Thursday, March 14, 2013

Souls vs Blood 8

Souls vs Blood 8

James was in his room, sitting before his fan. It was switched on... at full blast...

But he was warm.
Overly warm.
Too warm for comfort.

He was itching... He hadn't fed for more than two weeks. That soul sucker was getting on his nerves, Rebecca was getting on his nerves, and he didn't want to leave Alice alone just in case that idiot of a soul sucker came out again. Restless, he stood up and climb the stairs to Alice's room... He could smell her... the scent was so strong... so captivating... so alluring... He opened the door. She was lying in bed, her hair lay above her head, exposing her neck... He approached her...
James opened his mouth slightly. His fangs grew out. He walked towards Alice... He was barely a meter away from her... His mouth opened wide... Harold's weakened mark faded to almost oblivion...


The windows banged open and a flash of light appeared. James jumped a length backwards and Harold landed inside the room, right by the window. James growled at him. They were both beside Alice's bed. Harold growled back. But entering Alice's room for the first time, Harold got distracted. He turned right to look at Alice. She was awake. Her eyes were wide with fear. Alice had looked at them as they stood opposite each other, growling. She was cradled in the form of a fetus, sitting up, blanket held over half her face. Harold's expression fell as he instinctively called out to her.

A punch flew towards Harold but he managed to catch it some what. The boys put distance between themselves again. Both of them stare down at Alice. Even with her blanket covering her mouth to her toes, she felt extremely naked. The boys turned their attention back to each other. In a split second, they exchange strikes. Flashes of light and lingering movements could be seen. Outside the window, Rebecca Klar hovered in Cleopatra position to enjoy the show. They made dents in the floor. Although both of them tried to keep a distance from Alice, things got a little dangerous and Alice whimpered in shock. Harold turned his attention to her.


James shot a punch into Harold's stomach.
Harold was sent flying to the wall. He slid down the wall and as his head dragged on the wall, it drew a fall of blood.
Alice threw her blanket aside and rushed to the knocked half conscious Harold.
"Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me? Say something! Move a finger!"
James pulled Alice off Harold hard and forcefully.
"Don't go near him!"
"James! What are you doing?! He's injured!"
Alice tries to get back to Harold.
Harold manages to stammer, " don't.. don't c... co... come..." He didn't want to absorb from Alice's soul ever again.
James laughs, his hands leaving Alice's shoulders. "See?! He doesn't want you near either!"
Alice doesn't heed either of them.
"Hey what's wrong with the two of *Alice swiftly approached Harold and tried to move him to a better position, thus, coming into physical contact with him in the process.* you?" The "you" could barely be heard.
James gasped and hurried towards her while Harold tried to fend her off meekly but both were too late. Harold's wounds didn't need more than seconds to close up and Alice was lying on the floor, barely breathing. What Harold had dreaded had came true. And it was too late to do anything about it.

James grabbed Harold by the collar and rammed him against the wall, further away from Alice.
Harold was tearing up. Blotches of tears decorated the stunned expression fixed on his face. James left him in his puddle of tears and went to check on Alice. He cradled her head and called her name. She didn't stir. She was still alive though. A large amount of her soul had been extracted from her at once so her physical body could not withstand it. But apparently she was not dead yet. Not yet. (lol. or maybe, *still alive, for now* sounds better.)
James lifted her onto the bed. He didn't know if she would last. Her shallow breath was frightening. Without Alice, James would be alone. He didn't want that. Not at all.
Harold wanted to dig a hole and hide, or run away to his mother's side. But he wasn't going to leave James and Alice alone. Especially when Alice was so weak. He didn't know what to do and he wished Sarah was there to give him some advice. But what could his kind do? What could soul suckers do other than suck the souls of humans they go near to?
Rebecca Klar made her entrance through the window.
"What are you going to do now James?"
Harold was shocked out of his immobility. He turned his attention to Rebecca and his eyes widened. He knew this girl. She was the half blood. His mother knew her mother. His mother was the one that helped her mother escape from the soul sucker community. He had never met Rebecca Klar, or her mother. But his mother did share stories with him and show him pictures. She hadn't changed. Not one bit at all. Except maybe, she might have grown more mature in terms of shape.
"Smuggler! Don't you have anything that can help her?" James was desperate. His eyes did not leave Alice as he spoke.
"Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't. No matter what, I doubt she'll last for very long. Unfortunate. I had taken quite a liking to her." Rebecca was honestly disappointed.
"WELL THEN DO SOMETHING!" James shouted into her face. He continued to stare angrily at Rebecca.
Rebecca Klar laughed. She conjured a small little bottle with a cork as a cap with wings at two opposite points on the side of the cork. She poured some glittery like substance on her palm. She clicked the bottle away and used the fingers of her other hand to sprinkle the substance over Alice's chest. Alice's breathing returns to normal. She looked as if she were sleeping.
"This does not help her regain the time she lost. But it does comfort the effects of such a strong removal of the soul. I'm actually really sorry James. But you should prepare yourself for the worst." Rebecca looked at James sadly. She also thought, *perhaps this was for the best. James would never have to know Alice no longer liked him...*. Rebecca then turned her attention to Harold. He had an aura of dejectedness about him. He faced the floor and knelt on his knees and toes. She pulled a similar straw like item as the one she offered Alice before out of her pocket, used her free hand to lift Harold's chin up, and slid it into his mouth in circular motion so it fit in nicely. She forced him to chew it physically. Harold regained some composure thanks to the straw. He stood up. He spoke.
Rebecca, who had sat down beside Alice and was stroking her hair, expressed surprise as she turned to face Harold.
"Rebecca Klar."
"Yes... Do you know me?"
"Almost everyone knows you." James butted in.
"But not many recognise me." Snapped Rebecca. "Continue dear."
"Do you know how to help her? Any way to help her at all?"
"Perhaps I do. Perhaps I don't." She gave the same answer.
"Well, if you do, do you know of the favour you owe to a Mrs Keyes?"
For the first time since she appeared in this story, Rebecca became serious. She felt and expressed true bewilderment. Her aura of playfulness had completely disappeared.
"Yes. Yes I do."
"Then even for her sake, do help that girl. Please."
Rebecca conceded.
"I had planned to since the beginning."
There was a long pause. The two boys kept their gazes steady on Rebecca. On any normal occasion she would have enjoyed the attention. But today, she felt helpless.
"But there is a limit as to what I can do."
The boys, became crestfallen. The clock read 11.55 p.m. Harold and James wallowed in their own thoughts at adjacent corners of the room. Rebecca continued to stroke Alice's hair.


... James closed his eyes in misery.


... Rebecca covered Alice with a blanket and looked out of the window.


...Harold looked dejectedly into space.


... Silence continued to reign...

The room brightened.
They notice the change and follow the source of the light.
The area around Alice was shining.
There was glitter above her body.
They danced and wriggled for a few seconds before floating down and disappearing once they touched Alice.
Rebecca broke the silence. "What... What was that?"
"If you don't know, don't expect anyone else to." James suddenly had the mood to retort her.
"Hey is there any way to know how much of her soul is left in her?" James continued to rattle on.
"That looked regenerative. Is she okay now?" James held on to any piece of hope he could.
Rebecca just looked blankly at Alice and ignored James.
Harold's mind was racing. Who could he seek for answers? Eunice's grandmother? That was his best bet.
He turned his head to face Rebecca quickly, catching her attention.
"I leave her in your care Rebecca Klar."
Rebecca nods and Harold disappears once more.

"That exit was beautiful." Rebecca commented aloud.
James snorted.
(I think I need to explain a little. Harold used magic when he disappears. Which is why it seems like he does not leave but teleports somewhere. Truth was, there was this little trick his father taught him. With a bit of spin and soul, one could move quickly. So quickly that it wasn't easy to see the movement. It was a... Habit of Harold's. ^_^)

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