taught one how to defend against, and counterattack fangs. Since it was a combat class, even though Harold was really trying hard, he took about 5 days to clear the course. Johnathon completed the course about 20 times while helping Harold out. Well, he was one of the planners of this course so it would have been expected. Harold finally managed to avoid being hit by the fangs installed onto the test bot as well as attack the bot until the bot's HP reached zero within the time limit. Barely.

Day - 6 level 2 class cooking

Johnathon was not very happy in this class. He passed it. Barely. Harold passed it rather quickly. All they had to do was make a soup without touching any of the ingredients. Johnathon didn't see the point in this lesson. It does help to train your dexterity to some extent though. And for Johnathon, ALOT of will power. They completed the course in 4 hours because Johnathon had a little difficulty with the spices.

Having completed the easy course to ensure they could go to the next level, they went on to tougher modules.

Day - 6 level 2 class attacking magic - bolts

"You do not require a wand to shoot bolts as you all should know from elementary school... What you require, is also not intelligence as what games claim... you need MENTAL STRENGTH!" At the last two words, the class jumped in shock when the soft spoken instructor suddenly raised her voice. "Elements? Why bother shooting fire or lightning when we just need to land some form of damage? FORGET the burning! Shoot your soul bolts and AIM THEM WELL!" The class was starting to get used to her unbalanced intonation. Each student was aligned as if in a shooting arena or bowling alley and made to create bolts out of souls. These bolts were particularly strong against vampires who are as good as allergic to souls that have been absorbed by soul suckers. There is just some repelling forces between the two races.
Johnathon couldn't sustain a bolt for longer than 5 seconds. Harold managed to throw one but it disappeared  after flying side ways for less than a meter.
"WILL power boys! Image the bolt in your mind, and form it STRONG!"
They both tried, and failed.
So much for consistency of intonation. The two boys rubbed their ears in agony.

The rest of the day was spent on this class. The next morning as well. By then, both of them could form a bolt and throw it at the other end of their alley, touch the soul absorbing globe, and graduate after managing to send 5 bolts in a row to the globe within 5 minutes. Not bad.

"Goodness, how did we do all this in school last time?" Johnathon started complaining.
"How did we forget it?" Harold wasn't happy with his progress either.
"I was never much of a magician, wizard whatever they call themselves these days."
"My grades were... yeah. never commendable either." Harold sighed.

Day 7 level 2 class playful spells

Making the floor slippery. - 2 hours.

Making one item stick to another item (please do not use yourself as an item) - 3 hours

Moving multiple objects without touching them (not living things) - 5 hours.

It was way in the night before they finished. They had 4 hours of sleep before continuing.

Blowing a fuse remotely - 1 hour (Johnathon finished this in 20 minutes. Always one for brute strength.)

Making your hair stand and pokey - 3 hours. (Both of them couldn't really get it right...)

okay... the list goes on...

they finally finish all the spells and clear the course.

Day 9 level 2 class magical traps

Warning traps, Damage dealing traps, Capturing traps, Luring traps. Many different traps were taught and materials needed for each trap were repeated over and over.
"Only if you had them(the right materials), you could build them. But only if you build them well, will they be of any use!" Hollered the instructor from time to time.

They spent rather long in here. Johnathon was forgetful and Harold was clumsy.

Day 11 level 2 class attacking magic - strengthening physical attacks

Johnathon reigned here. He even beat the instructor which was his older sister.
"Hahh! WAHOO!!!" Johnathon went around making everyone's efforts look like carbon dioxide (nothing).
Basically, for those physically weak, they can wear a layer of soul over their skin as additional defence, or increase the force of a punch or kick with good soul control. Johnathon had poor control over his souls for everything except in this area. Harold on the other hand, took a good full day to beat the simulation and was defeated completely by the instructor, as well as Johnathon.

Day 12 level 2 class potion making

Harold was all right here. He could remember the ingredients and the requirements. Johnathon on the other hand blew a few pots up. Oh dear. Johnathon managed to meet the requirements somehow though. They made quite a few interesting potions that they could keep and perhaps, use against vampires... Though I doubt it would be of much use since the potions were more... for decorative purposes than attacking. The only useful one was toxic and one of the ingredients required were not easily available so they could not make it on their own... Unless of course, Rebecca Klar was with you.

Day 12 level 3 class - archery

Oh it was a disaster. Harold couldn't even hold the bow, not to mention pull it and aim and shoot. He had to do physical training before the trainer let him even touch the bow. They spent about 4 days here.

Day 17 - level 3 class - gun handling

From disassembling and reassembling, to reloading, disposal and keeping. How to not shoot yourself. Yeah. The candidates needed that alot. Even with soul bullets, a number of students shot themselves while handling the guns. Ouch. From holding to balancing. They spent quite long here. Harold's aim was down the drain. One would have thought archery would have helped his aim. it didn't. He graduated with a score of 68. The requirement? 65. Oh dear. Johnathon got 98. He made Harold take the test again. 70. Hmm. Better than some screaming girls, but not even close to average compared to the rest.

Day 21 - level 3 class - blades

Kitchen knives, daggers, throwing stars, etc. everything and anything with a sharp side, even razors, were plentiful here. They learnt to make use of all of them as weapons. Harold suffered quite a bunch of cuts...

Day 25 - level 3 resting area

Harold was getting impatient. He told rebecca about a month. it would almost be up but he was only on the third floor. Johnathon didn't care. In the dungeon, there was a communication system he could use to contact those outside the dungeon. But who would be willing to meet rebecca klar and pass on a message that he would be late and to bring another chop so he could place his mark on it again?

Day 26 level 4 duel

Harold did surprisingly well. He defeated a simulation where he fought against a... child vampire... and won...


Day 26 level 4 war

How to save yourself when you were surrounded and alone? Well, Johnathon cleared this in a jiffy while Harold blasted his way through the crowd somehow in his impatience.

Day 27 level 4 teamwork

Working together with strangers of the same race. Easy? Not always. Especially not when you're teamed up with a guy that had been pinching your cheeks when you were in nursery. Harold tried not to care when his bully taunted and laughed at him at every possible moment. Amazingly, the bully did his job when the time arised (though not without finding some other joke about Harold) and the course ended.

Day 28 level 5 class receiving pressure

Let us ignore the masochistic instructor that demonstrated what he was supposed to teach nonstop.

Both physical pressure tolerance and mental pressure tolerance were trained here. How well could you stand the simulations? Johnathon lost his cool too often at the mental side, but was really good at tolerating physical pain and pressure. Harold was the opposite. He wasn't much affected by mental pressure, but his physical pressure tolerance was as low as a boneless body. He angrily survived the test at the end with a decent score though. He was getting hasty.

Day 30 level 5 class debate

Let us ignore the narcissistic teacher who was in love with herself and sweet talked to herself as if she were two persons.

Harold, was okay. Johnathon, a failure. They met Tom here. He was wonderful! He rebutted everything that came his way with a smirk on his face. He had always been good with his words. Way to go!

"Harold! Think a bit before you speak! Use anything you can against your enemy! Remember what he said or did and use it against him!" Tom had given up on Johnathon and tried to give tips to Harold constantly so Harold would keep on thinking and remembering to use tactics. Johnathon used his staff pass to get through. Harold completed the course at the end of the day.

Day 31 level 5 class planning

Tactics were taught here by a talking book. It was just a lecture and a test. Johnathon who was trained in tactical battle passed with flying colours while Harold relied on his short term memory to pass with... no credit. Lol.

Day 31 level 6

Granny Squavox magical jars and tables were the instructors for this floor. Some even had fluffy slippers as instructors. The atmosphere was... ancient.

Class soul usage minimization.

Harold was on a roll here. Because he never did rely much on souls because of his conscience, he naturally was able to minimize the amount of soul he used. Johnathon had a little more problems...

"Limit reached" announced the soul usage reading statue that had been allocated to Johnathon for the umpteenth time.
Harold scored a distinction and johnathon passed barely and they went to the next class.

Class Soul compaction and liquidation

"For easy storage, souls can be made into fluids. In solid form souls are hard to absorb so we do not convert them into solids often. (from the looks of it however, most people were producing solids...) Depending on how well you control your soul, your liquid can be highly concentrated, meaning a small bottle can hold enough for recovery from near death situations, or lowly concentrated, where a small bottle can perhaps heal a paper cut. Depending on the difficulty level you choose, your ending test will have different levels of concentration requirements. Let us move on to the lesson! ... "

With every instruction, Harold could keep up with the instructor. Johnathon was lagging behind.
At the end of the lesson, Harold completed 5 bottles of sufficiently high concentration soul fluids and with a bit of help from him, Johnathon made one average concentration soul fluid. hmm.

"We did all this in school so this should be just a recap but IT STILL IS HARD..." Johnathon was partially giving excuses...
"Haha. Some things never change Johnathon. Your grades in soul related classes were never really nice to look at..."
"Same goes for you Harold. Same goes for you."

Day 32 level 6 class healing

"Healing by absorbing souls is a natural and instinctive ability all soul suckers have -- ("except my mother" thought Harold.) -- but using it to heal other soul suckers, *the instructor pauses and paces*, and using it sparingly when healing yourself, *repeat*, and controlling how much soul you use as you do so, *dejavu* that is what we will try to teach you in this short course. Please practise on your own after obtaining the knowledge of the skills taught. Should you be able to heal the simulated injured soul sucker with the limited amount of soul given to you, you shall pass this lesson."

Johnathon didn't even bother taking the test. Sarah who was on shift as a helper at the moment was trying her hardest to convince him and encourage, prompt, beg, etcetc, him to learn how to heal. Johnathon was adamant. Then Harold successfully got him into the course officially. "Hey, if Sarah was the only medic on board and she was injured and you were around... who'd save your sister?"
Johnathon raised his hands in surrender and defeat. "All right! Okay! I'll do it!" Sarah gave the boys a hug. Johnathon was trying to shaker her off while Harold just laughed at the scene. It was an important course, so they spent a whole day practising. Harold was proficient enough at it, Johnathon managed to heal a paper cut, Sarah was happy enough but made Johnathon promise to practise with her until he could heal a bullet hole... Probably impossible. But Johnathon couldn't over power his sister this time. Conceded to his fate.

It was a little over a month. Harold was worried about what was happening on the other side. He missed... Alice. Just a little. Okay maybe more than that. Oh all right all right he missed her quite a bit. He wanted to go visit the human world more and more with each passing day. Johnathon could sense his friend's impatience.

Day 32 level 6 rest area

"Hey, you wanna get out right?"
Harold opened his eyes wide but kept quiet.
The fire lamp beside them flickered.
"I'll walk you there. Go for a while then come back. We can't neglect training okay? Instead I'll let you go about once to twice a week."
"You... you will?"
"Yeah. I'll even go with you just once."
"Wha... what?"
"I wanna meet this girl you've been going on about. Alice or whatever. Wanna see if she's worth it."
"Wo... worth what?"
"... you idiot." Even  Johnathon thought Harold was dense.
Harold waited.
"Worth the time you spend thinking of her." Johnathon tried to phrase it in a not so obvious way...
"Don't you want to show her to us?" (us meaning the clique)
"Uhh. Not really."
Johnathon made weird expressions in the dark thinking "Harold is impossible!!!"
"Then what do you want?"
"Want what?"
Johnathon made more weird actions and expressions. (of exasperation)
"Want to happen with Alice!" Johnathon couldn't find a more indirect way to ask.
"WHAT?!" Johnathon responded a little too quickly and loudly.

"SHUT UP" shouted some guy from a distance.
"SORRY!" Johnathon shouted back embarrassed.

"Then what's the point of protecting her?!"
"I just... don't want to harm her..."

Johnathon knew what Harold meant. Souls suckers absorbed souls after all. And even though Harold knew Alice could regenerate her soul, "was there a limit to how much she can recover? what if suddenly the regeneration fails to happen? what if the regeneration came with side effects?" Harold couldn't be sure. He wasn't going to risk it. He never wanted anything to happen between him and Alice. Paraphrase = never allowed himself to want anything.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Souls vs Blood 10

Souls vs Blood 10

The Human World

Rebecca Klar got back home after her meeting with Harold. She herself had done her own digging for information and investigation. She knew there was a spell involved, she knew it was regenerative from Harold, she knew it was cast years back and it would be amazing if it still worked. Usually spells didn't last for very long. They had instant uses, not ones that last for decades. It was hard to find information since, it was only cast twice. (She knew it was cast but she didn't know the love story. Would have puked if she did anyway.) As she thought, she stroked Alice's hair.

Alice stirred. "Klar?"
"Yes dear?" Rebecca smiled brightly.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost time for lunch dearie. Would you like to eat anything in particular?"
"Anything you cook is nice Klar. Anything at all."
"Great! The question was a lie. Lunch is already cooked." Rebecca opens a portal, starts a fire that engulfed the dishes for 5 seconds and then placed them on a tray and brought them out of the warping zone just as Alice stretched and yawned with her eyes closed.

The hot and steamy lunch made it's way in front of Alice.
"Wow! This would be my first time eating in bed!" Alice smiled at first, then frowned because she remembered her mother never allowed her to eat on her bed. But she refused to start tearing.
Rebecca sat cross legged, head resting on the back of her palm, eyes looking straight at Alice.
"Klar, don't look at me like that when I'm eating! D= Oh, and what about you?"
"Oh, don't worry about me. I've eaten already." Rebecca lied. Well, effectively she doesn't rely on food as humans do. her body can do with or without it.
"All right then! Thanks for the meal!" Alice tucks in.
Just halfway through the meal, Rebecca starts probing.
"Alice, do you have a family tree record or anything like that?"
"I was just thinking of telling you my story."
"Do tell me! There isn't much I know about you Klar!"
"But in return you have to share your ancestry with me too!"
"Haha! What a weird way to put it Klar, ancestry? Oh all right if you so wish to know. I have some old diary somewhere in my room that belonged to my grandmother. I suppose she might have written about her parents or grandparents in it! I tried to read it a long time ago, but I never understood her cursive..."
Rebecca tells Alice all about the Klar family. How her parent's were from two conflicting races. Well, of course there was nothing about magic or soul suckers or vampires. But the essence of the story was there.
"That... that is amazing Klar. It really is. Did you have to suffer a lot?"
"At first when I didn't like my identity I did. But now? HAHH!" Klar scoffs. "I couldn't be happier with who I am!"
Alice finishes her meal. "Okay, time to dig for that diary..."
She unstacked a few boxes and started to rummage through them in a neat manner. Klar observed keenly.
"Here! Found it!" She dusts it abit and blows on the edges. *cough cough*
Rebecca Klar skilfully slid the diary into her hands and flipped to the first page.
Alice looked at Rebecca expectantly.
"You want me to read it to you?"
Rebecca Klar looked at Alice in disbelief. "Oh all right. Sit tight!"
She read through the book. When Alice's granny was reaching adulthood and was experiencing romance and sharing about her love life to her own granny, apparently her granny told her an old story. Well, we all know what story. The man in the hospital. His sad longing gaze. The way he was healthy yet seemed so lifeless. He wasn't injured of course. But because he lost parts of his memory and his family had disowned him years ago, he stayed in a branch of the hospital that was more of a home for patients than the main hospital itself. Mental patients, old folks, death and dumb, disabled, there were a bunch of people there. He was handsome. Tall. Had a lovely voice but rarely spoke. The nurses all showed interest. But he did talk to one. Alice's great great grand mother. She was assigned to his ward. He asked her for things. water, pencils, paper. She liked it. She started to do more than the necessary for the man. The man eventually opened up...

"He finally spoke about feelings that day... I still remember it as clearly as if it had just happened yesterday... Hohoho. He was angry with himself. The poor man. Angry because he couldn't remember something important. He could feel the emptiness but he couldn't fill it. "Feelings without memories" he said... Your grandfather... (the grandfather of the grand daughter ehem.) He never did marry me out of true love. He liked me no doubt... but no dear, I did not marry a man who loved me more than I loved him unlike we always tell you to do Hohoho! I asked him the week before his discharge, if he'd like me as a wife. He smiled, and said yes. I don't know where the courage came from. The moment he left the hospital we were in the church with my own parents saying our vows... Oh... How handsome he looked in his suit. Our first k-- " Grand ma stopped looking up at the ceiling dreamily and faced me instead. She turned to cough a bit. "We didn't have much, but I did what I could to make the house look pretty, and your grandpa was really nice to me for his whole remaining life time. Unfortunately he died shortly after I had your 3rd aunt." Then I asked Grand ma, "Tell me more about him!" Grand ma replied, "Oh you naughty girl, wanting to know all my well hidden beautiful memories that I have kept to myself! Fine! I shall tell you one special thing about him. Sometimes when he fell asleep before 12am, I stayed up to watch him as he slept. -- Oh stop blushing about it girl! Or your poor old Grand ma shall blush too! I am not at the age of blushing! -- Anyway, the moment it struck 12, your Grandpa would glitter." Grandma stopped and looked dreamy again. "Glitter?" I asked impatiently. "Yes... no one believed the patients in the ward when they said he glittered in the night. Thought they were crazy. But it was true. He glittered..." "What do you mean Grand ma?" "I don't know either darling. He just had glitter dancing above him, coming down and disappearing when it touched him. It was beautiful... But it only happened about once in two weeks. I never told a soul. You are an exception my child."
I love my Grandma. But I'm very curious about that glitter. I want to see it. Will I ever I wonder?

*Signature* *Date*

Rebecca Klar stopped reading after that entry.
"Klar? Do continue! Does she say any more about the glitter? Does she learn anymore about it?"
That was what Alice had been doing for every entry. Asking for a continuation. The answers were sometimes there, but often they were not. Rebecca needed to find out. Quite some pages down...

The glitter, I saw it. My own children have it. ---

"That would be my father!" Squealed Alice.

My very own children have that glitter. I'm so happy right now I'm crying. I asked my husband if he'd seen that glitter effect on me and said that he had. Oh my. Seems like it was Hereditary Grand ma. How you would have loved to see this. I shall see how often it happens. My husband promised to help as well!

Rebecca was thinking of whether it was safe to let Alice know this. Perhaps she should skip the entries involving the spell. But it was rather late to do so.

"Oooo!!! Does that mean I have it too?! My mother never told me! Do you think I could record myself to see it?"

Rebecca continued reading. Not too many entries later, Alice's grandmother writes her report.

It happens to my children more than it happens to me. I'm starting to worry. It does not seem human and I can only hope it is not harmful. But it is beautiful. Since I've been keeping track of it, it has happened only once to me, but three times to my children. In a year.

The next few entries are about her children growing up. Then her husband writes an entry.

My wife has returned home. (She died.) She has gone home before me. I read this diary everyday to remember her. I wish not to forget. The glitter she was so enthusiastic about has passed on to her beautiful children, and I shall continue to keep track of it on our youngest child which has yet to leave the house we bought for them. (The house they bought for the family) It has been two years since I have seen the glitter. It reminds me of her.

That was the end of the diary.

"Klar you are amazing, reading all that cursive."
"My handwriting is as impressive. I'm used to it." Rebecca's brain was working.

Why was it once every two weeks for that man? Why do they always die before their spouses? It happening on children more made sense since they had more soul potential. Alice's father did indeed die due to soul absorption. So if the entire soul is absorbed before midnight, one would still die. Would the entire soul be regenerated at midnight? Does it only happen if one is asleep? Were there any side effects? I, Rebecca Klar, shall recreate this spell. She wanted to know how to cast it. Incantation? Action? Emotion? Then she could play about with casting it, or not casting it. But she didn't know you'd die if you do.

Alice looked at Rebecca with a bit of a worried expression. Then they heard the front door unlock. James was back.

Just as Alice was getting out of her blanket to go down and welcome James home, Rebecca stopped her.

"Alice, listen, look at me."
"Yes Klar?"
"Do not tell James anything about the diary. Or the glitter, or anything that I told you about me. Do you understand? Girl talk secret!"
At first Alice wanted to complain. But when Rebecca seemed to trust Alice with her past and stuff, she decided she'd do her that favour.
"Oh all right! I'll try my best!"
"Thank you dear."

James didn't care about staying near Alice or making  her mark disappear anymore. He gave up because he didn't want to harm Alice, didn't want to let Alice know anything. He'd wait longer. So he was no longer kept from his feeding, he was no longer upset and grouchy and annoyed at every little thing. The next few weeks, Rebecca replaced Harold's mark once each week, on the same spot, James came up to Rebecca's room to talk to her about the glitter, Rebecca gave him little information. For once, James was waiting for Harold to appear so he could ask if he'd found anything about it. He had tried to get info, but it was hard to do so without getting Alice involved, and he was from the vampire side that didn't really like soul sucker magic. Unfortunate. Alice wondered if she would ever see Harold again. To her, the last time they met was (in chapter 5) a month ago. She used to think of him quite a lot everyday. Now she thought of him less and focused more on her school work. Having skipped a lot of lessons, she went for remedials and stuff to catch up. Rebecca let her be. Talk about the glitter disappeared and Alice never did manage to see it even when she recorded herself sleeping. Well, it wouldn't when Harold wasn't around and his mark was still on her and she lives with 1.5 vampire and 0.5 soul sucker... Yeap. Her soul was in a safe zone. mmhmm.

Then one night when James had went feeding, Rebecca knocked on Alice's door.

"Let's go see Harold" Said Rebecca the moment the door screeched open. Alice's eyes widened.
"Follow me!"


Friday, March 22, 2013

Souls vs Blood 9

Souls vs Blood 9

After Harold left, Rebecca ordered James about. But because it was for Alice, James willingly and obediently obliged. Harold on the other hand, forgot about whatever training he had (and not to mention how much he needed it since our dear James managed to KO him with one little punch to the tummy...) in the morning and instead, went to Eunice's house in search of her grandmother. Eunice's grandmother was Sarah's master. A healing master. She would know of things such as these. She was the only one that could possible know. If she didn't... Harold could only hope the glitter was something good and not something bad.

Eunice's house was high in the mountains. Her grandmother lived in a treehouse up a tree. She did not require human souls to survive as she had great healing powers and techniques that she took years and years to perfect. Harold took the little short cut he and his gang always took when going to Eunice's house - a nest lift. Through a tight passage, (Eunice's family members were all rather small...) a lobby with a big nest in it will appear. All one had to do was to look the bird in her eye, (the bird is humongous btw), gain her trust, and let yourself in (sometimes with her eggs.  The bird was Eunice's Grandmother's bird. No one really knows how she grew so big except for Eunice's Granny of course. Harold was making an unannounced visit, so the bird wasn't too agreeable to let him on, but since the bird recognised Harold, she obliged. Harold gently sat down by the side of the nest, and grabbed on to a bunch of twigs that stuck out and acted as handles.

He embraced himself.

The nest rose up at a mega fast speed.

Harold closes his eyes and squints for about 50 seconds as he felt the pressure pressing on him. The bird gave him some cover but it was still scary to him. Weak kid. Well, at the top, the bird squawked. Harold slowly relaxed his eyes. Blinked twice, then started relaxing his tightened muscles from fingers to arms to legs. He got out rather slowly to the Bird's annoyance. This was only the way up, not the way down, so the nest promptly dropped back to the ground level.

Harold took a moment to shake himself out of the ride. As he did so, a little jar came out to greet him.

"Ha-Ha-Ha-Harold! It's Master Harold! Why! We haven't seen you in about 197,280 minutes!"
*Oh, it's minutes today* thought Harold to himself.
The Jar sloshed about in a jolly mood.
"Oh Oh OH! What a joyful occasion! Madam Squavox! Do see for yourself! Come! Come Harold! I must let my mistress meet you!"

Squavox. That was Eunice's Granny's name. Not her real one but the one she goes by. Harold followed the overly excited Jar to a little square tiled platform. With a little jig, the jar seemed to have triggered a switch. The clouds parted and revealed a falling staircase that stopped right at the platform. Harold stepped on it, and it moved back up again, the clouds falling back in place.

"You didn't inform us of your arrival Master Harold! If you had, I could have prepared your favourite tea!"
"Sorry Jar, an issue suddenly came up and I have questions that I need answers to, preferably immediately. Mrs Squavox is available?"
"Oh yes yes. She is very very free at this moment. For you, she will always be."

Eunice's grandmother has taken a liking to Harold. Ever since he was a tiny tiny baby. Though at first Harold didn't know if it was a good thing because of the bitter tonics and slimy kisses, but now, he was grateful.
They reached the top.
"Lead me to her. Thanks Jar."
"Oh, it is never a problem Master Harold" (Well, her magical objects seem to share her feelings so they do quite like Harold.)
He walked on the soft ground that felt a bit like grass, but not prickly, just marshmallow-ish. Custom made floor that floats. Apparently Eunice's grandpa liked this certain material and this floor was made to feel like it.

A little forwards and Eunice's Grandmother's voice could be heard.

"Questions you say?"
Harold smiled when he heard her voice. She sounded happy.
"Mrs Squavox, I need your help!"
"Harold my dear, I shall answer your questions in due time. But first, JAR!"
Eunice's Grandmother finally appeared, a small figure coming closer from a far.
"Yes MA'AM!"
"Give little Harold a wash won't you?"
It was a little ritual you had to do when you came here. Madam Squavox hated impurities.
The Jar opened it's cork with a pop and sloshed a little bit of it's liquid onto Harold. The liquid turned gooey and started to work it's way down from Harold's hair to inside his shoes. Harold shuffled about because it was ticklish. Then it bounced away probably to rid itself of whatever impurities it collected.
"DONE!" screamed the Jar.
Madam Squavox then took Harold's hand and led him to a tea table.
After offering him a cookie, she spoke.
"Tell me, what question do you have for  me today?"
Harold used to come here for answers all the time. She was used to it.
"Mrs Squavox, this time it's a little different. I have this... umm... (I guess I could call her a) friend. I accidentally absorbed too much of her soul at one go --"
"A human friend!" Madam Squavox smiled.
"Uhh... yeah. She's human --"
"And she's a girl!" Madam Squavox teased.
Harold bashfully continued, "So we all thought she wasn't going to make it. But then something I had never seen before happened."
Madam Squavox became serious.
"When the clock struck 12 --"
"Oh, just like Cinderella!" Madam Squavox butted in a bit.
"A glittering thing appeared on top of the girl --"
Madam Squavox put a finger to her lips.
"Repeat that with greater details. Glitter you say?"
"It was sparkling. As if someone sprinkled glitter over her. They danced about for a moment before falling and upon touching her, they disappeared! We all hope it is some regenerative thing but no one knew. So I came to you. Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?"
"Harold dear..."
"Yes Granny Squavox?"
"Do not tell anyone about the glitter. If you care for that friend of yours, do not tell anyone about it."
Madam Squavox thought hard. Harold impatiently waited.
"At twelve you meant the time when night changes to day yes?"
"Yes Granny Squavox"
More silence followed.
Harold fidgeted.
"Harold dear, what you saw was the effect of a spell."
"A spell?"
"It is a forbidden spell. One that causes the caster to die once it has been cast"
Harold was speechless for quite some time. Who would have cast such a spell? What are the effects of that spell? Was Alice okay?
"There was once, when a powerful wizard fell in love with a human. The wizard hated herself for absorbing the soul of the human every time they met. She ran away from him and secluded herself in some cave away from civilization. There, she cultivated this spell. She asked a fellow wizard to test it out for her... And that wizard died once the spell had been cast. The wizard was ashamed of herself. Should she have cast the spell herself, her friend would not have died. Now she knew that the cost was death. She could not bring herself to kill another wizard so as to cast this spell on the human she loved. In her miserable state, she went to sneak a peek at the human she loved. He was heartbroken and drunk in a bar. As she stalked him home from a distance, a group of soul suckers appeared and were approaching the human she loved. She panicked. Before they could reach him, she showed herself. However, she was no match for the group of soul suckers. They lost interest in the human though. As he went to her and cradled her, she could feel that his soul was almost gone and that she was absorbing even more of it. She cast the spell on the human and died in his arms, with a smile. Soon, it was 12 in the morning and the human... Yes, this spell has regenerative powers. The human replenished his soul. In his case, his soul went to almost zero before coming all the way back up so he lost his memories of the soul sucker wizard. After waking up in the hospital, he didn't remember certain parts of his life, including his love for the soul sucker wizard. However, he did feel heartbroken. The nurse that cared for him filled it. They got together and married. That was... about 5 generations ago..."
Harold was wrecking his brains.
He broke the silence. "But if that was 5 generations ago... how did Alice...?"
"Harold, should Alice be the child of one of the two humans that the spell was cast on, it may be possible that the effect of the spell is hereditary. But that is only a theory. I did not think the spell or it's effects would still be around."
Silence resumed.
Granny spoke again. "Harold. Do you understand why no one must know about this?"
"Yes. Yes I do."
"That poor girl will be hunted should soul suckers know of her existence and her soul. However, I do believe there are rules to this spell just as all spells have. The danger is that no one knows of them. Regeneration occurs at 12 am. Should her soul be absorbed completely before that, no one knows if she will survive or not. Do not tell a soul Harold darling."
Granny Squavox gazed hard into Harold's eyes.
"Yes Granny Squavox. But there is one person I have to tell."
"And who is that?"
"Rebecca Klar Granny Squavox. I have met her and she witnessed the spell's effects."
Granny Squavox was appalled.
"Harold dear! No matter how much your mother trusts the Klar family you must know how dangerous Rebecca Klar is!"
"She can be trusted Granny. I don't think my mother's judgement was wrong."
"There is little avoiding it if she has seen it. Were there any other witnesses?"
"A vampire that lives with the human girl Granny Squavox."
"Oh my..." Granny gasped. "Will this become any worst? A human, a mix blood, a soul sucker and a vampire?!"
Harold nodded, and sighed. "Yes Granny Squavox. It is a complicated situation. I'll try to see if I can keep it from the vampire, but no promises. I will try my best to protect Alice."
"Oh, so that's the little lady's name?"
Harold got caught by surprise. "Uhh... Yeah."
"Find out her ancestry Harold darling. Perhaps we can find out more about this spell ourselves." Granny Squavox's eyes sparkled.
As usual, she loved mystery and magic.
"Haha, thanks granny. I'll do what I can."
Granny Squavox stood from her chair and walked away.
The Jar appeared again and enthusiastically escorted Harold to the exit.
Instead of a moving staircase and a nest, the exit was simpler. It was a magical slope that was about ten meters long. All you had to do was run along it downwards and at the end, you'll reach the base of the tree. Quite quick and dainty. For those that do not wish to run, there is also a seat with rollers you can borrow to roll down the slope ^_^. The skateboard is reserved for Granny Squavox though. *ehem*

Harold rushed back to the portal to the human world. He tried to devise a plan to meet only Rebecca and not James. Unfortunately, Johnathon was waiting for him at the portal.

"I KNEW I'D FIND YOU HERE. I JUST KNEW IT!" Johnathon shouted and then muttered other things under his breath that didn't sound very nice.
Johnathon stopped dragging Harold. He turned around a little bewildered.
"Yeah?" Harold usually didn't shout like that so Johnathon decided to listen to what he had to say.
"Just give me 3 hours. I'll be back in 3. I really need to get through that portal and tell someone something."

Well actually, he just wanted to replace his mark and see Alice. Rebecca wouldn't die without knowing what that glitter meant.

Johnathon gave in. "But you will go into the dungeon?"
"Yes. for the full month you can lock me there."
"Okay then. go."
Harold shouted "THANKS" as he ran through the portal.

Smart Rebecca Klar. She was on the other side of the portal.

"James can't come here and I knew you'd appear some time or another."
Just as Harold opened his mouth to ask about Alice's safety, Rebecca Klar intecepted. "Don't worry. James is at school. Alice is at home with my pet. She's safe."
"Okay. I was hoping to catch you alone."
"Of course. I'd want to be the first to know. So what's up with that glitter?" Rebecca spoke through her lollipop.
"Well, it's regenerative so Alice is safe but..." Harold pulls Rebecca Klar away from the portal to the back.
"We can't let anyone know." Rebecca ended for him when they stopped moving.
"Okay. I like Alice. I'll protect her and keep her safe. No idiot soul sucker is gonna be able to get her as some battery or something."
"Is she... is she all right?"
"She has woken up since then. I lied that she was down with fever and fed her some sleeping potion."
"Has she lost any memory?"
"She did forget your fight... if that helps. Doesn't even remember you came at all."
Harold couldn't decide if it was a good thing or not. At least there wasn't a need for explanations.
"Okay, I'll be gone for about a month."
"Hahh. Dungeon training? Heard about it. Don't worry. I'll put my mark on her for you."
Harold sighs in relief.
"Hey wait a sec." Rebecca rummaged through her bag, created a portal, and rummaged some more.
"I have this..." it was a blank chop.
"Put your mark on the chop. It works the same as putting a mark on humans. Try it!"
Harold didn't really know if it would work, he had never tried placing a mark on a non living object. But he tried. His mark. it appeared on the underside of the chop.
"Great! With this I can replace your mark about 5 times... that's enough for a month."
"Thanks Rebecca Klar."
"Hey. It's been getting on my nerves, hearing my full name. Just call me Klar kae?"
"Thank you Klar"
"That's better. So, any plans on telling me more about the glitter?"
"I have a favour." Rebecca felt a bit ignored...
"What is it?" she snapped.
"If you can, try and find Alice's ancestry."
"It's got something to do with that?"
"Yeah. When I find out more I'll let you know. Now I have nothing but theories."
"Oh all right. Off you go Harold!"
Harold had turned to walk away but he paused in a half step and turned back.
"I don't remember introducing myself to you..."
"Oh poor Alice was repeating it during her sleep. And since you mentioned Mrs Keyes, it was highly possible you were her son Harold Keyes. No magic here."
"Good bye." Harold returns to the front of the portal and goes through it.
Johnathon promptly dragged him to the Dungeon.

On a side note, Rebecca was actually very very surprised to find out that she herself had a connection with this random group of people. The son of the woman her mother is indebted to is the soul sucker that has attracted her little human interest, Alice. What a connection indeed.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Souls vs Blood 8

Souls vs Blood 8

James was in his room, sitting before his fan. It was switched on... at full blast...

But he was warm.
Overly warm.
Too warm for comfort.

He was itching... He hadn't fed for more than two weeks. That soul sucker was getting on his nerves, Rebecca was getting on his nerves, and he didn't want to leave Alice alone just in case that idiot of a soul sucker came out again. Restless, he stood up and climb the stairs to Alice's room... He could smell her... the scent was so strong... so captivating... so alluring... He opened the door. She was lying in bed, her hair lay above her head, exposing her neck... He approached her...
James opened his mouth slightly. His fangs grew out. He walked towards Alice... He was barely a meter away from her... His mouth opened wide... Harold's weakened mark faded to almost oblivion...


The windows banged open and a flash of light appeared. James jumped a length backwards and Harold landed inside the room, right by the window. James growled at him. They were both beside Alice's bed. Harold growled back. But entering Alice's room for the first time, Harold got distracted. He turned right to look at Alice. She was awake. Her eyes were wide with fear. Alice had looked at them as they stood opposite each other, growling. She was cradled in the form of a fetus, sitting up, blanket held over half her face. Harold's expression fell as he instinctively called out to her.

A punch flew towards Harold but he managed to catch it some what. The boys put distance between themselves again. Both of them stare down at Alice. Even with her blanket covering her mouth to her toes, she felt extremely naked. The boys turned their attention back to each other. In a split second, they exchange strikes. Flashes of light and lingering movements could be seen. Outside the window, Rebecca Klar hovered in Cleopatra position to enjoy the show. They made dents in the floor. Although both of them tried to keep a distance from Alice, things got a little dangerous and Alice whimpered in shock. Harold turned his attention to her.


James shot a punch into Harold's stomach.
Harold was sent flying to the wall. He slid down the wall and as his head dragged on the wall, it drew a fall of blood.
Alice threw her blanket aside and rushed to the knocked half conscious Harold.
"Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me? Say something! Move a finger!"
James pulled Alice off Harold hard and forcefully.
"Don't go near him!"
"James! What are you doing?! He's injured!"
Alice tries to get back to Harold.
Harold manages to stammer, " don't.. don't c... co... come..." He didn't want to absorb from Alice's soul ever again.
James laughs, his hands leaving Alice's shoulders. "See?! He doesn't want you near either!"
Alice doesn't heed either of them.
"Hey what's wrong with the two of *Alice swiftly approached Harold and tried to move him to a better position, thus, coming into physical contact with him in the process.* you?" The "you" could barely be heard.
James gasped and hurried towards her while Harold tried to fend her off meekly but both were too late. Harold's wounds didn't need more than seconds to close up and Alice was lying on the floor, barely breathing. What Harold had dreaded had came true. And it was too late to do anything about it.

James grabbed Harold by the collar and rammed him against the wall, further away from Alice.
Harold was tearing up. Blotches of tears decorated the stunned expression fixed on his face. James left him in his puddle of tears and went to check on Alice. He cradled her head and called her name. She didn't stir. She was still alive though. A large amount of her soul had been extracted from her at once so her physical body could not withstand it. But apparently she was not dead yet. Not yet. (lol. or maybe, *still alive, for now* sounds better.)
James lifted her onto the bed. He didn't know if she would last. Her shallow breath was frightening. Without Alice, James would be alone. He didn't want that. Not at all.
Harold wanted to dig a hole and hide, or run away to his mother's side. But he wasn't going to leave James and Alice alone. Especially when Alice was so weak. He didn't know what to do and he wished Sarah was there to give him some advice. But what could his kind do? What could soul suckers do other than suck the souls of humans they go near to?
Rebecca Klar made her entrance through the window.
"What are you going to do now James?"
Harold was shocked out of his immobility. He turned his attention to Rebecca and his eyes widened. He knew this girl. She was the half blood. His mother knew her mother. His mother was the one that helped her mother escape from the soul sucker community. He had never met Rebecca Klar, or her mother. But his mother did share stories with him and show him pictures. She hadn't changed. Not one bit at all. Except maybe, she might have grown more mature in terms of shape.
"Smuggler! Don't you have anything that can help her?" James was desperate. His eyes did not leave Alice as he spoke.
"Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't. No matter what, I doubt she'll last for very long. Unfortunate. I had taken quite a liking to her." Rebecca was honestly disappointed.
"WELL THEN DO SOMETHING!" James shouted into her face. He continued to stare angrily at Rebecca.
Rebecca Klar laughed. She conjured a small little bottle with a cork as a cap with wings at two opposite points on the side of the cork. She poured some glittery like substance on her palm. She clicked the bottle away and used the fingers of her other hand to sprinkle the substance over Alice's chest. Alice's breathing returns to normal. She looked as if she were sleeping.
"This does not help her regain the time she lost. But it does comfort the effects of such a strong removal of the soul. I'm actually really sorry James. But you should prepare yourself for the worst." Rebecca looked at James sadly. She also thought, *perhaps this was for the best. James would never have to know Alice no longer liked him...*. Rebecca then turned her attention to Harold. He had an aura of dejectedness about him. He faced the floor and knelt on his knees and toes. She pulled a similar straw like item as the one she offered Alice before out of her pocket, used her free hand to lift Harold's chin up, and slid it into his mouth in circular motion so it fit in nicely. She forced him to chew it physically. Harold regained some composure thanks to the straw. He stood up. He spoke.
Rebecca, who had sat down beside Alice and was stroking her hair, expressed surprise as she turned to face Harold.
"Rebecca Klar."
"Yes... Do you know me?"
"Almost everyone knows you." James butted in.
"But not many recognise me." Snapped Rebecca. "Continue dear."
"Do you know how to help her? Any way to help her at all?"
"Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't." She gave the same answer.
"Well, if you do, do you know of the favour you owe to a Mrs Keyes?"
For the first time since she appeared in this story, Rebecca became serious. She felt and expressed true bewilderment. Her aura of playfulness had completely disappeared.
"Yes. Yes I do."
"Then even for her sake, do help that girl. Please."
Rebecca conceded.
"I had planned to since the beginning."
There was a long pause. The two boys kept their gazes steady on Rebecca. On any normal occasion she would have enjoyed the attention. But today, she felt helpless.
"But there is a limit as to what I can do."
The boys, became crestfallen. The clock read 11.55 p.m. Harold and James wallowed in their own thoughts at adjacent corners of the room. Rebecca continued to stroke Alice's hair.


... James closed his eyes in misery.


... Rebecca covered Alice with a blanket and looked out of the window.


...Harold looked dejectedly into space.


... Silence continued to reign...

The room brightened.
They notice the change and follow the source of the light.
The area around Alice was shining.
There was glitter above her body.
They danced and wriggled for a few seconds before floating down and disappearing once they touched Alice.
Rebecca broke the silence. "What... What was that?"
"If you don't know, don't expect anyone else to." James suddenly had the mood to retort her.
"Hey is there any way to know how much of her soul is left in her?" James continued to rattle on.
"That looked regenerative. Is she okay now?" James held on to any piece of hope he could.
Rebecca just looked blankly at Alice and ignored James.
Harold's mind was racing. Who could he seek for answers? Eunice's grandmother? That was his best bet.
He turned his head to face Rebecca quickly, catching her attention.
"I leave her in your care Rebecca Klar."
Rebecca nods and Harold disappears once more.

"That exit was beautiful." Rebecca commented aloud.
James snorted.
(I think I need to explain a little. Harold used magic when he disappears. Which is why it seems like he does not leave but teleports somewhere. Truth was, there was this little trick his father taught him. With a bit of spin and soul, one could move quickly. So quickly that it wasn't easy to see the movement. It was a... Habit of Harold's. ^_^)



Listened to kyo kara maoh's op1... it's been so long. It sounds like it's way slower than I thought it was LOL. Then in related vids I heard the card captor sakura op 3, and lol it has such a strong nostalgic feeling. I used to love these songs. o.o... Now I'm... listening to kpop... =.=... And anime songs... don't really sound fancy no more... D=...

On to catch you catch me... LOL listening to these songs bring back memories man. Of the anime of course. not my own. LOL... Should listen to them more often. AND, WHY THE NEW ANIME'S ALL NOT THAT NICE LEH. COME OUT NICE NICE ONE WITH NICE SONG LET ME DL LEH. D= sobbing sadness!

Next, D TECHNOLIFE. GOODNESS. LONG TIME NO HEAR except in mabinogi. At first I couldn't rmb the lyrics. but it's coming back. A bit of it x=


Anyway, I am definitely, LIKE HUNDRED PERCENT, gonna get out all my sakura CD's and WATCH THEM ALL OVER AGAIN. Card captor sakura is SUCH A GOOD SHOW. Like seriously. I love her older brother. LOL. Sorry about that. x= Takuya? haha. whoops~ kinomoto I think? HAHAHAH EHEHEHE HEART HEART. Shaoran is the cutest guy alive. okay. shaoran in tsubasa might have been nicer, but in cardcaptor he was kinda like like like, cute and lovable. hehh. the listen to her voice message over and over thing... OH CRAP. HOW NOT TO LOVE HIM?!?! lol kk. from cardcaptor 3 to 1 to 2, (haven't even started on the EDs...) I shall go to bleach as I said I would. Actually bleach had a few nice songs I didn't listen to on replay... should I go find them? x=

crap. I miss Cerberus. HAHA. There are a lot of characters that resemble him. Like kon. LOL. oh goodness. kon is too much of an idiot in comparison though. x= that has too much interest in the wrong things... x=...

D technolife... All that was in... English? Okay. If korean music has a scale of 1 to 5 for english standards, I think the japanese have a negative range to 5. D= SERIOUSLY?! I must have noticed the english when there were subs last time. must have thought of about the same things. LOL. just, without the scale which is due to EYK... x=

Okay. after a lot of happenings, SUTD interview on saturday. XY is fussing over what I should wear... =.=... AHHHHHH SO QUICK D= I can't find my DAS report. HOWHOWHOW... D=D=D=




what database if offline MY FOOT

All the names had an apostrophe! (couldn't spell that had to google it lol.)


Ways to solve this?

Leave in the instructions, or the side of the boxes to only use alphabets, or remove all apostrophes since @ seemed to work... did it? X= I don't rmb if there was a name with @. I mean, I don't think I got her form yet... ohwells.

Alternatively, they could improve on their backus-naur form protocol. HEHH. JY WITH THAT. =D 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I'm Bored

I'm Bored.

Well, I've been posting this soul vs blood thing and well, I guess the story is moving but well, I'm taking a break for a moment. Now I'm in the worky placy and I am doing the registration thingy again. EHEM. This is getting really really boring. Doing the same thing over and over again is not fun at all. I don't like working. I don't think I'll ever work in the HR department if I can help it. Temp, I don't mind. But looking at what they do for a living? Spare me. oh oh oh spare me thank you. Sorry to the people that kept student files. oh goodness.

BGS, I understand that the old records are much harder to do a screening on and it is difficult to dig up the archival records of people's education, and it's even harder when they study in places like zurich or the philippines buuuuttt.... ARGH I wish the records for the old peeps come in rather than the new peeps. The new peeps don't even have files yet! Or they are with Jaz and not in the compactor room! No need to bother about them now! But the old peeps. THE OLD PPL ARE BEING AUDITED... a bit of help here? Lol. Sigh. I can just imagine the ppl at the BGS side looking at the huge pile of stuff we gave them to check and verify whether something happened in the 20th century, and SIGHING at the pile. Sorry mate, but well, you decided to start a screening company. Hope you have the resources to do so. Come on, send over them reports so we can kill trees and put them in the files to look pretty for the auditors. Thanks.

And btw, the english in the testimonial not written by my mother is rather atrocious. Not to mention the english in the BGS error alert. it reads "...database if online" =.= wtcrabby paddies? D=


Souls vs Blood 7

Souls vs Blood 7

The next morning, James woke up in a foul mood. The effects of a good meal were fading and he went back to his surveillance on Rebecca.
"Oh I know I'm pretty but stop looking at me won't you?" Rebecca teased.
Alice didn't feel so good about that, but it was true. Rebecca was pretty and James was staring, or actually, glaring at her.
"Alice, would you mind getting that plate for me over there darling?" Rebecca started her tricks...
The plate was obviously closer to Rebecca than Alice, and Rebecca was not in any position that made it hard for her to grab the plate for herself. However, Alice started walking towards the plate to retrieve it for Rebecca. The moment she lifted the plate, it suddenly became very heavy and Alice fell forwards. James, who had been concentrating too hard on Rebecca, took a split second later than usual to react, but managed to catch Alice by the shoulders while the plate decided to become light again. Alice couldn't, and didn't comprehend what was happening o.o...
Rebecca tried really really hard to hide her laughter and released about 3 pffts as James growled at her. She then regained her composure, looked at Alice and said, "oh dear me, are you all right there Alice? I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to take the plate that was so very near me." Her voice was sickeningly apologetic.
"It-- It's all right." Alice managed to say and stand up. She passed the plate to Rebecca anyway. James learnt his lesson this time. He watched out for Alice as well as monitored Rebecca. But he would once again be proved to be observing the wrong thing.
Breakfast was soon ready. James scooped a chunk of whatever that was in his bowl without taking his eyes off the two girls.
"Ja---" Alice wanted to warn him but it was too late.
James had already chewed the stuff he scooped into his mouth and was now spitting it out and howling. He ran around the table as Alice rushed to pour him a cup of milk to get rid of the taste in his mouth. She thrust the cup to James and he gulped it down quickly. There was a huge piece of leek in his bowl. Taste and size was enhanced by a little magic from Rebecca. She had a look of genuine worry but her eyes were twinkling with laughter. "Oh dear me, what happened?"
"I didn't see you add leak into what you were cooking Klar. James can't take leak very well. But he never did react as strongly as this." Alice replied worriedly.
Boy was James angry. He stormed out of the door while Alice hurried to follow him.
"I'll take care of the house Alice baby! Don't worry and just catch up with him!"
Alice complied and ran. She tried to talk to James out of his bad mood, but all James did was scowl in reply.
Rebecca rolled on the sofa laughing for a full 5 minutes before clearing up with ciffy jiffy and resumed planning for tricks and methods to mess with James and Alice. Might as well have a little fun and rile up the place while waiting for mr soul sucker to appear. She thinks Alice's little crush was the soul sucker. She's right.

Rebecca's tricks, were endless. Moment after moment when James focused his attention on one thing, she did some damage in some other way he did not expect. Her list of bottles and items that had weird effects were never ending. From incense to soap and from sweets to drinks, everything created some disaster Rebecca was apologetic for (to a very small extent). Alice started to think Rebecca was a hand full, so Rebecca did tone down slightly. However, when Alice wasn't around, her tricks on James were harsh but wonderfully amusing for her and only her, to her great delight. With Rebecca around, James didn't even have time to think about his lack of blood. It had been over a week since he last fed. He was getting temperamental. Whenever he could, he extended his fangs with his mouth closed around Alice. At least her mark was weakening. That was all he had going for him.


On Harold's side of things, he was slightly held up in his world. His mother was having one of her cold wars again which made things difficult for Sarah. Harold did feel guilty since he was the cause. He mentioned vampires. But he didn't really regret mentioning them. He wanted to tell his mother everything. That's what he promised his father, to tell his mother two things. The truth, and everything. His mother was originally an emotionally weak person. Every piece of news could have devastating effects on her mental well being. But Harold's father never softened the impact of the situation or the news when he spoke to his wife and child. Apparently Harold had inherited that gene. Oh the disaster it brings to his mother. Other than that issue, Johnathon made Harold join the training barracks to defend himself against vampires. Since fangs didn't work on soul suckers and soul suckers could not absorb vampire souls, they could only rely on human weapons such as guns and tanks though of course, with a bit of magic. For Harold though, because he was not very strong physically, Johnathon made him join the physical strength and fighting training sessions. The war was approaching and Johnathon was not going to let his good friend just die without any means of protecting himself. Especially since Harold kept going into the human world for (as I always say) reasons other than feeding.

Soul suckers and vampires could survive for long periods without feeding as long as they were not addicted, or injured. Soul suckers may live for about a month without absorbing souls at all while vampires could survive about 3 weeks but they would crave for blood badly. The thing is, souls could be kept within a soul sucker's body and used sparingly while blood is digested quite quickly in a vampire's body. Which explains why soul suckers could survive slightly longer without new souls.

Harold, was exhausted by the training. Not being used to physical movement in the first place, he suffered tonnes of minor injuries from fight after fight. To boot, he wasn't getting much better. After about 2 days of useless training, Tom, who was in the same group as Harold but doing much better than him, came over to Harold while Harold was leaning against a wall, sitting on the floor, panting.
"Hey." Said Tom as he handed Harold a bottle of water.
"Hey." Harold replied in between two pants.
"You don't look too good."
Harold laughed. "You do.  That's good."
Tom smiled. "Thanks. You've only been at this for two days, it isn't much to make any difference."
"Hey, I've got no talent in this area. You know that." When they were younger, Harold was bullied a lot because he was weak. The bullys still taunted him but at least they didn't make a mess out of him now.
"But Harold..."
"What's up?"
"Even if you manage to stay away from the fighting, that girl in the human world. She's got a vampire around her doesn't she? Then you should at least try."
Harold felt a pang of worry. He hadn't thought of fighting that vampire called James.
"Yeah... I guess I should..." He replied vaguely.
Tom's small pep talk worked a bit. For the next few training sessions Harold really tried to learn something. He also managed to do sit ups and chin ups a little better than before.
By the time Harold could get out of the course, it had been almost a week. He had to go replace the mark soon. The very night he did not have a training session, he decided to risk meeting Alice and give up sleep. At least to replace his mark. With James around, he wasn't even sure it had lasted for so long.

He ignored the sores and bruises on his body, and hurried to the portal. Through the portal, whenever he passed people hanging about  in the night, he took a little bit of soul from them to recuperate and hoped he wouldn't absorb any from Alice by accident since, he had already absorbed some the previous time he was injured. Didn't want that to happen again. Yeah. Definitely not. Energized by the thought of seeing Alice, Harold rushed on.

At the venue to which Harold was rushing to, Alice had fallen asleep, Rebecca was concocting some new potion to play with her house mates, and James... James was restless. Awfully restless...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Souls vs Blood 6

Souls vs Blood 6

The mark. Ever wondered how the mark looked like? Alice couldn't see it, but James could. The mark, that dreaded mark, it appeared ever stronger later that morning. The trap hadn't responded, the soul sucker must have went around it somehow. Not only did he managed to go round the trap unnoticed, he had replaced his mark. James stared down the little bright spot on Alice's collarbone. It shone through her clothes. The size of a small pebble, the shape of a soul... James hated it. It was like a tattoo badly placed because it was constantly renewed, each time more deeply etched than before. That was the nature of a soul sucker's mark. It stayed longer the more often you replace it. It wasn't going to disappear for at least 2 weeks. But a weak mark was no good as a mark. So in about a week James could dispel it. IF, it is not replaced again. Also, soul suckers and vampires were of contrasting types and so the mark would disappear faster with James close by. Which explains the sticking. With that mark on Alice, James' fangs would be repelled. However, James didn't want to feed on Alice just yet. He did feel a bit of guilt about Alice. He didn't think it was proper to feed on her before she could accept that he was a vampire. That is, if she accepted it in the first place. He shook those negative thoughts out of his head. They walked to school, both in a daze, conversing superficially.

That night, and during each of the following nights, after Alice fell asleep, James went into her room and bared his fangs at her collarbone to weaken the mark. He continued on without feeding. During this time, the tenant agency contacted Alice. They would have a tenant soon. Her name, was Rebecca. Not just any Rebecca. Rebecca Klar. Her identity? This was an interesting one. She was infamous in two of the three worlds due to her origins. She was born of a soul sucker female and a vampire male. A half blood. The reason for her fame? Her parents lived a story of adultery and rape. Her father was killed as a traitor, while her mother was banished and lived in the human world ever since. Rebecca Klar had fangs, and the ability to absorb time and place marks. She was proud of it. She made use of it. The higher ups in both soul sucking and blood sucking worlds didn't know what to make of her. Friend? Or foe? She played with them, signed contracts with them, did all she wanted while laughing and making fun of them, she LOVED her origins. No one else did. James was devastated when Alice told him the name of the new tenant. Unfortunately she had accepted the offer without consulting James and James couldn't think of how to change the arrangements so he braced himself for the worst. Not that he had met Rebecca Klar in his life time. How old was she? Well, soul suckers and vampires age rather differently. Soul suckers grow slowly and look rather small for a longer time while Vampires grow as quickly as humans when they were young and almost not change once they reach the body of a human in their mid twenties. James was the same age as Alice, while Harold, looked younger, but was slightly older than the two of them. As for Rebecca Klar, her body stopped obvious growth the moment her body reached the age of a human teenager. Forever looking as if she was in the prime of her life, she was actually already in her late twenties. The very next day, she banged through the door dressed fully in punk, her hair messily and partially pulled into a high bun of sorts, high laced platform boots, checkered skirt, bubblegum in mouth... she was only missing the tattoos and the piercings. Guess her regeneration speed was too fast for the piercings to stay for long.

"Who's Alice?"
"That would be me..." Alice said with a tone filled with questions. James gave her a weary glance.
Rebecca smiled. She dropped her bags and fawned over Alice.
"Ohhhh~ What a cute little girl!"
Alice blushed. She felt awkward that a girl younger than her was treating her like some kid. Well, she wouldn't know how old Rebecca Klar would be...
"Call me Klar. Don't call me Rebecca. It's too common. I hate it." Rebecca continued.
"Hi Klar, let me lead you to your room."
"Oh what a pleasure. Thank you dearie!"
Rebecca glares at James because he didn't take her bags for her, but she picked up her own bags (which didn't seem to be much) and followed Alice happily. She had taken a liken to Alice. How not to? She had the mark of a soul sucker and lived with a vampire. Rebecca was just slightly envious of her. She knew James was a vampire since vampires had great noses and they could sniff out their own kind.

She loved how the room was plain. She could decorate the whole interior from scratch. Another thing about Rebecca Klar, was that she was an open black market/ smuggler, whatever people like to call her. She had mountains of things you couldn't find even if you tried for your life time. How she got them, remains a mystery.
"The room is lovely dear. I'm so sorry but would you just step out for one moment please?" Rebecca gave Alice an exaggerated look of apology. Alice obliged obediently. "Sure."
Rebecca closed the door, removed a bottle from her relatively small bag, poured a portion of the concoction in her mouth, grew her fangs, and sprayed it back out onto the walls surrounding her. The effect? A painted wall with sweets and the occasional skull in a baby pink background. The bottle? A bottle filled with liquidized wall design. Who made it? Well, sometimes soul suckers can make a little magic and when you add humans into the picture, they try and make it sellable... Unfortunately, fangs were necessary to use them. These items were long lost and only existed during the time the three worlds were still open to one another and some what peacefully living together. Obviously since all three types were needed to make these, the only one that could, was now Rebecca. Next, she extracted a tiny structure from her slightly larger bag and slid a part of it open to click a switch. It enlarged itself into a sliding cabinet which held all her clothes. Designed like a tissue dispenser, it had four slides that clothes slid down from that were matched the way Rebecca liked it. It was programmed to detect the customized labels (a small metal piece) on each piece of clothing and mix and matched them using some artificial intelligence and a pseudo expert system. The existing cupboard, became a holding place for all Rebecca's rare items which were taken out from her slightly larger bag, case by case, bag by bag, the slightly larger bag had a portal. It wasn't just a bag. Unfortunately, Rebecca could not leave her things on the other side of the portal because the portal was not permanent. As such, they were placed cautiously and carefully into the cupboard. In about 5 minutes, she came out and gasped, "Why Alice, you're such a good girl! You waited for me?" Alice had a shocked expression on her face. She thought, *is it just me or was the wall... pink?* She was really liking Alice now, Alice was wonderful teasing material.
"Yeah, do you umm, have any problems? Shall I show you the bathroom?"
"Problems, why none at all. If I do have any, I can look for you, right?"
"Umm, yes. The bathroom's nearer to my room--"
"Oooo! Can I look into your room as well?"
"Uhh, sure!"
Alice went through the taps and the drawers and the space she allocated for Rebecca while Rebecca gave exaggerated replies and comments to everything. James was close by, arms crossed, expression grim.
Then Alice let Rebecca into her own room. Rebecca was slightly quieter here. She took in everything and touched everything. Photo frames, bed, pillows, curtains, dressing table, bottles, books. In each of these she extracted information and made observations about Alice. Just like a bartender, Rebecca knew a lot of gossip. The moment she heard about the girl who's parent's had been hunted by soul suckers but was still alive, she did her research on Alice, which is why she had decided to come here. She was curious. Her parents were hunted, but she wasn't. When she entered this house, she saw the mark. She now knew only part of the answer, she wanted to meet the soul sucker.

Rebecca was not like other soul suckers. She had complete control over soul absorption. Even hugging Alice would not bring damage to Alice in anyway unless she willed it to be so. Rebecca could choose between blood and souls. When she was younger she preferred souls, but she soon grew to like the taste of blood which was something close to... an acquired taste.

Rebecca was disappointed. Nothing in Alice's room had any trace of a soul sucker. Well, that was expected. Harold had never stepped in her room before. In a rather sour mood, she left Alice's room. Alice didn't know why Rebecca's expression changed as so, but she decided not to ponder about her extreme home mate too much after forcefully relaxing her single, raised eyebrow. As Rebecca reached the outside of Alice's room, she abruptly turned back to look at Alice's collarbone. Alice jerked back a little. Rebecca did not look into her eyes or face at all. She stayed very still. Rebecca regained her mood. Alice's reaction was cute. And the mark was sexy. That was enough for now. As she passed James, she winked. He scowled back. Alice gave him a warning look. On the first floor, Rebecca was suddenly dressed in frilly attire with an apron strapped loosely about her outfit. The kitchen table then slowly conjured up ingredients and pots and pans and cooking materials. Alice was amazed. Well, Rebecca was just a bit careful, she didn't let Alice see the magical part. To Alice, it just seemed as if Rebecca had a fridge and tools cabinet in her apron. To James though, it was obvious she was warping the things beneath her frills. Heehee.

"So! What shall we have for dinner tonight?" Rebecca was all smiles.
Alice noticed her gaping mouth and closed it before opening it again to say, "you're cooking?"
"Well, let the guest settle your meal for tonight. My cooking is not too bad if I say so myself!"
James snarled.
"I'm fine with anything you have to offer Karl. I'm not a picky eater. James doesn't like what you're holding in your hand there though." Alice pointed.
Rebecca looks down at her hands. "Oh! Garlic? I was planning on adding quite a lot of them! What shall we do now..." She looked at James through the corner of her eyes.
James was in a bad mood. Really bad. She was ecstatic about that. Alice, worried that James would not eat if there was garlic, took the spotlight off James and said, "don't add any garlic, for my sake Rebecca. Please?"
"Well, if my Landlady says so! No garlic in a dish that should have garlic then! It'll work somehow!"
Alice sighed a sigh of relief. She watched Rebecca cook. Rebecca hummed and danced as she fried and diced. She also warped a few spices below her frills along the way, hiding the actions and words in her song and dance. James kept a watchful eye on her. Alice felt a little jealous of the attention he gave Rebecca. Rebecca looked up and smiled at them ever so often.
"Dinner's ready!"
The table was set in seconds. The food looked scrumptious. To Alice's delight, it tasted as good as it looked.
"This is really good!" exclaimed Alice.
"That's so sweet of you darling. Glad you like my cooking!" replied Rebecca.
James grunted. But he ate his food and scrapped his plates clean. Alice was relieved that James seemed to like the food too. She was also a bit envious of Rebecca's cooking skills. What she didn't know was, Rebecca was a horrible cook without her spices and magic. Well, it didn't matter since Rebecca always used her magic and spices to cook. Thankfully.

James promptly went to sulk in his room. Apparently good food helped him decide to trust Rebecca for the time being. Alice helped to wash the dishes. Rebecca decided not to use her cleaning powder with Alice so close by. The moment Alice went to wipe the table with a cloth however, Rebecca finished the rest of the dishes in a jiffy, using her ciffy jiffy powder (that's the name of her cleaning powder).

Rebecca invited Alice into her room for a girls chat. After Alice gets over her shock at the wall and the clothes cabinet, they lie on the bed and start talking.
After some random explosions of giggles as Rebecca brought up famous singers and actors she liked and Alice liked as well, Rebecca slid into her interrogation.
"So... is there anything between you and that boy downstairs?"
Alice blushed immediately.
"Oh... so there is?" Rebecca teases.
"Well, I... I guess I can tell you. Please don't tell James?"
"Oh Klar!" Alice whines.
Rebecca laughs, "Of course I won't tell him! Don't worry!"
"Okay then. James and I are childhood friends. When I was really small, my parents used to leave me in the orphanage that was owned by a close friend of my mother and that orphanage was where James lived in. He is an orphan you see? Somehow we started playing and he protected me from the bullys there too. We attended the same schools all the way till today. Ever since I was ten I think? I've always felt a little bit of... a special feeling towards him..." Alice starts blushing again.
"Oooo... So does he feel that special thing for you too?" Rebecca was direct as usual.
"Well... I... I'm not sure..." Alice was a bright shade of pink at this point.
"Shall I find out for you?" Rebecca smirks.
"No! I-- I mean..." Alice starts to fluster.
Rebecca laughs. "Okay Okay, but anyway, do you want to date him at all? Some day?"
Alice turned tomato red. "Uhhh... I uhhh..."
Rebecca decides to tease her further. "Ooooorrrr... is there another guy?"
The red fades from Alice's face. She turned quite pale. Rebecca was surprised. *So, was the soul sucker a guy?* thought Rebecca. Both of them kept quiet. Rebecca never stopped reading Alice's expression.
Finally the silence was unbearable.
"There was..."
"This guy I met the other day..."
Rebecca nodded.
"He... was injured."
Rebecca opened her eyes wider as if in surprise just to make clear she was listening intently.
"And he didn't let me go near him. At first I thought... he was afraid of me but... we was instead wo... worried... for.. me..." Alice didn't know why she was telling Rebecca, who she had only met today, and looked younger than her, all about what she had kept from everyone else. Well, Rebecca did have some incense burning in the room. One wonders about the purpose of that little purple candle burning at the corner.
"Told me not to come near him. But he recovered at a crazy speed as he walked or, limped really, about the place."
"Wow. That must have been surprising." Rebecca said since Alice paused. She gave an expectant look to Alice.
"Then he disappears somehow. Every time we part ways, I never see him actually leaving." Alice started to feel okay about speaking and in fact, began to rant. She tells Rebecca about everything she saw, felt, and thought. She just left out the name of the soul sucker.
"Do you know his name?" Rebecca tried to pry and she was really curious as to the identity of this rather unique soul sucker.
"It's... " Alice looked at her toes and wriggled them.
Rebecca waited for a while but she knew Alice didn't want to tell her so she cut the conversation.
"Well, that's more than enough for one night. You've got school tomorrow don't you? Don't worry about breakfast. I'll take care of that. Go catch some sleep pretty girl. Oh! *Rebecca pulled a straw like item out from a pocket and presented it to Alice* Chew on this before you sleep. It's like a sweet but it's got nice effects."
Alice looked at the straw doubtfully but felt it was proper to accept it so she took it. "Thanks. Goodnight Rebecca." She stood up.
"Turn off the lights on your way out won't you dearie?"
"Sure." Alice looked back before hitting the light switch. Rebecca was already in a sleeping position with her eyes closed, just like a child. Alice smiled. The lights went out.