Tuesday, October 20, 2009

13th bullet – escape route?

13th bullet – escape route?

Natsume’s head was working like mad while reiko was still regretting her mistakes. They could enter the room by going through the window but no one was here to carry them over so only reiko could exit if he carried her through. It was too tall for him to jump onto. Then suddenly, the speaker cracked and Suzuki sensei came through.
“THERES A WAY OUT OF THAT ROOM. GE-“ and the speaker cracks too much for natsume to make out the rest. Not to mention, the crackling continued forever. In his mind, he replied while rolling his eyes, “that really helped. Sensei. REALLY.” Focusing his thoughts on his situation while he desperately tried to ignore the crackling, natsume looks around the room. 6-sided White walls, carpeted floor, the blasted (in both meanings literally and emotionally) speaker on the floor, a carpeted…ROOF?! Why on earth is there a roof with a CARPET?! This is madness =.= looking at the carpet, natsume realized this room itself was made to look upside down! Windows are normally nearer the ground than this and speakers where usually near ceilings! Underground, upside down… that guy must really wanted to be DX’s opposite! Only that he doesn’t write from right to left or talk backwards. If the room was opposite, the door should be opposite too. But if the door was up there, how on earth is natsume supposed to get both of them out of here? In a dilemma, he almost lets out something similar to a war cry but not before stopping himself when reiko used her bare fists to bash the crackling speaker up, introducing some well needed silence. Both of them thinking straight but on different topics, natsume took in his surroundings once again while reiko began to internally throw curses at herself. Ventilation holes are usually on the ceiling. In this context, it was right below natsume =.= upset with himself for being slow, he dragged himself off the ventilation cover, pulled the cover off, and dropped himself in without waiting for, or telling reiko. Reiko was in an irritable mood and grew even more irritable when natsume found an exit faster than her. She took the lead without a word, walking through the ventilation tunnel. Once again, natsume racks his brain for answers as he takes a look at his surroundings. The ventilation hole led them even more underground so they should be looking for a way UP. The place was really dark and unlike the usual small ventilator tunnels, this one was large enough to stand in. Reiko walked leftwards from the upside down room based on instinct, while natsume half wished there would be a dead end or a lift or something but they soon came upon a 3 road split. Having four options including turning back to go rightwards, natsume took out 3 coins and dropped them one by one into the tunnels to hear which one was the deepest as reiko nodded her head in agreement to his actions. The first one seemed to be the shortest so they took their chances and went in. True enough it was short but that was because there was a turn. Not because there was an exit. Not very disappointed since both of them kinda expected this, they were more disappointed by the fact that they had walked into another room. Only that this time, the room was SIDEWAYS. Both of them had just walked through its ventilator o.o feeling very queer about the whole construction of this underground building or rabbit hole, natsume decides to open the door that leads upwards even though in truth it was the ceiling o.o surprisingly, the ceiling was low enough for him to jump out of the room. First supporting a really heavy reiko over the door, he jumps up and crawls out without help from reiko who was pretty uncaring at the moment. Cursing and swearing mentally about how reiko could turn from someone who just helped her, he continues following her towards the direction he thinks reiko’s instincts told her to go. Actually, there was only one direction =.=

Suddenly, ringing sounded from reiko. Natsume turned to search reiko but reiko answered a phone. SHE HAD A PHONE?! Thought natsume.
“Hey kumo. Can you track where we are?” reiko enquired
“No, where ever you are has horrid reception. Best I could do was call through the walkie-talkie that surprisingly connects quite well.”
Reiko suddenly showed a pained expression which shocks natsume but recovers the next split second and calmly gives kumo a set of instructions on how to keep the club members entertained without her and natsume. In addition, she didn’t just give some lame reason why natsume and her weren’t around. She thought of a proper and feasible reason which was how natsume lost to her in a table tennis match and was obliged to follow her to a nearby shop to carry things for reiko. Though natsume didn’t like the idea, it was much better than his lame idea of feigning sickness at the same time =.= reiko continues to take the lead and even at twists or turns she seemed to know where she was going so natsume just followed quietly. After what seemed like hours but actually only a few minutes, reiko tells natsume, “break this wall.” Obeying orders like natsume usually did, he banged against the wall a few times and didn’t believe walls were so easy to break but it did. Reiko walked through the hole natsume made so natsume followed but a rock fell on his shoulder when he went through. Reiko didn’t seem to realize that natsume was glaring at her for being lucky to get through without any falling debris. All she did was stare at the room they had entered. It was filled with orange grenades…
“WHUT THE?” shouted natsume when he noticed the orange grenades.
“That guy really has no sense of what the word opposite means.” Comments reiko.
“Green and orange. That guy must have been thinking of oranges =.= what a dope.” Comments natsume.
Having voiced their views, they continued down the lane filled with massive amounts of orange grenades. Surprising natsume, reiko took 5 orange grenades along the way. Using all five fingers of one hand she unplugged them and threw them along the corridor which created a chain effect and all the grenades started exploding and releasing orange smoke, instead of causing damage. The smoke seemed to have a chemical reaction like effect of some sort changing the whole scenery. Reiko told natsume, “did you realize the lame code hidden in all the places you went through?” and without waiting for natsume to answer she continued, “guess not. The walls were inscribed with many directions as to where to go to what. And this, is one of the entrances to the control room.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

12th bullet – WHUT WAS THAT FOR?!

sry but chapter 12 is totally not acceptable so i have decided to change it. ehh. i doubt it matters cos no body reads anyway lol.

12th bullet – WHUT WAS THAT FOR?!

Of course reiko gets hurled out along with natsume and shouts “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”
Natsume bursts out laughing for some reason and reiko looks at him as if he had gone mad.
“SHOVE IT” shouts the man, ending natsume’s laughter streak although in truth it was still there its just that he was trying to hide it… They were shoved into a lift of a super short building and surprisingly, they were not blindfolded as they reached a much lower level.
“nice view.” Natsume comments as he glances out of the glass lift.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” Reiko winces as she looks out.
“you’re afraid of metal chains?” natsume enquires.
“LIKE REAL!” reiko shout whispers back.
“SHUT UP” yells the guy with the machine gun.
“why don’t you just take him out baka natsume?” reiko whispers.
“aren’t you interested in whats gonna happen next?” was his reply.
Reiko rolls her eyes as the doors open and gets pushed out of the half opened lift door. Wishing she was in the proper attire, she stands up from her fall. Natsume didn’t fall down and didn’t lend her a helping hand either. Pissed off, she let herself get pushed along into a room with no door but one window which they are thrown through.
“ouuuuuch….” Natsume and reiko both wincing at their buises.
“I will never understand how your mind works natsume.”
“I don’t need you too.”
“WELCOME” boomed a male voice from the corner of the room.
“nobody’s there o.o”
“LOOK ON THE FLOOR YOU DOPE!” reiko half shouts, pointing at a speaker.
“very clever girlie. Wont you tell me your name?” booms the voice again.
“why should i?” reiko rebels.
“yea why should she?” natsume stupidly repeats.
“STAY OUT OF THIS NATSUME” the voice of a woman shouts and bursts the ears of them both.
“ouuuuuuch….” Natsume and reiko say once again.
“sorry for the interruption!” the male voice returns, “we have got some… business with you natsume kun.”
“don’t answer him natsume” reiko quickly interrupts before natsume could even open his mouth. “You’ve got business with him but you kidnapped me as well! WHY?”
“I know who you are young missy. And if you know your place you had better keep quiet while you still can.” Booms the voice.
Reiko does not know what to say so natsume decides to ignore her advice.
“What business do you want with me?”
“More of HAVE than WANT as this ‘business’ is something that cannot be avoided…”
“GET TO THE POINT” natsume gets a bit irritated because this guy made reiko lost for words which is something he hasn’t really done yet.
“oh my. Finally getting a little bit on the impatient side aye? Don’t worry. You will have ample time in this place.”
“WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?” natsume starts booming himself.
“OH! Ive forgotten to introduce myself!” he chuckles before continuing, “my name is, [XD]”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” the woman’s voice returns in a scream so loud the speaker emitted smoke.
“some voice she has that lady” natsume comments while rubbing his ears.
“I agree. Anyway, that guy must be mad. XD is the opposite of DX. Someone opposing us then? How come I don’t know about it?” reiko questions.
“You must be just that powerful to know everything about DX aren’t you?”
“You could say so.”
“YOU DON’T KNOW ME?!” XD returns.
“no I don’t.” reiko replies nonchalantly.
“why?” natsume asks.
“my dad?” natsume stares blankly at the speaker and then turns to reiko who desperately thinks of someway to keep natsume ignorant of her identity.
“so you do know me!”
“No I don’t. all I know is that there is this weird guy sending letters to us that don’t really make much sense and have many heart shapes on pink paper.”
“that’s me!”
“who on earth would believe those stuff? We thought it was crap!” reiko curses herself for letting out more information than she ever wanted to.
“DX uses red paper with crosses everywhere so all I did was use the opposite!” exclaimed the man.
“crosses? You mean ONE cross? Not to mention the opposite a cross would be a circle or a tick!” reiko retorts
“HEY QUIT IT! DID THIS GUY KIDNAP YOU OR DID HE KIDNAP ME?!” natsume suddenly shouts in the midst of it all.
“I kidnapped you IN ORDER TO KIDNAP HER!” the man boomed back.
“THAT’S WHY I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF IT STUPID NATSUME!” shouted the woman’s voice.
“wait a minute… I know who you are! Suzuki sensei!!” natsume suddenly realizes.
“SUZUKI SENSEI?!” reiko repeats.
“STAY OUT OF THIS! We wanted DX to recognize our organization so we did many things but YOU NEVER DID REALISE ANYTHING. So I decided to KIDNAP DX’S ONLY DAUGHTER!! ARENT I CLEVER!”
“you…. You’re DX’s daughter?” natsume suddenly pops in a question again.
Reiko tries to think of something to keep her identity in but she fails. Natsume suddenly turns away from her and stares at the floor. Reiko starts to freak out and tears because she has failed her father. She wants to scream but decided against it and SCREAMED. She broke the microphone that sent their voices to the guy that calls himself XD and Suzuki sensei as well as almost burst natsume’s ear drums.
“now that is what I call POWER!” natsume whispers as he rubs his ears for the he forgot how many times.
“YEA I AM. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT?!” reiko shouts back to him.
“no! no problem at all!” natsume replied obviously quite shocked. Then after finally snapping his view away from reiko, as he turned to look away, he thought he saw a tear fall from her face but decided it was not possible. On impulse or instinct of wanting to protect a girl, he went to hug her but the reply he got from this sweet action was, “get your sweaty self off me.”
“sure thing missy” natsume replied sarcastically as he reluctantly removed his arms from reiko.


i cant believe i was so cute when i was young =.= cant get myself outt amy own head. what a useless person i am!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

11th bullet – Cliché but FESTIVAL!

im running out of gas writting these stuff man!

Chapter 11 – Cliché but FESTIVAL!

Reiko ceremoniously knocks on the sliding door before sliding it open to a sleeping natsume. She stealthily walked over to natsume and wanted to pull the kicked blanket back over natsume but natsume woke up instead. Just as reiko tugged the blanket, natsume sat up and so resulting in a blanket ghost natsume. Reiko bursts out in laughter at the state of natsume’s hair when natsume pulled the blanket off his head. Being the first time hearing reiko laughing, natsume stared and glared at the sight of reiko roaring with laughter rolling on the floor. Finally realising she had done something weird, reiko immediately returns to her empty expressionless face and coughs before saying, “Please forget I just did that.”
Natsume felt naughty so he replied a naughty reply xD “only if you blush and ask me again.”
Reiko throws the blanket over natsume, “don’t push your luck!”
But when he took the blanket off with an idiotic face and messed up hair, reiko couldn’t help but laugh like crazy again. This made natsume want to learn how to get reiko to laugh. Unconsciously, he noted in his mind that messy hair and weird faces make reiko laugh.
During dinner, natsume was bombarded with worried glances as well as questions about whether he was feeling alright. Glancing towards reiko for help, reiko conveniently ignored him and continued cooking at the barbeque pit. Sena on the other hand was for once being clever by pushing the crowd away using the excuse of “don’t ask a sick person so many questions!”
Soon enough, the club members got back to their positions and started sitting down or handing out and distributing food and dinks. Natsume got drinks from many worried girls and he got served plates upon plates of food from worried guys. His table was piled with food meant for him so in the end, that table had no reason to move from their seats as all the food and drinks they wanted could be found x=. Anyway, after the barbeque, everyone went to the baths before sleeping. Of course, this BEFORE SLEEPING time was the time reiko and natsume were thinking about what each other told the other and what each other did. Reiko was regretting laughing. Natsume was regretting crying. But all in all they were happy they did what they did so they fell into a happy sleep.
For once, training went wonderfully. Saya was STILL STUCK in the training room cause she was not concentrating on archery but on natsume instead. Natsume was hitting bullseyes every shot and so was reiko. Finally after the morning practice was over, they had lunch made by the innkeeper. Then after resting they went for stamina training and all sorts of different activities as usual. Only this time, instead of stopping activities at 6pm, reiko stopped it at 4! The club members were kinda shocked as reiko wasn’t the nice type that gave freetime in the middle of practice. They were right, reiko wasn’t giving them freetime. Reiko was persuading people that didn’t need to be persuaded into going to the summer festival nearby! They were even more excited when reiko announced that she had already rented yukata’s for the club members to wear! When she ever got their measurements one would never know but in truth, all she did was hack into the school’s soft copy of students’ medical information which contains their measurements too…naughty naughty…
The club members obviously went to wash their perspiration off themselves before getting into their yukata’s which came in a full set with matching clogs and even pouches and hairpins. After the girls took a humongous time tying their strings, ropes, ribbons and clothes, and the guys simply threw on their yukata’s, the cliques and couples gathered again. With cliques throwing teases at couples and couples fighting for their freedom, reiko checked with all of them and made sure they all had their necklaces on. Natsume was stuck with the same group as saya obviously dragged him along again :P
“LETS GO!!!!” shrieks saya happily
“get your arms off natsume and we’ll go.” Was sakura’s straight reply with a frown at saya and a smile at reiko.
Reiko wondered why sakura said that and smiled at her so she deduced that sakura thought she was in love with natsume and there fore, she said, “oh don’t worry about what sakura said saya. Just keep holding on to natsume if you want.”
Natsume felt a pang inside but he didn’t really know why so he just forced a smile at saya and said, “yea. Do as you want saya!”
Really happy at receiving a smile from natsume, saya clings onto him for a very long time as they walk to the temple just a little more up the hill.
Sakura and reiko have their gossip discussions with sakura bit suspicious of reiko’s action while saya rants on and off as if trying to start a conversation and failing (which is true but she refused to admit =.=) natsume stayed polite at all times which made the other girls surrounding him very happy. HAHA. Not that he was popular but rather, he was easy to talk to and since he was a transfer student, he was famous lol.

[As you can see, the situation wasn’t dire but neither is it favorable. Reiko and natsume have a pang in their hearts X_X lets fix this shan’t we? ^^]

“Oh my goodness that bunny is SO CUTE!!” saya squeals as she passes by a shooting game. As usual, shooting club members should have no problem getting the bunny by themselves but saya being saya had her problems and couldn’t shoot anything including the bunny…with tears welling in her eyes, the other girls tried to get the bunny for her but they all fail. Sakura get real close but in the end she shot the toy beside the bunny X.X When reiko finally couldn’t stand it and wanted to get the bunny for saya, natsume simply picked the gun from sakura’s hands as if she wasn’t gripping the gun but rather holding out the gun to him and shot the bunny down. Reiko stood behind not wanting to watch the following but forced herself to. Saya obviously wasted quite a lot of money on so many tries so natsume treats her to food and drinks and games and everything. Rich reiko didn’t say a word and neither did natsume complain at all. Finally though, something interesting did happen. It started drizzling. Usually, summer festivals were held on none rainy days not because of the whether forecast, but because people relied on the fact that it didn’t rain much during summer. All in the name of global warming though, rain heavily during a festival it did. On the day the club members were all there to boot. Of course everyone took shelter in stalls or under trees (though it was scientifically wrong to do so) as well as in the temple itself. So basically my point is that everyone was squashed in spaces and crevices that were dry. The stalls all had to cover up so the rain wouldn’t damage their merchandises and stuff. Well, reiko and sakura were separated in the mess of people pushing around to shelter but suddenly reiko felt a tug on her hand and she was pulled all the way behind the temple where the head monk was and finally pulled into a small room.
“I asked the head priest to lend me the room.” Reiko heard a panting voice say.
“You could have been gentler.” Was her reply
“if I was you wouldn’t be half dry and here at the moment.” He turns to the head priest and says, “THANKS HEAD PRIEST!”
“it is a pleasure to help you natsume dono.” Replied the head priest before walking out of the room.
“why does the head priest call you by such a title?”
“No idea. He called me over and said he had an empty room so I searched for whoever I could find which was you and dragged you over…”
“And you trust that head priest?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Why did he call out to you of all people that are here at the temple?”
“How should I know?”
“Won’t you think whether you should trust him or not?”
“I wouldn’t bother really.”
“Then you really should!”
Natsume rolls his eyes
“What if the head priest suddenly enters with a gun pointing at you?” continues reiko, and that is exactly what happened.
“natsume dono, I have been ordered to abduct you.”
“now that’s interesting. Get it done and over with.”
“WHAT?!” screams reiko who gets pulled along with natsume by another priest who clasps his palm over reiko’s mouth, turning her screams into muffled noises.
Blindfolded and bounded by the arms and legs, they were thrown into the back of a truck. Thankfully, they still could speak haha.
“So you expected this?” calmly for once, reiko questions natsume.
“Why did you pull me along then?”
“For company…”
“And you got rid of saya cause she would be a bother?”
“Yes and no. I didn’t want to pull her In to the world of deceit so fast would I?” natsume gives reiko one of those sweaty smiles. Frantically holding back her blush, she replies, “Yet you already have…”
“That’s true. I blame my dad. Made me too much of a gentleman.”
“We’re so gonna miss the fireworks.”
“Both of us are wearing those transmitter necklaces so kumo knows where we are right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I didn’t teach kumo how that thing works…”
“Kumo isn’t very good with machines…”
“Well I wasn’t really expecting much from that anyway.”
“What I meant is that I thought you were the only one with the ability to detect where we club members are.”
“oh. True. So do you know whats happening?”
“nahh. I just tagged along because I was interested in who was interested in me” said natsume with another sweaty smile.
Once again stopping herself from blushing, “So… what are you gonna do?”
“Just follow these thugs and find out who is after me I guess. Since they took you along probably means they recognize you or they don’t want witnesses…”
“I hope it’s neither!”
And then the truck comes to an abrupt stop jerking the couple muddled together near the door of the truck.
“You’re heavy…”
“You don’t have to tell me that!” reiko finally cannot stop her blushing and her whole face turns red. Luckily, natsume couldn’t see her face ^^.
“GET OUT!” shouts a man holding a machine gun in one hand and yanking natsume out of the truck with the other.

not so cliche anymore huh? how on earth did they end up kidnapped? now im gonna have to think of a reason why someone would WANT NATSUME ALIVE!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

10th bullet - comfort my tears.

10th bullet – comfort my tears.

When natsume woke up, he was in the room where all the boys were, quite unsure of what had happened. He didn’t even know he had a fever last night so he faithfully dressed and went to the archery fields thinking the club members would already be there. He forgot breakfast and blushed when kumo accompanied him back. Reiko saw him walk in and decided her original idea of putting him back in bed when she saw him fully dressed. Some of the girls were happily gasping and basking in natsume’s aura of a traditional, strong hunter in those clothes. Saya was obviously blushing to reiko’s irritation. Natsume sat beside reiko instead of saya so reiko wasn’t that unhappy though. Saya on the other hand was quite upset… dx so what happened after breakfast was obvious. Natsume released the arrow and it his the hill beside the target. Sighing, he turned to reiko. Reiko didn’t know why he would turn to her, but she replied, “its not ur first time. Concentrate.”
All natsume did was sigh again and try. He got closer… but still far away from the bulls eye… The other club members were either getting training in a room nearby or those with experience (basically seniors who rmb how to handle bows and shoot arrows). This also meant saya was cursing herself for not remembering how to weild a bow.
Natsume was thinking of how reiko knew it wasn’t his first time doing archery but then he realised it was because she knew about DX. Reiko was regretting telling natsume that sentence but she continued to shoot arrows straight at the bulls eye with some arrows going haywire when she thought of natsume. The other club members were too busy themselves to realise anything though ><
Reiko finally got upset with herself with random missings so she went to natsume and solved his wielding problems. Finally shooting the bulls eye, natsume thanks reiko with a smile that makes reiko want to blush but tries hard to refrain from doing so.
“thanks. Really.”
“whats with ‘really’?”
“just… thanks.” Accompanied by one of those sweaty smiles again.
“no problem.” Reiko normally replies with difficulty.
“will you answer my questions later?”
“if you shoot ten bulls eyes in a row right now yes.”
“ill try” replied natsume with a shrug. Sadly, he only managed one.
“too bad. Try again.”
“if I win you in table tennis?”
“okay. At night then.”
In truth, reiko was ready for whatever question natsume would come to her with. After all, she knew she had plenty of things she could tell him without telling him about project T2C and about her father. She was confident about lying her way through their conversation if she had to as well. All she wanted was for natsume to learn to look at the problem directly in front of him instead of the future problems he would face and not solve the problem in front of him. which means, he needs to be able to concentrate on what he was doing or reiko wouldn’t tell him anything. Kekeke.
As expected, natsume lost the heated battle. What was unexpected, was that he was losing his cool. Hot and fiery, natsume banged the table tennis racket on the table and left the room leaving club members speechless. Reiko showed her speechlessness with a frown and walking slowly out after natsume. Believe me the whole ambience of the club trip was horrible. By the fifth day, the club members were tired of archery and natsume kept failing to meet with reiko’s expectations. Reiko was tired of natsume’s horrid attitude and natsume was upset about himself not being able to do things he normally can do without thinking. Then reiko said something that sparked an idea in his head.
“think you idiot.”
“thinking. Thanks”
Reiko was a little surprised at natsume’s reply but at night, natsume won reiko in table tennis not just once but 5 times In a row, and he also managed to hit bulls eyes exactly ten times before he failed. So reiko told him to come to kumo’s room after washing up at the hotspring or the bath. Excited to gain the information he wanted, natsume washed up real fast and waited impatiently in kumo’s room for reiko to finish bathing. In natsume’s head, about a day passed before reiko entered the room in a yukata clean and fresh which she was hoping to catch natsume’s attention with but he didn’t catch it and went straight to the point.
“So are you part of DX?”
“that’s quite obvious already”
“how do you know my sister?”
“you mean your neighbour. I have the files on you that you gave to DX”
“Simply because I am above you in status. Sadly, I cannot tell you about it until you rise to a level as high as mine.”
“so would you tell me all you can tell me?”
“I would.”
“can you start right now?”
“if u get impatient, no.”
Natsume inhales and exhales slowly before saying, “please start.”
“I am one of the few that know DX in real person. I have free access to him so you can imagine what part I have in the organization. I have little jobs but more administration to do. The shooting club is also to train students and hire them if they have the talent. About the files and information of others in DX, I have access to most of them. Anything you would like to ask?”
“Then you know where my sister is?”
“would you… tell me?”
“im sorry but that information is top secret and therefore cannot be told.”
Natsume wants to shout at reiko but he clenches his fists and punches the ground before continuing, “How much… do you know about me?”
“your age, birthday, parents, where you used to live, what happened then, how your family died, about everything that happened at that time.”
“okay… then tell me, what do you think of it.”
“Tragic, but normal for many DX members.”
“thank you. What about you?”
“me?... my mother is no longer standing on ground, my dad stands on high levelled ground most of his life, my brother still had a bullet stuck in his head.”
“riddles and truth mixed together?”
“no. purely truths.”
“Are you willing to tell me whats eating you then?”
“I’ve told you once.”
“You have?”
Natsume took one hugeeee longgg breath and said the following in a gradual crescendo in volume…
“yea. I didn’t welcome that revenge. I went against my dads words and I took revenge and I cant take my actions back so I’m upset with myself. I blame myself for not remembering the names of those that killed my father even though my father told me not to and I hate the fact that I was the one who joked around about the mission and even played in an arcade instead of thinking about what I was doing. The whole idea about life and death is killing me!” then he pants and tears roll down his cheeks and he adds in a half muffled shout, “ AND I HATE IT WHEN I CANT STOP THOSE DAMNED FLOODGATES!”
reiko finally understands her father’s words as well as what her father had wanted her to do. She genuinely smiles at both natsume and her father as she once again takes natsume’s head into her palms and rested him on her shoulders. Then she coaxed him again saying, “boys shouldn’t cry you know?” a throaty and coarse “I know” was replied as reiko’s yukata got wet with tears. When natsume once again cries himself to sleep like a baby, reiko rests his head on her lap for a while before putting him on kumo’s futon and going out to shop. Kumo and her brought back bags upon bags of groceries which she placed near a barbecue pit before gathering all the club members with the click of a button. Meaning their necklaces started ringing and all the members were made to move to the larger ringing (coming from where reiko was).
“I SEE ALL OF YOU ARE HERE” reiko shouts.
“NATSUME ISNT!” a random guy shouts back.
After a bit of worried glances around the place as well as murmuring, reiko breaks the noise.
The whole club whoops and screams in happiness.
After organizing everybody and making sure all went right, she left kumo with the order to help anyone in need or save anyone who chopped or burnt a part of him or herself to go to natsume. Kumo overly happily smiles and accepts his order as he knew that reiko would go to natsume.


not sure if it was short. but ohwells. short and sweet is nice ^^

Sunday, August 30, 2009

9th bullet – club trip

jy reading this mann. its LONG.

9th bullet – club trip

On the last day of school, many other clubs also have camps and trips or activities so the school was really noisy and alive. Natsume was one of the few people who weren’t so happy sadly. In the bus while club members were karaoke-ing and playing cards, natsume was sitting there staring outside the window. He was sitting beside a buncha guys who got pretty close to him after he improved their skills. Both saya and reiko were spying him. Soon, there was a toilet break. Everyone got off the bus and so saya took this opportunity to sit on the seat beside natsume. Many of the other club members swapped seats too so she was relieved that she wasn’t chased out. Reiko did nothing about it and put on a poker face that hid her irritation. She still eavesdropped on their conversation though.
“do you mind if I sit here?” was of course what saya asked natsume before sitting down.
“yea sure” was natsume’s reply that made reiko quite irritated indeed.
They started talking about random stuff moving from topic to topic but nothing more than surface scratches, until, saya suddenly asked natsume about his family.
If reiko had ears, they would pop up immediately as she also wanted to know about natsume’s family memories since she knew much more from the documents she had. Natsume swiftly and skilfully evaded answering properly though saya did not realise. Reiko inwardly mocks saya with an invisible smile and then she suddenly thought of a very naughty tease. She knew much about natsume and so she could make saya jealous of this knowledge. But if she asked natsume about something that he didn’t know she knew, he would most likely question her and not trust her anymore. Still, her playfulness decided to carry on with the idea. Getting round to their seat,
“So how’s your sister natsume?”
As expected, natsume’s eyes grew wide. So did saya’s although she tried to hide it.
“how did you know I have a sister?”
“hey. Don’t avoid the question.”
“I haven’t seen her for some time. You answer me as well!”
“I’ve got my connections. Well that’s just too bad. I’d like to see her someday.” And reiko walks back to her seat as if nothing happened. She inwardly laughs like crazy due to the shock and anger she saw saya trying to hide. But also as expected, natsume is bewildered. He already decided not to probe reiko about how much she knew about DX but she even knew about his sister! This was too much and so he decides to ask reiko on both matters.
They finally reach mount saya after a few hours of sleeping, playing, laughing and smiles. Reiko gets off and organizes them of course. Everyone noisily carries their bags down the bus while reiko gives them a chain to wear as she shouts,
The chains were silver and easy to match with clothes. Infact, it was quite fashionable. As usual, the club members are amazed at the amount of money reiko spends on their trip as usual. After getting back their passports from reiko, the innkeeper leads the students to their rooms. Of course, the girls and boys were separated. Unlike a normal trip though, reiko paid so they had two rooms for the boys and two rooms for the girls that were connected. Everyone had ample space and could choose where they wanted to sleep. Without teachers, the guys and girls were free to enter each other’s rooms and play together. Of course reiko had banded loving actions haha. Reiko decided to let them rest after the long journey so she let them have the first afternoon and night free! All the club members started grouping up and deciding where to go as well as when to come back for a soak in the hot springs. Saya pulled natsume into her group of friends and natsume didn’t put up resistance, but reiko joined in the group as well. It was expected though, as in that group, reiko’s very long time friend, sakura, was there.
When natsume came into the whole group of girls, sakura got a bit upset.
“hey boy, u’re totally not welcome here.”
“sakura, let us be the harem. Wont hurt much.” Was reiko’s reply. Quite insulted, natsume added in, “oh? So are you the sheep then?”
Glaring at natsume for personal reasons, reiko replies, “you are.”
Sakura knows where the conversation was gonna end up, a fight, so she quickly butted in and brought the group of 6 girls one boy out and decided where to go. They all agreed to go to a near by flea market and so they embarked. Upon arrival, after a short walk talk session, the girls all caught sight of the cute accessories and toys or plushies in the shops. Surprisingly, natsume was really good at bargaining and he helped many of the girls get what they wanted for really low prices. Finally having proven his worth, the group of girls pulled him around everywhere to haggle prices! In the end, he bought nothing and he helped all the girls except reiko to lower the price of their purchases.
Soon, the group come across a shooting game and persuaded reiko and natsume to play for prizes. Then sakura suddenly thought of, “why don’t you two compete to see who gets higher points?” natsume was against it but he didn’t say anything being the gentleman he was. Reiko on the other hand didn’t even want to pick up the gun! In the end, natsume was on his own shooting targets and missing them all. Bewildered by his lack of skill, reiko snatched the gun and shot down 5 targets a row. Everyone stared at natsume, wondering why he couldn’t shoot any of the targets. But he did nothing except laugh and complement reiko. In truth, he was on the verge of tears but he hid this well. Even reiko didn’t know. Quite tired out by this weird trip to the flea market, the group returned with all they had bought to the inn on mount saya. Reiko stayed close to natsume in order to find out what was happening but he was still laughing and conversing with the guys like nothing was wrong. When everyone was back and had eaten dinner though, natsume was the only one that didn’t follow the others to the hot springs. Reiko couldn’t stay with him or it would be suspicious so she went with sakura. Natsume sat on the window of the balcony and stared out before heading down and took a walk. Though reiko couldn’t see him, she knew he was outside walking due to his footsteps. She made some lame excuse to leave the hot spring and secretly spied on natsume, following him when possible. In the end, he ended up in the table tennis room. She came in as if she didn’t know he was here and asked him to play. Play they did and the game got pretty fired up with them hitting fast paced balls at each other full throttle. They were already sweating profusely when other club members came up to play but changed their decision into see them play. Finally, natsume lost. And they both panted while leaning on the table tennis table. Most of the club members especially girls, went to reiko to congratulate her. While more of the boys and some girls went to comfort natsume’s lost. Both of them excused themselves to go to the hotsprings this time with no choice in order to wash of the sticky feelings off their skin. Both got in and thought their own thoughts…
Reiko waded in the water and sat down on some rock before settling down to think about natsume. ‘Why on earth did that guy fail to hit those targets at the flea market. It just isn’t possible for him to miss all the time! Table tennis was fine for him but shooting wasn’t… tomorrow I shall see how good he is in archery. All in the name of aiming.”
Natsume on the other hand, plunged into the water and got up only after not breathing for a minute or so. Then he thought, “ahh. I shouldn’t have shot those targets and missed. Ever since that stupid revenge I cant shoot a thing. At least this camp is archery. Hopefully I can shoot by the time this camp ends. Not to mention, I need to find a time where reiko is alone…”
As this happens, natsume faints in the water. Well, he was in a hotspring and he was emotional you see, so the heat probably got to him. anyway, he was sitting on a rock just like reiko and when he fainted his hand crashed into a wooden bucket which went crashing into the wooden structure separating the girls from the guys. That’s when reiko came rushing over- fully dressed mind you – to rescue the young man in distress. Cursing him silently, reiko pulled him outta the hot spring and wrapped him up as she pulled so as to not have to remember something she did not wish to remember. (if you don’t get my point, I mean his naked body.) She supported his full 60+kg back to the rooms and lay him down near his bag before getting a futon out and then carrying him onto the futon. She could have just walked off after this but she gets some milk and water plus a towel and some water (actually she got kumo to go get them for her) and in some way took care of natsume. Well some guys that returned from the hot springs got jealous while some girls thought tat they wanted to get sick as well but all in all, reiko stubbornly sat there unmoving. She moved herself and natsume to kumo’s room so the other club members wouldn’t catch his fever and natsume finally got the moment he wanted. [you know, being alone with her for interrogatory reasons...] But too bad for him, he was asleep.


THAT WAS LONG. AND BORING. BUT JY READING IF U EVEN READ AT ALL. i mean if u read u would have read this only after you read so it doesnt make a diff....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8th bullet – After the examination

8th bullet – After the examination

The class was whimpering and stretching as they handed in their first written paper. None of them were quite happy with themselves. Reiko was upset as no job had come after THREE WEEKS! Wondering what on earth her father was thinking, she bumps into Saya.
“oh hihi taicho!”(taicho = captain)
Instead of her saying a normal greeting, reiko simply ignored saya. Saya was hurt by this and before reiko left the room, she heard natsume tell saya, “reiko’s just like that. Don’t worry about it”
And decided to ignore natsume the next time he greeted her. But this decision was not able to be carried out as natsume suddenly appeared behind her, placed his hand on her shoulder and said, “don’t you agree?”
What could reiko say other than “yes”? while she rolls her eyes of course.
Well, soon enough though, the exams did come to an end. Results also followed but there has been no job for 6 weeks already. Reiko was coming to an end with her patience and so she goes to her father directly. After forcing her way through the guards and reception, she dislodged the door from its hinges before slamming her father’s table and breaking the light bulb in the table lamp.
“go for your club trip. Then you’ll know”
“no. just go for your trip. You’ll find out soon enough.”
“nay the longest is 2 years darling”
“well for one, I expected you to come at week 3 of no job but you came at 6?”
Although in reiko’s head, she already knew that her father would be right.
Finally at the next club meet, all the club members were VERY chatty on an ABNORMAL volume. Natsume didn’t know what was happening but when reiko came in and spoke into the mic, he knew.
Once that was done, she showed the WHOLE CLUB EVERYONE’S MARKS!!
Natsume was a little shocked at this but then again decided that he had been shocked by reiko too many times already. So he kept his mouth closed.
On each person’s score sheet, reiko added a grade for their shooting skills. Most of the club members got a lesser than pass mark but surprisingly, they were happy with it as they had gotten better than the last time x= When it came to natsume’s paper, the whole club saw that his grades were around the B and C level but all expected a STAR for his skill. But reiko wrote DX instead. The club wondered what DX meant while natsume forgot to keep his mouth shut. Reiko finally got to her own and had all the A grades where the whole club was mesmerized by. But reiko wrote DX on her own score sheet as well, which made natsume’s mouth a little bigger and the whole club quite blurry.
‘what on earth is that woman thinking?’ thought natsume quite out loud so that saya heard. Saya was a little bit shocked that natsume could be a little rude as well and although at first she didn’t think it was a good thing, she realised no one could be perfect and so she was even happier with natsume, and herself for catching a flaw of his.
The moment reiko came down to join the club, natsume cornered her and whispered, “WHAT THE H### WAS THAT?”
Instead of replying him, she shouted to all the club members, “do you guys know what DX means?”
Natsume was almost going to cover her mouth when she quickly added, “DEFINITELY EXCELLENT”
And the whole club building was filled with laughter. Natsume almost lost his cool but somehow he managed to calm down though that gave time for reiko to make her escape.
When club meet was going to end, reiko told the members over the mic again,
Some guys whooped while some girls screamed and others were either worrying or smiling or laughing or ahh you get the point. It was messy.
Just when reiko was leaving the club building to lock up, natsume put his hand on her shoulder again and said softly, “you know DX.”
“I was hoping you’d never ask me” reiko quietly whispers back.
Then she shakes her head and says louder, “definitely excellent.”
“How much do you know?”
“nothing that I can tell you.”
“does that mean you know as much as me? Or you aren’t obliged to tell me?”
Then kumo butts in and tells natsume, “some matters should remain secret natsume sama. Let my lady off for today. You have 10 days to beg or pry out information about DX from my lady during the trip.”
“that’s true. Thanks kumo. Bye!”
And kumo pulls the reluctant reiko into the car.
Once again alone, natsume returns to his room to pack and try not to cry.
hey forget the story for a bit. today many fantasies of mine came true one after another! i am suuuuper shocked can? i duno if i should write it here cos what ever is written can be seen so... maybe i shouldnt. but i can tell what i fantasize about. of course its romance lahhhh.

1st, bus stops suddenly and girl falls forward but a boy catches her (this happens twice)
3rd, the boy infront of my stops at the same stop and lives in the same block so we walk together. (partly came true)
4th, i meet the boy that lives on the 21st level of my block on my way home.

so basically you could say i am awwwwwwfully happy with these happenings.... kekeke. im shooo happy... KYAAAAAA. i wish i dared to write our conversation but sadly i dont so kekeke. ill put up the story soon. and i think... it doesnt have the romance i wanted to put in =.= so too bad.... SIGHHHHH just when i said i would try to write NICEE NICEEEEEE. =.= ><>< GAHH X_z

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

7th bullet - coming of exams

7th bullet – coming of exams

About a week after the revenge and the vodka night, DX hasn’t called for either reiko nor natsume yet. Quite relieved to be relieved from the job for a while, natsume was enjoying himself. But reiko on the other hand was irritated as if natsume had no mission she couldn’t invigilate. The exams were coming soon and then it would be summer and so she started planning for the club trip…
During the next club meeting, reiko announced through the mic, “WE’LL BE GOING TO MOUNT SAYA FOR A ARCHERY TRIP”
With a mighty groan from the whole club, she adds, “AND OF COURSE FULLY EQUIPED WITH HOT SPRINGS”
This was met by a mighty cheer! Natsume laughed at this change of reaction and also thought that reiko could be quite playful when she wanted.
“THANK YOU VERY MUCH” was chorused by the whole club including natsume this time who didn’t groan about the archery x=.
Suddenly, a comment was said by the girl beside natsume, “aint that cool? The mountain has the same name as me!”
“haha! Hello saya! Nice to meet you ^^”
“natsume! I didn’t know…” saya turns her head to face the floor and blushes mightily x=
“but now I know your name so all ends well, don’t you agree?”
“well…” saya turns to face natsume with a blushing smile, “yes!”
Reiko spots this from the announcement stand and suddenly commands, “NOW BACK TO PRACTISING!”
It came on so suddenly that almost all the club members who were chatting about the upcoming trip and exams got a shock and hurriedly rushed back to their training positions…
Reiko went to natsume and told him, “you’re skills are great so you can go correct their mistakes instead of practise. Teaching gains you a lot more knowledge than just doing it anyway.”
“cool. Ill walk about”
“let me warn you, I take in ANYBODY” reiko emphasizes while natsume looks at her blankly and shrugs. Soon enough, he understands why she emphasized the word anybody… because the first time he came he had earmuffs on, he didn’t hear the screams of the girls or the barbaric shouts from some guys and even squeals from some other guys. Feeling very insulted by the boys standards, he decided to help boys first. He looked at them and realised that he couldn’t see anything wrong with what they were doing! Except for missing their targets of course. Shocked at this discovery, he went to a station and tried to imagine he was holding a gun and shooting targets. Then he slowly found out the differences between what he was doing and what the other boys were doing. Going to each of them and telling them what to do, all of them replied, “reiko said the same thing but we just cant get it!” so natsume decided, to show them and help them physically first. Even when he did this, most of them also said the same thing. That reiko already did this. So natsume was feeling quite useless and decided to practise his skills in order to find out how to do what was right and how to change what was wrong. Finally, after a few hours, he managed to understand more and more about his grip on the weapon, how to aim, when to shoot, and all the stuff that used to come to him naturally. Reiko who was correcting the girls, inwardly smiled at his fast progress. Leaving him to think on tactics to teach by himself, he would be aware of what he had been doing since young. In other words, he was a genius who didn’t know what he was doing but he knows how to do it. This cancels the word genius and replaces it with stuuuuupid ignorant fool. That was what reiko thought anyway. In truth, it was due to lukes training…which allowed natsume to do all he must do without understanding at all. Luke’s full proof training method for idiots who couldn’t understand things was taught to a genius. X=
The next day during class, the homeroom teacher announced the dates and times of the exams. Of course most students would moan and groan about it but reiko feels no emotion towards exams. This is unlike natsume who vibrates as he reads the exam time table. Noticing this, reiko teases him, “somebody isn’t prepared?”
“prepared? I haven’t studied ever since I stepped into this school…”
Reiko almost smiles but of course stops herself as usual.
During club time, natsume finally managed to show the boys THE LIGHT! And the boys started shooting better slowly, but steadily ^^
Reiko almost smiles at this again until she sees Saya walk up to natsume commenting that he was doing a great job. The boys even agreed with her and made reiko even more pissed. As if this wasn’t enough, natsume ruffles saya’s hair and thanks her although he still turns down her praises. To finish it off, saya expressed both blush and smile while natsume ruffles her bob. Not wanting to see this in a mulberry bush, reiko takes out her anger on sena just remembering that he had pressed the wrong button when she wanted to test natsume’s skills that day. Sena who had totally forgotten about it, bowed his head as he listened and disposed of the insults and curses from reiko almost immediately.
Natsume sits down infront of his floor desk and opens up his textbooks once he enters his room but nothing he reads enters his head. He stares out of the window just above his head and stared at the clouds when suddenly a drop of water fell on his cheek. It was impossible for the school hostel to leak of students would know and it wasn’t raining either but another drop of water fell. After pondering for about 2 minutes, he realised that he was crying. Laughing at his stupidity, he starts to make notes mindlessly.


kekeke.... this one bit boring maybe? ohwells. stories have ups and downs ^^

Friday, August 21, 2009

6th bullet - the shooting club

6th bullet – the shooting club

Soon enough, both natsume and reiko fell asleep clinging on to each other. Natsume awoke first and after sometime, he realised that he was holding on to reiko and that he didn’t want to explain to reiko why he was holding on to her. X= so he quickly carried her to the bed while he thought a very rude thought indeed, “where did this woman get all this weight from?!” =.=

Well, just as he partially dumped her on the bed, kumo entered the room, “good morning natsume sama. A spare uniform has been prepared for you as well as an extra toothbrush. Would you like to wake reiko and go to school together?”
Suddenly, natsume remembered his soft toys so he replied, “hey would you mind sending me somewhere before we wake reiko and stuff?”
“where would you like to go?”
“haji street 21 if you don’t mind.”
“may I ask for what reason do you wish to head there?”
“yea sure. I wanna collect the stuff I left there as well as… hey could you lend me 200 yen as well?”
“a pleasure.”
“thanks. Ill go wash up then uhh. Ill be relying on you for the exit”
Really not used to having a butler, natsume sorta blushes the moment he receives the clothes and toothbrush from kumo and says a quick thank you before rushing into the toilet bashful. He cleaned up in about 5 minutes and by the time he was escorted out of the mansion, the car and two hundred yen was already ready. As usual natsume is quite shocked at the speed and efficiency of kumo but keeps his mouth shut as he gets driven in a Mercedes to haji street 21.
Getting of directly infront of the arcade, he realises that he did not think that arcades don’t open this early in the morning. Luckily for him, the lady shopkeeper had already started business. Counting his blessings, he went in to claim back his prizes and used the 200 yen to play ufo catcher and got a grenade plush toy, as well as a smoke bomb plush toy.
“hey boy, if you keep coming here I think I might just close down one day!” the lady jokingly comments as natsume walks out with an even larger bag of toys.
“compliment accepted!” shouted natsume as he ran out of the arcade and into the car.
“umm,,, thanks for the 200 yen. Do you mind umm…”
“would you like me to send you to the hostel first?”
“that was some fine mind reading. Yes please!”
Natsume forgets to keep his mouth shut this time and leaves it half open all the way to the hostel.
Just as natsume was running towards the hostel, kumo suddenly calls to him and throws him a bundle, “your belongings natsume sama.”
“THANKS!” replied natsume as he dashed up the hostel staircase to dump all the toys and dirty clothes before dashing back to kumo.
“I shall fetch my lady here immediately.”
“thanks kumo ^^”
“you are welcomed.” Kumo said with a smile so sweet that natsume kinda got another shock.
“mmmm…kumo??” mumbled reiko as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. “what time is it?”
“it is 8.30am my lady”
“WHAT!? ALREADY?! THEN WHERES NATSUME?!”reiko suddenly flares up as if wood just got thrown into the fire, asking kumo questions while kumo answers excluding the fact that natsume went to haji street 21. reiko quickly dresses and hurriedly entered the car which kumo drove at top speed allowing reiko to arrive in school in simply 3 minutes time. Entering the class, she stomps her way to her seat ignoring the teacher and preparing to glare at natsume but glaring at sena instead.
“woah woah easy there lady. No need tah get so upset all over yahself!”
Her face changes immediately to a calm expression as she questions, “why are you sitting here”
“natsume was told to hand in his club form I think…”
“hey why are you so interested about where he is?”
Her eyes flare up again and sena immediately manoeuvres back to his seat. But almost immediately, he turns back to reiko and asks her, “hey its time for natsume to meet the club once he submits his papers duncha think?”
“yea” was reiko’s absent minded reply…in truth, she still wanted to avoid natsume so she wouldn’t have to explain how she was at haji street 22…
After class, reiko stood infront of natsume who was packing his bag and said, “you.”
“you signed up for our club right?”
“yea. I didn’t think a teacher would hunt me down for it though…”
“keh. You could have said no.”
“but you agreed didn’t you?”
“that’s true…so on which days does your club practise?”
“every Wednesday and Thursday.”
“ohhh. Twice a week huh….”
“dont worry about”
“no nothing. Just come today okay? Get to know the rest of the club.”
Reiko sighed as she almost brought the topic onto DX. She headed for the club building leaving the two boys to… I mean leaving sena to rant to natsume.
Sena eventually leads natsume to the club building and when they entered, natsume was shocked ONCE AGAIN… this time, it is due to the weird welcome of the club members…actually, all they did was to point guns at him and shoot out confetti. Gunpowder and all… with the chorused “WELCOME TO OUR CLUB” as usual. Natsume bows but reiko pops in and ask a rhetorical question, “you guys had enough already haven’t you?”
The members chorused a “YES” as they returned to their training posts. Natsume looked at them practise and thought “they aint gonna survive very long…”
Suddenly, a gun came flying into his hands followed by packs of plastic bullets and the command to “WEAR THE EARMUFFS AND START PRACTISING!”
Of course, new members usually get tested so the club members not only wondered why he didn’t need to be tested but also wondered how good or bad his skills were… they all tried to sneak peaks at natsume but ended up getting scolded by reiko. Then suddenly, reiko sighed and spoke through the mic, “COME ON INTO THE OBSERVATION ROOM. ILL LET YOU SEE NATSUME DO HIS STUFF. NATSUME, GET INTO THE STIMULATION ROOM.”
Of course, they were shocked when they saw reiko set the stimulation to level 6. and when natsume asked reiko to raise it to 7, they were even MORE SURPRISED.
The moment the start button was pressed, the members were mesmerised by natsume as he missed none of the targets and hit almost all of them critically.
Oh the members did do so. Only AFTER they congratulated natsume and praised him sky high ^^


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

6th bullet - getting drunk

this reminds me of a filler episode man LOL :O... cos its abit out of the story... hehehehehehehehehehehehheheeh. but tats okay. enjoy the a little bit more romance part in this chapter ^^

Chapter 6 – getting drunk

Being made to murder the person whom had murdered his father would usually be a happy thing for people who want revenge but apparently, natsume was just the opposite. His father had taught him never to take revenge even if his father had been killed by the most evil man on earth. A life was lost just like that! [poof!] And someone’s dead. It was as if natsume didn’t even need to lift a finger and he already killed someone (which is very true). Although to natsume it felt like hours, after a short two minutes the building sorta burst into flames and collapsed onto the floor thoroughly. Sirens were getting softer cos luke was being transported to a hospital and reiko who was still hugging natsume was hurled with him into the car and away from the fire. Still patting his head but no longer hugging, reiko was at a lost as to what to say and what to do. She didn’t know what had happened inside to make natsume cry so much and she didn’t know how to make it better. She also didn’t know how to explain to natsume why she was here…but thankfully natsume had fallen asleep on her shoulder ^^.
Kenji and shino were sitting infront still in an argument while kumo fetched them all to their homes.

“natsume, are you awake?” calls reiko when the car stopped.
Natsume murmurs and stirs but nothing happens and when he wouldn’t walk on his own, kumo carried him to an empty room which was installed with a bed. kumo then used the toilet in that room to bath natsume and changed him into the clothes of one of the servants. Of course, this was an order from reiko who was currently enjoying her bath with numerous questions in her head. Solving each of them one by one, she came out of her room and went into the empty room to be greeted by the sleeping figure of natsume. Kumo bowed to her and asked if she needed anything so she said, “water and… maybe a bottle of vodka.”
“my lady, you are underaged”
“oh I know. Just today! Please?”
“your every wish is my command”
“thanks kumo. Don’t tell dadi!”
Reiko smiled at her butler who seemed to be more of a overly formal father to her than a butler. Kumo was only a nickname reiko called him by because she couldn’t pronounce his name right when she was small. Since then, many servants in the house forgot his real name while the new servants thought his name was kumo. Just as she was reminiscing about this, natsume stirred.
“did you say something natsume?”
“one bear two milk three figurines two rabbits one chick one hamster three roses two tulips three ice creams two rings five sweets…”
“huh? Whats with that list?”
“must go…”
“collect… one bear two milk three figurines two rabbits one chick one hamster three roses two tulips three ice creams two rings and five sweets…”
“huh? From where?”
“for you…”
“for me?”
And reiko is lost in a puddle. Soon kumo returns with her vodka and her water before taking his leave again. Just as he was at the door, he asked reiko, “my lady, would you like me to carry a bed over so you can sleep next to natsume dono tonight?”
“nice thinking kumo! Ill do just that! Thanks ^^”
“not a problem”
Reiko finishes the water in one gulp, just realising that she was horrendously thirsty. She thought that natsume would probably be in a worst state since he actually was in the fire and had cried quite a lot. Cancelling out the option of mouth to mouth water rationing, she called for a spoon and another cup of water. Slowly but steadily, she dropped spoons of water into the mouth of natsume which she kinda forced open about 2 cm. reiko kinda wanted to wake natsume up but didn’t have the heart to do it so she showed it by pouring water into his mouth faster but all natsume did was gulp faster instead of SUDDENLY AWAKEN. Then again, reiko already suspected that this would happen =.=
Quite tired of scooping water, she drank few sips of vodka before falling asleep on a bed right beside natsume only separated by the side table that held the vodka and empty glass of water.
In the middle of the night, natsume awakes SERIOUSLY thirsty just as reiko thought he would be. Seeing the bottle of vodka beside him, he hoped that it was sparkling water and poured it into the empty cup he saw beside the bottle of ‘sparkling water’. In the darkness, he couldn’t see very well but even if he could, unless he read the label on the bottle he wouldn’t know what he was drinking wasn’t water. And since he didn’t bother to use his sense of smell, he gulped it down thinking it was sparkling water only to find himself wanting more of the drink. Rendering it weird that he would like such a queer taste and thinking of it as simply, ‘weird tasting water’, he drank yet another cup AND another cup AND another cup to find himself hicking up. At this point in time, with a hic and hic and yet another hic, reiko wakes up and switches on the bedlamp. Then she stifles a scream when she realises that more than half of the vodka was gone and that natsume had drank it. Taking the cup and bottle away from natsume as well as her desire to sleep, she slapped natsume once on the right and once on the left.
“YEOUCH! What was that for!”
“you idiot! You were drinking vodka for goodness sake!”
“vodka? No wonder it smelled and tasted different…”
“ARGH I CANT BELIEVE YOU ARE SUCH AN IDIOT!” reiko tries to shout as loud a whisper as she could.
“oh. I was wondering who you were and where I was…”
“OH MY GOOD LORD YOU!!!!” and reiko gives up on the loud whispering but pillow hits natsume instead.
“IM NOT LETTING YOU OFF NATSUME. NO WAY.” And she forgets to whisper totally but shouts instead.
The servants all awaken and listen to the shouts and yells thinking…’ahh what a fun day it must be for my lady.’ Instead of barging in and asking what happened. After all, they rarely see their lady so lively ^^
As reiko attacks natsume with her pillow as well as the pillow natsume was using, natsume runs away from her stumbling and starting to feel the effects of the vodka. Almost slamming into a drawer, reiko catches him by his clothes and says, “shouldn’t the guy save the girl? Shouldn’t the girl cry into the guys shoulder?”
Suddenly aware of how rude he has been to reiko, he abruptly stepped on reiko’s foot in attempt to regain his composure. This time, they switch places. Natsume supports himself with one hand pressed on to the wall, while Reiko faces the floor with her waist resting her full weight on natsume’s other arm. Natsume winces but carefully holds on to reiko. Then, reiko started sobbing which shocked natsume who almost dropped reiko. As if his loosening on reiko was a button, reiko started wailing! Natsume wasted little time in pulling reiko up and letting her lean on the side of the bed. Then reiko pulled natsume’s clothes [the end of his shirt] towards her face and cried into them. Natsume had no idea why reiko was crying and was half hugging reiko while stroking her hair on impulse and in shock.
Kumo had been standing outside their room listening incase anything bad happened but when nothing happened, he chuckled out loud to himself, “my lady cannot handle drinks very well can she?”


Monday, August 17, 2009

5th bullet - unwelcomed revenge (2)

walao am i rushing the story? i dunno. i find the climaxx not HOT enough... =.= neverminddddddd happy reading. i risk my life to write this story NOT! HAHA risk my homework and test results more like =.= enjoy ^^

Chapter 5 – unwelcomed revenge (2)

The three men dashed towards rosary’s bar and once they got there, acted like the few citizen’s who managed to stay calm under a fire alarm. Natsume helped hold the heavy bar door open with some effort, shino was supporting an old man on a walking stick with a fake smile that didn’t hide his irritation which was’nt noticed by the old man thankfully and kenji unplugged the cashier forcefully and threw it outside the door making natsume duck, then carefully transporting the old bottles of drinks and commenting “itll be bad if I threw these the way I threw the cashier wouldn’t it?” with a smile so evil it scared the wits outta the bartender who ran with all his might away from the scene cashier and bottles.
Reiko was behind the scenes laughing but of course natsume knows nothing of this ^^. Then they quickly ran up to join Luke who was no where to be found…

Not bothering to discuss about anything, shino barged into the sound proof room dragging the door down and tripping over it at the same time so kenji shouted in his place, “LUKE?!” the three guys were greeted by a blood covered Luke who managed to cough out a “I’m alive!” To their surprise, the three old guys they were supposed to threaten were all unconscious! Natsume obviously ran to the injured luke and checked for broken areas or wherever he needed to stop whutever bleeding. As he did so, Luke told him that the old men were “clever” enough to realise their guards were down and ambushed him where they opened the door with a force meant to push luke down the stairs and succeeded. ‘so that’s where he got his twisted leg…’ thought natsume. Thanks to the action of these three old men, luke got pretty badly injured but managed to knock them out WITHOUT the needed information =.= shino crawled out from below the door and started to pick a fight with kenji for stepping on him. luke decided that those two couldn’t be trusted and asked natsume to call DX instead.
“good- uh… evening sir.”
“hi” replied a lady’s voice
“well umm this is N94 speaking”
“ehh… elious”
“currently transferring your call ^^”
“sry miss.”
“oh that’s alrite”
-call connected-
“the men are knocked out but we have no information---“
[laughter can be heard in background]
“oh im sry continue?”
“so do we still light the uhhh fire?”
“yes. We have what we need. Dispose of them ^^”
“right. Uhh good night sir.”
“good night^^” replied a lady’s voice
“uhh. Sry once again”
-call cut off-
Natsume blushes and angrily tells the -trying to not to laugh because it hurts- Luke that it was the first time he called DX for this kinda thing!!
“ok. I don’t suppose I can run after lighting a fire so shino, quit quarrelling with kenji like a girl who’s weddings tmr! Come on over here! Ur muscles are needed.”
Holding back his curses and swearing, he carrys luke out of the room, down the stairs, and out of rosary’s bar. Then kenji took out a baby bottle of oil and a long piece of string. Pouring the oil scarcely in a large circle then placing one end of the string into the oil nearest to the door. Walking outside the room and signalling natsume out of the door, natsume guiltily took one last look at the three men they were killing and bowed a sorry. Then he realised to his horror that the oldest lookin guy of the three on the ground was a friend of the guy that killed natsume’s dad. Shocked into immobilization, kenji had to drag natsume out of the room before lighting the dry end of the string with his lighter. Suddenly, natsume started running back into the sound proof room mumbling that he couldn’t kill the man. Somehow thought, kenji managed to carry natsume who wiggled like mad to get free out of the bar. Finally not able to stand natsume’s kicking, he dropped natsume who immediately ran back into the bar rendering kenji’s efforts useless. Reiko thought that this action was very queer so she got out from her hiding place and got into the car to go to rosary’s bar.

Just as Luke was shouting at natsume, shino jumped into the already all on fire building for natsume and tugging on his collar, managed to get him out of the fire just before the second floor collapsed onto the first floor. Natsume dropped to his knees just before the burning building unconcerned by his burns or cuts. All he could think of was that he had taken the revenge his father told him not to take. At this moment, reiko arrives and opens the door by herself instead of waiting for kumo to open it for her and runs to natsume. She half carries him further away before hugging him in front of the building of fire with one hand on his head patting it and coaxing “boys should’nt cry you know?” as natsume sniffled and silently wailed into reiko’s shoulder.


gahhhh tell me tell me tuttuttuttuttut tell me how is it? x=

Sunday, August 16, 2009

4th bullet - unwelcomed revenge (1)

ahh im so wanting to find out what happens in the story tat i wanna write but must do hw =.= blehblehbleh.

chapter 4 - unwelcomed revenge (1)

natsume starts off home, pondering about how reiko could possibly know about DX. His father was an agent of DX but died during a big-scale mission leaving him and his mother alone. his mother never could recover from the sorrow of losing her husband and died due to a simple fever when natsume was only 9 years old. since then he has been taken care of by luke as luke's disciple and seudo son. He knew that the identity of DX was unknown to most of the people in the organization other than the top 12 agents. natsume's father was the top at the time he died and natsume also aims for that in want to be stronger than his father. the organization itself is called DX which stands for something. a sad face. now, natsume wishes to find out all about DX other than it's mission in helping the government's underside handlings. He doesnt know much at the moment though. HAHA

'ahhhh i shouldnt have told him i knew DX' thinks reiko as she carries out club activities once again. she observes her 'students' and correct their mistakes or show them how it is done correctly from time to time while she thinks of DX and nastume's involvement as well as her own. soon enough, a call from DX came. telling the club members that she would be leaving, she took off to head quarters only unlike natsume, she had her chauffeur drive her there^^
"hi dadi. whats up?"
"haha hello my darling daughter. having fun in school?"
"HAHA as expected aye? back to business though--"
"you mean about my classmate?"
"my my sharp as usual. or should i say, as expected from reiko?"
"so what about him?" smiles reiko.
"well... if you spotted him means you know his skill right?"
"commence project T2C."
"yes. we're going to start now."
"you knew it was going to start soon. and that soon is now. you will commence the project whether you like it or not. go home and prepare my love."
reiko fakes a spit and stomps out of the room closing the door with a bang. but as commanded, goes home to think, not prepare, about it.

as reiko lay on her bed thinking... 'if he's candidate C means there are two others that i dont know about. sigh. dadi's only 50. im pretty sure he can lead till he's 80 for goodness sake! im the facilitator for candidate C huh... project T. the Test for the next DX. this isnt a laughing matter. his every move is watched by millions and now this not very serious natsume is a candidate? even i would do better than him! ZZ.' and she falls asleep.

Although natsume wanted to ask reiko about DX, she skipped school…and this time, natsume's phone rings AFTER school. which was a good thing.
"good afternoon."
"yo, N94 reporting, elious"
"elious confirmed. mission has been sent by sms"
--- [from DX
rosary's bar
haji street 22
2250 takahashi keita, mibunara hannah, miyano kaoru
back up from S80, K78, L62
meet at haji street 20 mc donalds
1800 details from L62]

‘now this is SERIOUSLY weird’ thinks natsume. Natsume knew this mission would be on a larger scale than usual as he was actually told who was coming. L62 referred to luke, K78 referred to kenji but he didn’t know who S80 was. Natsume calculated mentally that he had close to 2 hours to get there. Not wanting to stand out while wearing his uniform, he ran to the hostel to change before setting out, revolver and all, to haji street 20.

“you’ve got to be kidding me!” from an unknown voice greeted natsume when he walked into mc donalds.
Sitting down with a smile as a greeting, “what’s the joke?”
luke didn’t laugh back like he usually would but told natsume, “this time, there aint no joke. We may be the only group working on this mission but that isn’t because the mission is easy. Its because that way we’re not as easily spotted.” Then kenji butted in saying in barely a whisper, “we’re burnin down a building wtf!”
shocked at the sudden vulgarity, natsume questions, “burning down a building? Telling the whole city what we’re doing? Are ya-you sure?” natsume inwardly curses sena for influencing him to say ‘yah’ instead of ‘you’.
“positive. Our mission is to burn down the building FROM the inside.” Replies luke.
The unknown guy bursts in again, “and get ourselves killed?! Inside, outside what’s the difference? The building is going down burn burn burn anyway!”
Luke then says something that catches natsume’s attention, “you know DX, he does stuff for a reason. Whether personal or for his men, there is a reason for his actions. Whether the result is bad or good, we trust our boss.”
“and lose our lives.” Repeats the unknown guy.
“is it alright to talk about this in daylight? who are you anyway?” natsume asks S80.
“name’s shino.” Replies the unknown guy.
Inside his head, natsume thinks…’like the insect guy from naruto only not so quiet...’ x=
“its okay. forget shino. Take separate routes and do as you wish until about 9. then start heading towards our goal and even if we meet each other, walk as if you don’t see anyone you know. Ill repeat the plan for natsume. Our target will be situated in a sound proof room in the bar right on top just beside the loft. An estimated number of two guards will be at the door. We are to evacuate the owner and the guests in the bar using a fake fire alarm. Those thugs in the sound proof room would be deaf but the guards have to be taken care of. Like us, they’ve got back up on the roofs of other buildings and praying that our information serves us well, there are three. I’ll take the two at the door in the bar, the three of you do the surveillance of the surroundings and take down the other three. As for the signal—“
“the damned whistle” sighs kenji.
“right.” Luke continues, “the moment u guys finish, come to the bar asap and find me. Hopefully I wouldn’t have been caught by then haha. We will enter the room gun pointed and all. I’ll do some talking and threatening before we pour the oil and light the fire. Then we barricade the door and run. Got it?”
“you mean… we gotta take lives?” questions natsume who is quite afraid of that thought.
“every time you capture someone alive, that person is interrogated for information and killed unless his or her life is of use to DX. It’s the same thing just that this time we do it ourselves.” Replies luke.
Natsume looks down at his knees unsure of himself while shino curses on and on.
“lets go shall we?” a rhetorical question by kenji and the group disperses.

‘skipped school again…’ thought reiko as she dressed to get ready for the facilitators job. To watch, and grade. She knew that this would be natsume’s first job where he had to take the lives of people for the first time so she was not expecting much from him. She knew of many who took their first killing job and cowered or became proud. Neither was a good show. Not wanting to tell natsume about her connection with DX, she decides to ignore his questions the next day at school…not like he was supposed to know that she was his facilitator =.=

Playing flycatcher and some other weird arcade games to kill time, natsume spent almost his whole wallet of money but got about 20 soft toys and 5 sweets. He didn’t know what to do with them so he asked the lady at the counter to keep it for him and that he would come for it today later or tomorrow. He started to scan the area outside and kept a lookout for possible places where snipers or guys with binoculars will be placed. It had to be somewhere facing the bar, either roof tops or windows and quite high levelled. After narrowing down the places, he found all 3 of the so called backup people and decided on hunting the one in the middle. Suddenly he realised that if that backup guy told his mates tat he had been taken by some kind of sign he would be in a bad position… suddenly in a dilemma, his phone rang. An unknown number told him through sms

[from unknown
Don’t worry.

While he wondered who read his mind, he realised that the so called backup people were running to the same direction. Now he understood. All he had to do was attack and the backup people would gather while kenji and shino would notice and run to his aid. Inwardly laughing at his stupidity, he went to join Shino and capture his prey. Relying on leg and arm power rather than guns, natsume managed to knock his opponent out after a bit of a sweat. Afterall, the silly backup guy was not concentrating on the fight but his injured companion x=. then he heard ‘the damned whistle’ and started running with Shino towards rosary's bar. Kenji soon joined them. The whistle was answered with a fire alarm that could be heard even from afar.

Friday, August 14, 2009

3rd bullet - disappearing bullet

kyahahahaha as usual once i start i go a bit madddd about it all. i reread my original and realised that reiko is TOOOOOO sleek for natsume. sleek as in she KNOWS EVERYTHING!!!! its like a PERFECT character... so i think i gotta... make her NOT so sleek... but i guess my ideas dont stray tooo far... cos its still the same happenings but slightly diff. but u guys wont know and dont hav tah bother would yah? LOL. im lame =.=

NOW IS THE MAIN PLOT LIAO. in original, main plot only appear in 5th chapter. now third chapter hav ler. cos 5th then main story VERY DRAGGY!!!! so here comes ^^

chapter 3 - dissapearing bullet

natsume flashes reiko a sweaty but shiny smile that was really really pretty cause he was high on endorphine ^^ reiko kind of blushes but walks off while telling natsume, "if you need a bath you can have one. clothes can be borrowed from the bathroom too. it happens often so i prepared alot of spares. sena! come out of the control room after switching off the stimulation AND UR GONNA GET IT FROM ME FOR PRESSING THE WRONG BUTTONS!"
sena flinches at reiko's sudden raise in volume while natsume persuades her "hey its okay! everythings fine isnt it?" but he was thrown aback by reiko who shouted "if it wasnt you and someone that was weak he or she would get seriously HURT. im thankful it was you and even if it wasnt, i could have helped out but if i wasnt here and sena pressed that damned button we'd have casualties so dont take things so lightly!" both natsume and sena is shocked at reiko's outburst because they rarely see her say so much. she walks out of the building leaving the two boys behind.

"that womans scary..." comments sena
"uve got that right." agrees natsume. "wheres the bathroom?"
"its upstairs. ill take yah there!"
both sena and natsume get into the showers even though sena didnt need to. this time, both of them had to stand outside class for being late and leaving the classroom so natsume no longer had laughter to hide. instead, he had open laughter by sena to listen too =.=

reiko walks out of the class once it ends and bows her head "sorry"
the two boys blush at her cuteness and say simultaniously, "its okay!"
she leads them back inside and they continue with their lessons. then natsume realises his phone is ringing... he flips it open and looks at the name of the caller [DX] and rejects the call. reiko turns to the seat on her right to see if natsume has sat down only to realise that he was no longer in the classroom! when the teacher came in and asked what happened, reiko answered that he was sick so he went home. this amazed the students and teacher as reiko rarely answers for anyone. sena inwardly thinks that he has lost to natsume in terms of how caring reiko is to them LOL.

outside the school gate, natsume slings the revolver that he had hidden inside his bento case over himself and buckled it on. but because his uniform was borrowed, it did not have the same functions as his own! Then again he thought to himself, that it didnt matter much. He whipped his phone out and called [DX] back to get the details of the new mission.
"yo. N94 reporting. elious"
"elious confirmed. mission has been sent by sms"
[from DX
manderson hotel room 250
manderson road 19
1130 kannagi kana
capture alive
back up available as sniper in worst case senario]
'weird name and weird mission' thinks natsume before breaking into a sprint to manderson road 19. he scans the area and realises people are staring at him as he was in school uniform. He realises he has made a major mistake but couldnt help it at the moment. he entered the hotel trying not to be seen, crouched behind a plant beside the counter and said in a muffled voice "may i inquire, wheres room 250?"
"as the name states its the suite at level 25 sir" replies the male receptionist wondering who he was talking to...
without a word of thanks, natsume runs up the stairs all the way till the 25th level. he got his bearings and then,through a open suite door where a cleaner was cleaning, he enters a room and sneaks out of the balcony where he jumps to the balcony of room 250. upon arriving, he was met by a ended bed scene which he was grateful it had ended before his arrival. it was only 1120 so he waited behind the drawn curtains and glass for a while and loaded a few tranquilisers in his revolver. He also tried to catch what they were saying through the glass but failed. and true to DX's words, the guy left at 1129. natsume quickly took action by using a laser which was hidden in the form of an waterproof anklet to open a tiny hole in the glass window. through this hole, he shot the leg of kannagi kana. once she dropped to the floor, natsume cut more of the glass and entered the room. he swiftly carried kannagi kana and carried her outside to the balcony. he spotted the sniper and showed him a number 4 to him before sneaking into the laundry chute where he slid down still holding on to kannagi kana. there, he shot her with another tranquilliser and waited. soon enough, the sniper opened the door of the chute and took kannagi kana with him.
"nice natsume."
"you too luke."
"get back to school quickly yea?"
"sure thing. thanks luke."
"no prob man."
and they dissapear from the scene. back in the hotel, a cleaner in disguise removes all traces of natsume's appearance in the hotel.

back in school, natsume walked back in class only to be pulled straight out again by reiko and told "i lied that you were sick so you cant come back in. follow me"
he obediently follows knowing he could do nothing else.
in the shooting club building, reiko pushes natsume on a chair in a room. then she starts her interrogation.
"where did you go?"
"maybe as you said i was sick."
"i know that isnt it. tell me the truth"
"i cant."
"ok then. ill take my chances, did DX call you?"
"how in the world..."
and reiko leaves pulling natsume with her.
"go home today."
before natsume could even nod, reiko dissapears.


now is that cool or whut?! yea lah its not cool i noe i noe. LOL well, thats it folks!

2nd bullet - show your bullet power

GAHHH i typed it then it dissapeared then it appeared in a diff post!! IM SHOCKED! so once again, IM CONTINUING THE STORY, STRAYING FROM MY ORIGINAL STORY AND DRAGGING PEOPLE TO READ THIS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH kekeke....

2nd bullet - show ur bullet power

While the teacher was busy teaching away, the guy sitting infront of natsume suddenly turned around to face natsume and half whispered, "hi natsume! my names sena. happy tah meet yah!"
natsume who was concentrating on the teacher got a little shocked at the untimely introduction but quickly recovered and smiled back, "yo sena. would you be my first friend?" and of course, the instant reply was "HELL YEAH!" only that it was a little too loud so sena was ordered out of the classroom, leaving natsume hiding his laughter from the teacher...

outside the classroom and somewhere along the corridors, reiko was complaining in her head as usual. she inwardly cursed and swore about the smile of course blaming both herself and natsume. When she reached the cafeteria, she bought a drink, gulped it all down at one go and sighed before whipping out her phone to call her chauffeur. As per usual, her call was answered before the first ring could be heard.
"what can i do for you my lady?"
"im skipping school. come for me right now"
and reiko exhales another sigh.
her car arrives before she finishes her second drink but she thoughtlessly just threw the can away before dropping into the cars open door and commanding, send me home.
most people do not know this but reiko actually lives in a bungalow that is only a 5 minute drive from the school. And even though reiko skipped school, her grades are top-notch so the teachers let her do as she wished. as she would do on the other days that she skipped school, she spent the day playing game consoles or online games until she was tired enough to sleep and stay asleep till tomorrow came.

"hey do yah have a club yet?" was the first thing sena asked natsume the moment natsume walked into class.
"its only my second day..." was natsume's sarcastic reply. sena didnt catch the sarcasm though and asked, "what does days gotta do with yah havin a club or not?! so do yah?"
"no." said natsume as he rolled his eyes without looking at sena. he wasnt angry at sena but sena could be quite irritating especially when natsume was trying to listen in class...
"okay fine. then yah wanna join the shooting club?"
"shooting club? there is one?"
"YEA! reiko set it up. she's rich so she could use her own money to build the whole facility in school. Its got guns, rifles, bullet-proof jackets, everything!"
natsume is very much surprised at this new piece of information so he simply replied,
"i'll think about it"
"WHAAHOOOO!" screamed sena just as the teacher walked into the class who ordered him out again....leaving natsume hiding his laughter AGAIN...
after the teacher, reiko walks in as if she is not late at all and the teacher couldnt be bothered either. Then natsume makes the mistake of trying to speak to her again but this time, she replies nicely...
"i heard u set up a shooting club?"
"if i wanted to, would you let me join?"
"yep. i take in anyone"
"cool. ill join if you dont mind. ive got experience too^^"
"thats unexpected...ill see where your standard is today after school. is that okay?"
"sure. infact, we've got a free period after homeroom... we could even do it then!"
natsume seems to be getting surprised very often and he realises that he is surprised once again. he now thinks that reiko may be nicer than someone who bangs doors and skips class.

"follow me" says reiko the moment the teacher announces that it is free period.
"actually, are we allowed out of class during free periods?"
then sena comes between us and say, "take me with yah guys!"
"follow me" repeats reiko and natsume gives up the thought of being a good rule abiding boy.
they arrive at the shooting club room which is actually a whole separate building a few levels high! natsume gasps in awe while sena grabs the moment to boast that he was a member of the shooting club and had permission to enter most of the parts in...natsume busies himself in exploring the place instead of listening to sena talk on without realising the absense of his listener...
then reiko throws natsume a revolver and asks, "is this one okay?"
natsume looks at the revolver and looks wide eye at reiko, "how did you know i usually use these types?"
reiko shrugs and replies "i can tell"
then sena buts in shouting "HEY WERE YAH EVEN LISTENING NATSUME?!"
'no?' thought both natsume and reiko in their minds.
"lets start" says reiko. "sena, get to the controls. you know how the testing goes. get on with it."
sena droops his head and staggers to the control room but quickly becomes his happy self again "READY NATSUME?" as if to reply natsume's nod, the stimulation begins.
reiko instantly realises something and shouts suddenly, "BAKA SENA! THIS ISNT THE TEST! ITS LEVEL 6!!"
sena stares blankly at reiko as she uses her free hand to hit her forehead and think. before she could come up with an solution, natsume starts shooting the targets straight on missing barely any. reiko could only stare at natsume do his thing and when the stimulation ended and natsume was drenched in sweat, reiko clapped like mad. she threw him a bottle of water as well as a towel and said words barely louder than a whisper, "welcome to the shooting club." and in a whisper was, "you're real good at this"


so how was it? he shows her his bullet power!! YAYYYY HAHA ^^ well, its really way diff from my original but i hope its better dx and i doubt anyone will read until i pull someone over... sigh. ILL THINK OF SOMETHING HAHAHAHAH

Friday, August 7, 2009



ILL CONTINUE THE STUUUUPID STORY. i just HATE leaving it like tat... and not to mention its UNCOMPLETE. GAHHHHHHHHH haha. well tat saturday was funnnnnnnnnn like SERIOUSLY.... WHEN WAS CYCLING SHO FUN?? last time its like... HUHHH DUN WANNNNN MI DUN WAN CYCLE LATER ME FALL HOW? now im like, ah mumu!! (mami) can i rent a bike ah? -instant reply- "THERE NO BIKE RENTAL LAH!" =.= mi will sobbies. ohwells. going some outing with church. hope itll be fun too ^^ darn it. i just thought of the thingy i didnt wanna think about. nvm. im quite.... empty on that matter. maybe it will spark again. like real =.= all the UPS and DOWNS. HAHA wait.... AM I EVEN MAKING SENSE?! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 07-ghost

YAY!. got jun fukuyama [squeals]
like park so yeon. HAHA. well so she is half kkorean and her voice rocksssssssss. yea. NATSUMEEEEEe

Friday, July 31, 2009

tmr is saturday...

meaning i got violin class and blablabla yeah u noe. my exam is like in sept but my songs and scales suck like madddddd. im gonna be super chao dead but im still sittin ghere blogging. like punyan normally is. laidback and very not worried about whut she should be worrying about dx!! well, basically, tmr going wif zhen to cycle~~~ and so its gonna be funnnnn i think... wif clara and zhen and zhen's dadi and zhen's mami and zhen's bro and zhen's bro's friend and zhen's friends. ok nevermind u get my point lah huh? i duno whut im supposed tah feel tmr but ill feel wat i feel. KEKEKE. i bet ill be suuuper embarrassed the whole time cos im always like tat. bashful on the inside. very bashful on the outside JAHAHAHAHAHAHHA u get it? doesnt matter. i spent today drawing roasting dangos, freezing dangos, sadist dangos, echi dangos, one handless boy NOT FULL METAL ALCHEMIST, i think i drew one or two girls with clara style hair... or at least i TRIED TO... yea. something like tat...emath is bleh. amath is bleh. chem is uhhhh. phy is kyahahahahahahahah HUH?. PE is like WHOOOOOOTS cos it reminds me of ballet. other than that? bleh. tennis is ENDORPHIN HIGH but i cant seem to get it right most of the time =.= eng is like... kinda boring kinda funny kinda nice. ohwells. ms chan was scary when she said "its nice to see u smile enyan" and i stupidly replied thankyou. is my brain working? O.O choir is fun when its fun. its bad when its bad. im glad its fun at the moment. quote from DA, dont let the music stop, cant let this feeling end. HAHA. okokok i gotta get back to my geog. like i was ever there in the first place =.= GEOGRAPHY WORLD... WHERE I STUDY... THE WORLDDDDDDD XD

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


bullet proof romance can forget liao. i think i left myself in so much suspense i lost the story =.= so i gib up. well, when was i NOT LIKE THIS o.o... i got lotsa startings... lotsa endings... but no meaT!! SIGHHHHH so, i guess.... ill just write everyhting i want wont i? ^^ mannnn im gettin excited already! HAHA. wrote tons in my notebook. hav them somewhere in my head too ^^ lovelovelove~~ there are sick ones too! like... a son who wants to marry his mom. LOL. or one where the grandmother looks like a teen and came to wreak her grandson's life but in truth is improving it ^^ NONSENSE STUFF LIKE TAT XD

cry out loud
sing it out
make them scream
but dont lose urself
or the game will end
then youll lose control
and i wont be able to hold on to u
you wouldnt want that

would you?