Monday, March 25, 2013

Souls vs Blood 10

Souls vs Blood 10

The Human World

Rebecca Klar got back home after her meeting with Harold. She herself had done her own digging for information and investigation. She knew there was a spell involved, she knew it was regenerative from Harold, she knew it was cast years back and it would be amazing if it still worked. Usually spells didn't last for very long. They had instant uses, not ones that last for decades. It was hard to find information since, it was only cast twice. (She knew it was cast but she didn't know the love story. Would have puked if she did anyway.) As she thought, she stroked Alice's hair.

Alice stirred. "Klar?"
"Yes dear?" Rebecca smiled brightly.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost time for lunch dearie. Would you like to eat anything in particular?"
"Anything you cook is nice Klar. Anything at all."
"Great! The question was a lie. Lunch is already cooked." Rebecca opens a portal, starts a fire that engulfed the dishes for 5 seconds and then placed them on a tray and brought them out of the warping zone just as Alice stretched and yawned with her eyes closed.

The hot and steamy lunch made it's way in front of Alice.
"Wow! This would be my first time eating in bed!" Alice smiled at first, then frowned because she remembered her mother never allowed her to eat on her bed. But she refused to start tearing.
Rebecca sat cross legged, head resting on the back of her palm, eyes looking straight at Alice.
"Klar, don't look at me like that when I'm eating! D= Oh, and what about you?"
"Oh, don't worry about me. I've eaten already." Rebecca lied. Well, effectively she doesn't rely on food as humans do. her body can do with or without it.
"All right then! Thanks for the meal!" Alice tucks in.
Just halfway through the meal, Rebecca starts probing.
"Alice, do you have a family tree record or anything like that?"
"I was just thinking of telling you my story."
"Do tell me! There isn't much I know about you Klar!"
"But in return you have to share your ancestry with me too!"
"Haha! What a weird way to put it Klar, ancestry? Oh all right if you so wish to know. I have some old diary somewhere in my room that belonged to my grandmother. I suppose she might have written about her parents or grandparents in it! I tried to read it a long time ago, but I never understood her cursive..."
Rebecca tells Alice all about the Klar family. How her parent's were from two conflicting races. Well, of course there was nothing about magic or soul suckers or vampires. But the essence of the story was there.
"That... that is amazing Klar. It really is. Did you have to suffer a lot?"
"At first when I didn't like my identity I did. But now? HAHH!" Klar scoffs. "I couldn't be happier with who I am!"
Alice finishes her meal. "Okay, time to dig for that diary..."
She unstacked a few boxes and started to rummage through them in a neat manner. Klar observed keenly.
"Here! Found it!" She dusts it abit and blows on the edges. *cough cough*
Rebecca Klar skilfully slid the diary into her hands and flipped to the first page.
Alice looked at Rebecca expectantly.
"You want me to read it to you?"
Rebecca Klar looked at Alice in disbelief. "Oh all right. Sit tight!"
She read through the book. When Alice's granny was reaching adulthood and was experiencing romance and sharing about her love life to her own granny, apparently her granny told her an old story. Well, we all know what story. The man in the hospital. His sad longing gaze. The way he was healthy yet seemed so lifeless. He wasn't injured of course. But because he lost parts of his memory and his family had disowned him years ago, he stayed in a branch of the hospital that was more of a home for patients than the main hospital itself. Mental patients, old folks, death and dumb, disabled, there were a bunch of people there. He was handsome. Tall. Had a lovely voice but rarely spoke. The nurses all showed interest. But he did talk to one. Alice's great great grand mother. She was assigned to his ward. He asked her for things. water, pencils, paper. She liked it. She started to do more than the necessary for the man. The man eventually opened up...

"He finally spoke about feelings that day... I still remember it as clearly as if it had just happened yesterday... Hohoho. He was angry with himself. The poor man. Angry because he couldn't remember something important. He could feel the emptiness but he couldn't fill it. "Feelings without memories" he said... Your grandfather... (the grandfather of the grand daughter ehem.) He never did marry me out of true love. He liked me no doubt... but no dear, I did not marry a man who loved me more than I loved him unlike we always tell you to do Hohoho! I asked him the week before his discharge, if he'd like me as a wife. He smiled, and said yes. I don't know where the courage came from. The moment he left the hospital we were in the church with my own parents saying our vows... Oh... How handsome he looked in his suit. Our first k-- " Grand ma stopped looking up at the ceiling dreamily and faced me instead. She turned to cough a bit. "We didn't have much, but I did what I could to make the house look pretty, and your grandpa was really nice to me for his whole remaining life time. Unfortunately he died shortly after I had your 3rd aunt." Then I asked Grand ma, "Tell me more about him!" Grand ma replied, "Oh you naughty girl, wanting to know all my well hidden beautiful memories that I have kept to myself! Fine! I shall tell you one special thing about him. Sometimes when he fell asleep before 12am, I stayed up to watch him as he slept. -- Oh stop blushing about it girl! Or your poor old Grand ma shall blush too! I am not at the age of blushing! -- Anyway, the moment it struck 12, your Grandpa would glitter." Grandma stopped and looked dreamy again. "Glitter?" I asked impatiently. "Yes... no one believed the patients in the ward when they said he glittered in the night. Thought they were crazy. But it was true. He glittered..." "What do you mean Grand ma?" "I don't know either darling. He just had glitter dancing above him, coming down and disappearing when it touched him. It was beautiful... But it only happened about once in two weeks. I never told a soul. You are an exception my child."
I love my Grandma. But I'm very curious about that glitter. I want to see it. Will I ever I wonder?

*Signature* *Date*

Rebecca Klar stopped reading after that entry.
"Klar? Do continue! Does she say any more about the glitter? Does she learn anymore about it?"
That was what Alice had been doing for every entry. Asking for a continuation. The answers were sometimes there, but often they were not. Rebecca needed to find out. Quite some pages down...

The glitter, I saw it. My own children have it. ---

"That would be my father!" Squealed Alice.

My very own children have that glitter. I'm so happy right now I'm crying. I asked my husband if he'd seen that glitter effect on me and said that he had. Oh my. Seems like it was Hereditary Grand ma. How you would have loved to see this. I shall see how often it happens. My husband promised to help as well!

Rebecca was thinking of whether it was safe to let Alice know this. Perhaps she should skip the entries involving the spell. But it was rather late to do so.

"Oooo!!! Does that mean I have it too?! My mother never told me! Do you think I could record myself to see it?"

Rebecca continued reading. Not too many entries later, Alice's grandmother writes her report.

It happens to my children more than it happens to me. I'm starting to worry. It does not seem human and I can only hope it is not harmful. But it is beautiful. Since I've been keeping track of it, it has happened only once to me, but three times to my children. In a year.

The next few entries are about her children growing up. Then her husband writes an entry.

My wife has returned home. (She died.) She has gone home before me. I read this diary everyday to remember her. I wish not to forget. The glitter she was so enthusiastic about has passed on to her beautiful children, and I shall continue to keep track of it on our youngest child which has yet to leave the house we bought for them. (The house they bought for the family) It has been two years since I have seen the glitter. It reminds me of her.

That was the end of the diary.

"Klar you are amazing, reading all that cursive."
"My handwriting is as impressive. I'm used to it." Rebecca's brain was working.

Why was it once every two weeks for that man? Why do they always die before their spouses? It happening on children more made sense since they had more soul potential. Alice's father did indeed die due to soul absorption. So if the entire soul is absorbed before midnight, one would still die. Would the entire soul be regenerated at midnight? Does it only happen if one is asleep? Were there any side effects? I, Rebecca Klar, shall recreate this spell. She wanted to know how to cast it. Incantation? Action? Emotion? Then she could play about with casting it, or not casting it. But she didn't know you'd die if you do.

Alice looked at Rebecca with a bit of a worried expression. Then they heard the front door unlock. James was back.

Just as Alice was getting out of her blanket to go down and welcome James home, Rebecca stopped her.

"Alice, listen, look at me."
"Yes Klar?"
"Do not tell James anything about the diary. Or the glitter, or anything that I told you about me. Do you understand? Girl talk secret!"
At first Alice wanted to complain. But when Rebecca seemed to trust Alice with her past and stuff, she decided she'd do her that favour.
"Oh all right! I'll try my best!"
"Thank you dear."

James didn't care about staying near Alice or making  her mark disappear anymore. He gave up because he didn't want to harm Alice, didn't want to let Alice know anything. He'd wait longer. So he was no longer kept from his feeding, he was no longer upset and grouchy and annoyed at every little thing. The next few weeks, Rebecca replaced Harold's mark once each week, on the same spot, James came up to Rebecca's room to talk to her about the glitter, Rebecca gave him little information. For once, James was waiting for Harold to appear so he could ask if he'd found anything about it. He had tried to get info, but it was hard to do so without getting Alice involved, and he was from the vampire side that didn't really like soul sucker magic. Unfortunate. Alice wondered if she would ever see Harold again. To her, the last time they met was (in chapter 5) a month ago. She used to think of him quite a lot everyday. Now she thought of him less and focused more on her school work. Having skipped a lot of lessons, she went for remedials and stuff to catch up. Rebecca let her be. Talk about the glitter disappeared and Alice never did manage to see it even when she recorded herself sleeping. Well, it wouldn't when Harold wasn't around and his mark was still on her and she lives with 1.5 vampire and 0.5 soul sucker... Yeap. Her soul was in a safe zone. mmhmm.

Then one night when James had went feeding, Rebecca knocked on Alice's door.

"Let's go see Harold" Said Rebecca the moment the door screeched open. Alice's eyes widened.
"Follow me!"


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