Wednesday, March 6, 2013


So, I said I'd do a lot of things and obviously I havent bothered with any of them.

I'm in NUHS now and the irritating as goodness knows what system is still not working. STILL. It's been three days, forms are piling, AND I DON'T LIKE IT. SO BASICALLY I gotta scan all these forms and makes duplicates and submit them into this place that obviously, IS NOT COOPERATING. DARN. lol. ranting here helps to vent a bit. not so angry ler. kk good. Now Logging in also got prob leh. joke seh this portal.

So far I have submitted my application to SUTD... only. my 500 words has nothing involving kpop or sewing. lol. for good or bad. I dunno... Anyway, I really don't want any other school cos they all seem the same and all the certs that say B. Sc is just so boring... so SUTD has they're own certs and it's collab with MIT so it should be quite recognised? I HOPE SO. I love the idea of staying in a hostel and have always wanted to, and the way they assign ppl into the rooms is through a questionaire so well, I find it cute. Reminds me of harry potter, I'm happy. Just gotta well, convince my dad I won't die off myself and talk to my mami everyday somehow so she doesn't feel so lonely and die off. D=

I'm real early today cos XY has a day off to renew her contract and her mami gave me a ride. HAHA

The compactor room really smells like mahmood. lol. I think I should bring some spray spray thingy. Even tho I will feel bad. The ladies outside all use they're own certain perfume haha. Maybe I should spray on me n spread to that room and kill XY's nose HAHAHA.

Eric nam was raised in Atlanta? makes sense. now I understand that accent. lol. Simon and martina interviewed him and when he laughes he really really reminds me of L.JOE. So happy~ lol. L. joe is younger and cuter and shorter tho. hehh. but he pointed out to love song in his album and yeah he is right, it's really nice. Not unique or anything, just your norm acoustic thing. But its pretty ^_^

Yesterday and today I had insect incidents. The first one was much entertainment to XY cos she was there. I haven't told her how I treated my face washing stuff yet. hehe. Poke poke, shake shake, tap tap, throw throw~ People are walking in the office now. Awwww. My alone-ness is gone, the lights are on.. SOBBY. Bye bloggy. Maybe I'll continue the bloggie storries someday but now I'm busy with mabinogi so we'll see x=

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